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Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of the Legal Theory and Human Rights
Khyliuk S.V. ________________ 
February 3, 2023
Educational Program «Law»

1. General Course Information.


Course convenor Nataliya Haletska, PhD, attorney at law.

Profile of the course convenor

Contact details The course convenor shall be contacted via e-mail.


CMS UCU page

Consultations Upon request according to the schedule of lectures and seminars (before or after, offline only).

2. Course Annotation.

The course provides an introduction to the EU law. Particularly, the course characterizes EU as an institution, sources of the EU law and their
typical features (supremacy, state responsibility, direct effect). The course provides a brief overview of specific areas of the EU law: single market
(movement of goods, capital, people and investment), as well as energy law and competition law. The course touches upon common trade and

agricultural policy, as well as common foreign and security policy. The course builds on other courses, namely “Public International Law” and
provides a ground for further elaboration in the course “European Integration of Ukraine: Legal Aspects”.

3. Course Aim and Objectives.

The aim of the course is to provide an understanding how the EU functions in terms of institutional and legal framework, as well as touch upon
main areas of the EU acquis. After the course students should be able to find, understand and interpret EU law, as well as understand main trends in
the EU law development.

Objectives of the course ‘EU Law: Fundamentals’ are:

o to define prerequisites of European Communities and EU formation and analyse history of European integration, including the history of
Economic and Monetary Union;
o to characterize EU institutions and understand their powers;
o to define EU legal order, determine sources of EU law, understand similarities and differences between them and the special role of CJEU
o to understand the concept of single market and four main freedoms: movement of goods, services, capital and persons;
o to characterize EU common policies: common agricultural policy, common trade policy, competition policy and energy policy;
o to understand the concept of EU citizenship, movement and employment of people in the EU with a special focus on temporary protection
regime applied to Ukrainians.

4. Course Format: offline. 

5. Educational Results
General competencies (GC):
 GC 02. Ability of analysis and synthesis, abstract, critical and logic thinking;
 GC 12. Appreciation of of variety and multiculturalism;
 GC 13. Understanding the need of environment protection.
Special competencies (SC):
 SC 06. Knowledge and understanding of the foundation of public international law, EU law fundamentals;
 SC 07. Knowledge and understanding of international human rights standards;
 SC 15. Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.
Subject-matter competencies:
• The ability to distinguish between the powers of different EU institutions and to distinguish the sources of EU law
• The ability to analyse EU common polices and understand main features of the EU Single Market.
Programme results (PR):
 PR 3. Describe and explain main notions of international law and international legal order;
 PR 4. Explain historical preconditions of the formation of international legal rules and order;
 PR 6. Reasonably formulate one's legal position, be able to oppose, evaluate evidence and present convincing arguments;
 PR 9. Analyze, systematize and evaluate main normative legal provisions;
 PR 11. Identify and point out key legal questions in various situations.

6. Course Parameters

Activities General quantity of hours

lectures 14

seminars 16

homework 60

7. Course Characteristics

Year Semestr Specialization Course Normative/Elective

2022-2023 2 Law 3 normative (N)

8. Prerequisites – knowledge of public international law, basic computer literacy (ability to work with legislative databases).
9. Technical and Software Equipment – PC for individual work.
10. Course Policies -  general policies of UCU and UCU School of Law.
1) Attendance: students are expected to attend all lectures and seminars of the course. Students should notify the course convenor of their
inability to attend a lecture/seminar in advance. If a student is absent from a lecture/seminar, they lose a chance to get points for that
lecture/seminar (unless the absence is due to a serious reason and lasts longer than one month and the permission in writing from the
course director has been received).

2) Literature: all literature included in seminar materials that students will not be able to find will be provided by the course convenor. Such
literature shall be used for educational purposes only and shall not be passed to any third parties. The maximum grade is provided only in
case the student has analyzed all sources of compulsory and at least one source if additional literature.

3) Academic integrity: all student works (including individual essays, group projects and presentations) should be original and free from
plagiarism. When citing someone else’s book, journal article, or legal documents, students should include proper citation and reference.
The absence of proper references and copying of someone else’s work are examples of plagiarism which might serve as a ground for
disqualification of such work.

11. Course Overview.

For convenience the table below presents the calendar schedule of all activities, though tasks and literature for each seminar will be presented below.

Weeks Lectures Seminars

Week 1 Lecture 1
Topic 1. The History of the European Union.
February 10, 2023
Week 2 Seminar 1
Topic 1. The History of the European Union.
February 17, 2023
Week 3 Lecture 2
Topic 2. EU Institutions.
February 24, 2023
Week 4 Seminar 2
Topic 2. EU Institutions.
March 3, 2023
Week 5 Lecture 3
Topic 3. EU Law: Nature, Types, Effect.
March 10, 2023
Week 6 Seminar 3
Topic 3. EU Law: Nature, Types, Effect.
March 17, 2023
Week 7 Lecture 4
Topic 4. The Single Market. Common Trade Policy.
March 24, 2023
Week 8 Seminar 4
Topic 4. The Single Market. Common Trade Policy.
March 31, 2023
Week 9 Lecture 5
Topic 5. The Single Market. Common Agricultural Policy, Free
Movement of Goods.
April 7, 2023
Week 10 Seminar 5
Topic 5. The Single Market. Common Agricultural Policy, Free
Movement of Goods.
April 21, 2023
Week 11 Lecture 6
Topic 6. The Single Market. Free Movement of Services, Capital,
April 28, 2023
Week 12 Seminar 6
Topic 6. The Single Market. Free Movement of Services, Capital,
May 5, 2023
Week 13 Topic 7. EU Competition Policy. EU Energy Policy. .
May 12, 2023

Week 14 Seminar 6
Topic 7. EU Competition Policy. EU Energy Policy.
May 19, 2023
Week 15 Discussion of the whole course and reflection.
May 26, 2023

Tasks for Seminars

Please note that additional tasks ma be provided by the course convenor in the CMS system. Before each seminar the student has to present the
professional glossary with the list of 15 terms under the following example. The Ukrainian translation has to be official (from the sources on the
European Communities – Європейські Співтовариства – three international organizations governed by the same set of institutions created by
European countries between 1952 and 1958.

