Grade 2 Comparative Adjectives C

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Comparative adjectives: “er” and “more”

Grade 2 Adjectives Worksheet

Add more before long
Choose the right words to complete adjectives;
each sentence.
Add “er” after short
1. Selena was the ______________ adjectives.
girl in the room. (happier / happiest)

2. Riley is ________________ than Max in class. (more focused / most


3. The mouse is ______________ than the cat

and got away. (faster / fastest)

4. Cutting wood is the _________________ activity I have ever done.

(more demanding / most demanding)

5. The CN tower is the __________________ one in Canada. (taller /


6. My bed is _______________ than my parent’s bed. (more

comfortable / most comfortable)

7. The sun is _______________ than the moon. (brighter / brightest)

8. The _____________________ sports are called extreme sports.

(more dangerous / most dangerous)

9. This is the ______________ test I have completed. (harder / hardest)

10. Water from the fridge is ______________ than from the tap. (colder /

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Comparative adjectives: “er” and “more”
Grade 2 Adjectives Worksheet


1. Selena was the __happiest__ girl in the room. (happier / happiest)

2. Riley is __ more focused__ than Max in class. (more focused / most


3. The mouse is _ faster_ than the cat and got away. (faster / fastest)

4. Cutting wood is the __ most demanding_ activity I have ever done.

(more demanding / most demanding)

5. The CN tower is the ___ tallest_____ one in Canada. (taller / tallest)

6. My bed is __ more comfortable___ than my parent’s bed. (more

comfortable / most comfortable)

7. The sun is __ brighter____ than the moon. (brighter / brightest)

8. The ____ most dangerous_____ sports are called extreme sports.

(more dangerous / most dangerous)

9. This is the _ hardest____ test I have completed. (harder / hardest)

10. Water from the fridge is __colder_ than from the tap. (colder /

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

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