Task-2 1

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C - Task 2.

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

List the items you have selected.


Item 1: Computer
Item 2: Coffee
Item 3: Bookshelf
Item 1: Apple 
Item 2: Pillow
Item 3: Curtains 


Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Compare the information you have researched against the purchase details provided in
the Course file document under Task 1.
Do you think you will be able to purchase/hire the required quantity of each item within
the budget and other parameters specified in the purchase list? Explain why/why not.

Item 1: The computers can be purchased in the required quantity and within the
budget. The supplier has agreed to give us computers n our rate since it is
Item 2:
The coffees can be purchased the required quantity of each item within the
Item 3: 
The bookshelf can be purchased the required quantity of each item within the
 Item 1:
Yes, the apples can be purchased in the required quantity within the budget and other
parameters specified in the purchase list. We have selected a supplier who meets our
price expectations. 
Item 2:
 The pillows can be purchased in the required quantity within the budget and
other parameters specified in the purchase list. we have selected a supplier who offered
a reasonable price. 
Item 3:
The curtains also can be purchased in the required quantity within the budget and
other parameters specified in the purchase list. 


Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Based on the information researched so far, prioritise purchasing requirements for your
selected items based on organisational requirements and event deadlines. Explain why
you have prioritised the products in this sequence.

Priority Item Explanation

 1  Computers  The computer is highly required for the

office. Since, few computers are old and
can't work properly, purchasing
computers is first priority.

 2  Coffee Employees need coffee to drink while

working for refreshment. So It is the
second priority.

 3  Bookshelves  We need bookshelves to keep our

documents effectively.


Priority Item Explanation

 1   Apple   We need fresh apples for an upcoming

event. They should be fresh. They should be
free from blemishes and blemishes.
 2  Pillow  The pillows should be white and soft.

 3  curtains   The curtains should be white. We need 50

curtains in total.

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