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Lesson 4: Reading and Writing Assignment

Phillipines Presidential Elections

Campaign Messages in the Philippines
Political Candidates Campaign Messages

PAIR WORK. Choose your own partner and do a research on campaign messages used during
the Presidential Elections in the Philippines. You critique only one (1) campaign message by a
political candidate. Tell what is good or bad about the message. Then, consider crafting your
own campaign message for that candidate or for another.


Campaign Message: “Mar, Aming Ekonomista”

Mar Roxas’ presidential candidacy campaign ad was straight to the point yet insubstantial. The
ad focused on his profile as an economist, and that an economist is what the country needs to
rise up from poverty. Initially, the setting and the mood of the ad was very catchy because it
portrays the Filipinos in different walks of life, this makes the campaign ad relatable to the
masses. The downside is the choice of the main character who plays the role of a barber. He
interrupted the people ranting about the country’s problems halfway the ad and started stating
his argument that an economist is the solution, that is Mar Roxas. The way it was proposed to
the public was weak and ineffective as it lacked solid evidences to support the claim of him
being a true economist. And aside from that, the public may just mock the ad and see it as a
“kwentong barbero”.

New Campaign Message: “Kay Mar, Pagbabago ay Sigurado”

In this new campaign for Mar Roxas, I didn’t deviate from the original message the he was
trying to send to the masses, but rather, I just revised its objectiveness. The mere fact that most
Filipinos are blustering about the problems in the country is enough reason why “pagbabago”
should be the solution, and not some same old insubstantial platforms and infeasible promises
that never come true. In such claim, Mar Roxas can testify about his accomplishments as a
leader since he already became Vice-President of the last administration. Presenting evidences
of him actually doing the change is also a good option to let the masses know that he walks his
talk. Choice of medium is also very important in sending the message. Aside from television
ads; newspapers, radio, and even social media should also be considered to reach a wider
audience and attract more voters.

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