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Good morning teacher and classmate today we will talk about the evolution of the

In the past, Meucci created the telettrófoni in 1854, which would later be called the

Followed by the landline which dealt with communication of lines between non-portable

Then the phones created by 200 were square, heavy and hard, these were already
portable but they were very basic

Currently, phones have the ability to communicate with the world to investigate and
have their own assistant. They are thinner, weigh nothing and are tactile

In the future I think that phones will be holograms that you will have on a bracelet because
currently there are phones with flexible screens or that fold in half and the screen is still intact.
Another reason why I believe this is because at Christmas dinner my cousin had a phone that
folded and nothing happened. one reason is also because it would be much easier to carry since
you would literally have it in your hand. For these reasons the theft rate will probably drop, it would
be safer to take your phone anywhere. In conclusion, it would be a simple and safe way to have a
phone because having a hologram phone that moves around a BRACELETS would be easy to
camouflage and it would be great to see them.

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