Seminar 1. Topic 1. The History of the European Union. February 17, 2023
1. Historical preconditions of the European integration.
2. The role of Rober Schuman and the Catholic Church.
3. History of the formation and development of the European Communities.
4. History and the formation of the European Union.
5. The European Economic and Monetary Union.
6. EU Foreign and Security Policy.
7. EU: main trends shaping its development.
8. Право Європейського Союзу : підручник / [Р. А. Петров (кер. авт. кол.), А. О. Вакуленко, Ван Елсувеге П. та ін.] ; за ред. Р. А. Петрова. –
Вид. 10-те, змінене і допов. – Харків : Право, 2021. – 484 с.
Control questions: pp.20-21, 30, 283-284.

Seminar 2. Topic 2. EU Institutions. March 3, 2023

1. European Parliament.
2. European Council and Council of the European Union.
3. European Commission.
4. Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).
5. European Central Bank (ECB).
6. European Court of Auditors (ECA).
7. European External Action Service (EEAS).
8. To prepare a presentation of one EU institution.

Seminar 3. Topic 3. EU Law: Nature, Types, Effect. March 17, 2023

1. Sources of the EU law.
2. EU acquis communitaire.
3. Supremacy.
4. Direct effect.
5. State responsibility.
6. Judicial review.
7. Implementation of the EU law in EU member-states.
8. International human rights standards and the EU law.

Seminar 4. Topic 4. The Single Market. Common Trade Policy. March 31, 2023.
1. EU common trade policy.
2. The single market concept.
3. EU as a customs union.
4. EU customs procedures (customs value, rules of origin etc.).

Seminar 5. Topic 5. The Single Market. Common Agricultural Policy, Free Movement of Goods. April 21, 2023
1. EU tariff measures.
2. EU non-tariff measures.
3. Principle of national treatment.
4. Exceptions.
5. Common Agricultural Policy.

Seminar 6. Topic 6. The Single Market. Free Movement of Services, Capital, Persons. May 5, 2023
1. Free movement of persons.
2. EU citizenship.
3. Temporary protection regulation.
4. Free movement of services.
5. Free movement of capital.

Seminar 7. Topic 7. EU Competition Policy. EU Energy Policy. May 19, 2023

1. EU competition law and policy.
2. EU energy law and policy.

12. Assessment Requirements

Assessment system For this course each student can get maximum 100 points, which are distributed as follows:
 50 points: participation in seminars, 10 points for each seminar
 10 points: preparation of tests.
 40 points: credit.

Participation in seminars and Seminars: a student can get from 0 to 10 points per seminar:
- 0 points – a student is absent; or a student is present but does not take part in the discussion.
- 1 to 10 points – depends on a student’s level of understanding of the issues raised, the examination
of the required reading materials, the quality and quantity of answers, the soundness of arguments,
the ability to critically analyse information, the ability to engage in constructive discussion, the
engagement in discussion throughout the whole seminar, the overall quality of student’s
contribution to the discussion, etc.

Preparation of tests Assessment requirements: prepare 40 test tasks based on the topics this discipline and an answer key with
explanations of the correct answers to these tests. In the last session, students will exchange test tasks and
complete them. The deadline for completing the task: December 10, 2023.
0-10 points: all 40 tests are available with an answer key, where each answer is justified with references to
the original source. Links to the presentation are not allowed.
Maximum points for tests: 10 points.

Credit Oral credit based on the list of questions. To be specified.

Total points of the course In order to pass this course a student should get minimum 60 points in total.
Total points value:
90–100 points – A
85–89 points – B
75–84 points – C
65–74 points – D
60–64 points – E

13. Compulsory Literature
1. Court of Justice of the European Union.
2. Database of the EU law:
3. Право Європейського Союзу : підручник / [Р. А. Петров (кер. авт. кол.), А. О. Вакуленко, Ван Елсувеге П. та ін.] ; за ред. Р. А. Петрова. –
Вид. 10-те, змінене і допов. – Харків : Право, 2021. – 484 с.
4. The ABC of EU law can be found on the internet at
5. Європейське право: право Європейського Союзу : підруч.: у 3 кн. Кн. 1: Інституційне право Європейського Союзу / В. І. Муравйов, О.
М. Шпакович, О. М. Лисенко, О. В. Святун. – К. : Ін Юре, 2015. – 312 с.
6. Угода про асоціацію між Україною, з однієї сторони, та Європейським Союзом, Європейським співтовариством з атомної енергії і
їхніми державами-членами, з іншої сторони. Електронний ресурс:
7. EU-UA, Характеристика права ЄС. Електронний ресурс:
8. Рекомендації для українських органів державного управління щодо наближення до права ЄС. Електронний ресурс:

Additional literature/information/sources are provided in the CMS system.

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