G10 - 1QTR - Week1 - Day5 Pabalinas

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Grade: 10 Subject: SCIENCE

Quarter/Semester: FIRST Week No: 1 Day 5

Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship among the locations of volcanoes,
earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges.
Performance Standard The learners shall be able to demonstrate ways to
ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes,
tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
Learning Competency The learners should be able to describe the
distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake
epicenters, and major mountain belts.
S10ES –Iaj-36.1
Knowledge Familiarize with the content of the week by answering
the weekly assessment
Skills Recall basic concepts and principles related to the
topics discussed for the week
Attitude Exhibit intellectual honesty and responsibility in
answering the weekly assessment
References Grade 10 Science Learner’s Material pp. 3-10
Grade 10 Science Teacher’s Guide pp. 4-9
Other Learning Resources Self – Learning Kit Quarter 1, Week 1-3.b
A. Preparatory Activities Start the day by doing daily usual routines.
B. Motivation Conduct a short review on the previous lessons by
asking the following questions:
1. What is Plate Tectonics?
(Ans. The plates move very slowly but constantly,
and this movement is called tectonics; thus the
theory of moving lithospheric plates is called plate
2. What is lithosphere?
(Ans. The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of
the crust and upper mantle.)
3. What are the two layers of the lithosphere?
(Ans. Crust and Upper Mantle)
4. Define the two kinds of crust.
(Ans. There are two kinds of crust: the thicker but
less dense continental crust and the oceanic crust
which is relatively thinner but denser than
continental crust)
5. What method is being used in order to
determine the location of an earthquake?
(Ans. Triangulation Method)

6. State the processes employed in doing

triangulation method.
(Ans. After knowing the Time difference between
the P and S waves, a circle will be drawn where the
seismic station will serve as the center of the circle.
Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon II
The distance computed will serve as the radius.
After which, to a point where the circles intersect is
the epicenter of an earthquake)
C. Activity Emphasize to the students to observe the basic
standards in taking the test.

The teacher will distribute a copy of the weekly test

papers to the students.
(See attachment A)
The teacher may also state the questions orally or
project on a wider screen using slide presentations.

Remember to observe exact time allotment for

students in taking the test.
D. Analysis The teacher may have the option of asking the
students to exchange papers during checking.
Ask the students the following questions:
1. Which part of the test that you find hard to answer?
(Will depend on the result of the test)
2. What difficulties did you encounter while taking the
(Will depend on the result of the test)
3. Which part of the test you did well?
(Will depend on the result of the test)
E. Abstraction On this part of the lesson, the teacher will facilitate the
learning gaps encountered by the students while
taking the test.

The discussion will depend on the items which has

higher frequency of error.
F. Application The teacher will record the scores of the learners and
have to determine the mastery level of the class and
design strategy for immediate intervention
G. Practical Applications of Emphasize to the learners that the occurrence of
Concepts and Skills in earthquake is the only phenomenon that cannot be
Daily Living predicted in terms of location and timing. However, the
knowledge on understanding the nature of waves in
relation to the location of the earthquake should be
H. Generalization In order to locate the epicenter of an earthquake, you
need to determine the arrival of the P and S waves
(the S-P interval) on the seismograms from at least
three different stations. You have to measure the
interval to the closest second and then use a graph to
convert the S-P interval to the epicentral distance.
Once you have the epicentral distances, you can draw
circles to represent each distance on a map. The
radius of each circle corresponds to the epicentral
distance for each seismic recording station. Once you
have drawn all three circles and located the point
Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon II
where all three intersect, you will have successfully
located (triangulated) the epicenter of the earthquake.
I. Evaluation The lesson plan focuses on the weekly evaluation,
however, the teacher is expected to facilitate the
effectivity and reliability of implementing the test.
J. Additional activities for No assignment will be given for learners before
application or weekends.
No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
No. of learners who
continue to require
Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
caught up the lesson
No. of learners who require
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

What difficulties did I

encounter which principal
and supervisor can help or
What innovation or
localized did I use/discover
which I wish to share?

Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon II
Name of Student: _________________________ Grade & Section: __________ Score: ______

Objectives : To answer the weekly test comprehensively and honestly.

Materials : Weekly Test Paper, Pen

Procedure : Read each item carefully and choose the BEST answer. Write your
answers in your quiz notebook,

1. What term is used to describe a point on Earth’s surface directly above the focus?
a. Fault b. Hypocenter
c. Epicenter d. Seismic graph Ans. C

2. The theory which states that the Earth's solid outer crust, the lithosphere, is separated into
plates that move over the asthenosphere, the molten upper portion of the mantle.
a. Continental Drift Theory b. Plate Tectonic Theory
c. Crustal Theory d. Both a and b. Ans. B

3. You were provided with data showing the arrival of the P and s waves from three seismic
stations. Which of these can you possibly determine?
a. the damage at the focus b. the distance to the earthquake
c. the intensity of the earthquake d. the location of the epicenter Ans. D

4. From the seismogram, the distance to the epicenter can be determined by measuring
a. the arrival of surface waves
b. the difference in the arrival times of the p and s-waves
c. the ration of the amplitude of the largest p and s-waves
d. the speed of the surface waves Ans. B

5. Which of the following types of seismic waves causes rock particles to move in the same
direction as the wave movement?
a. P-wave b. S-wave c. Shear wave d. Tension wave Ans. A

6. What specific method uses distance information from three seismic stations to locate the
earthquake epicenter?
a. Seismography b. Triangulation method
c. Epicentral method d. Tectonics Ans. B

7. In which order will a seismogram record seismic waves?

a. S-waves, P-waves, surface waves b. P-waves, S-waves, surface waves
c. Surface waves, P-waves, S-waves d. P-waves, surface waves, S-waves Ans. B

8. You were asked to locate the epicenter of a recent earthquake. Which correct sequence of
events should you follow?
i. Determine the difference in the arrival time S and P waves recorded from each of
the seismological stations.
ii. Use the triangulation method to locate the center.
iii. Obtain data from three different seismological stations.
iv. Determine the distance of the epicenter from the station.

a. i, iii, ii, iv b. iii, i, iv, ii c. iii, iv, i, ii d. iv, ii, i, iii Ans. B


Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon II

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