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Lecture Overview

1. Story of Waves

2. Sound Wave : Production & Propagation

3. Wave Characteristics (based on Sound)

4. Reflection of Sound Wave : Echo, Reverb

5. Ultrasound & its Applications

6. Human Ear
What is Wave Motion?

Translational Motion Rotational Motion Vibrational Motion

Example of Vibrational Motion
Concept of Wave Motion

Particle Motion Wave Motion

Types of Waves
Based on direction of vibrating particle

Transverse Longitudinal
Types of Waves
Based on medium of propagation
Sound Waves : Production
Sound Waves : Propagation
Sound requires Medium to travel
General Characteristics of Waves (1)
General Characteristics of Waves (2)
Speed of Sound Wave : Formula and Variation
Characteristics of Sound Waves




Laws of Reflection of Sound Wave
Laws :- 1. The incident ray of sound, the normal at the point of incidence and the
reflected ray of sound all lie in the same plane.
2. Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
When we shout near a mountain, we will hear the same sound again and again with
small time interval gaps. This is called an echo. Echoes may be heard more than once due
to successive or multiple reflection
Reverberation and how to reduce it
Definition :-
The persistence of sound in an auditorium is the result of repeated reflections
of sound and is called reverberation.
Ways to reduce Reverb :-
Reverberation can be reduced by
absorbing the sound using some
materials as it reaches the wall
and ceiling of the room and thus
prevent the sound from getting
Some materials which are used to
reduce reverberation are fibre
board, heavy curtains, plastics etc.
Reflection of Sound based Instrument
Audible Range
Ultrasound & its Applications (1)
Definition :- Frequencies higher than 20 kHz are called ultrasonic sound or ultrasound. Ultrasound is
produced by dolphins, bats and porpoises.
It has high penetrating power, it can even penetrate metal blocks, large concrete walls.

Applications :- 1. They are used to capture the images of the heart and its features and problems
associated with the heart, if any (for treatment purpose). This is called echocardiography.
2. Ultrasonography are very commonly used to get images of internal body organs such as
liver, kidney, uterus, observe the growth of the fetus inside the uterus. It can also used to
monitor the abnormalities.
3. It is used to break kidney stones into fine grains which later get flushed out through
4. Ultrasound is used to clean machine parts located in places which are not easily
accessible - electronic components, internal parts, spiral parts etc.
5. It is used to detect defects, flaws, cracks in machine parts, bridges, building etc.
6. SONAR is a device that uses ultrasonic waves to measure distances which are practically
impossible to measure - depth of ocean, distance and direction of underwater objects.
Ultrasound & its Applications (2)
Numerical on SONAR
A SONAR device on a submarine sends out a signal and receives an echo 5 s later. Calculate
the speed of sound in water if the distance of the object from the submarine is 3625 m.
Human Eye : Structure and Parts

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