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Economy and Business in Nature

1. Exercise Sheet
Biophysical Foundation

1 Energy Forms and Measurements

1. Define and give an example for the following energy forms: kinetic energy and potential
energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, radiant energy, chemical energy, nuclear binding
energy, rest mass energy.

2. Give a definition and a measurement unit for energy, power and force.

3. As we study different energy systems throughout this course, it helps to have an intuition
for energy quantities at different scales.
Find average numbers in joules for the following energy uses: average daily human food
intake, average daily human energy use, annual energy use in Germany, annual global
energy use.

4. Convert the amounts into the following energy units: kgce and kW h.

2 1st Law of Thermodynamics

1. Give a definition for the 1st law of thermodynamics.

2. Explain what hydrogen gas is and how it is produced and what a power tower system
using concentrating solar power (CSP) is.

3. Apply the 1st law of thermodynamics on the two processes depicted below by listing all
the different energy forms and potential energy “losses”.

Figure 1: Process a). Based on Spiegel (2020).

Figure 2: Process b). Source: Department of Energy (2022).

3 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

1. Give a definition for the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

2. Similar to energy, matter obeys the laws of thermodynamics. Explain what the theoretical
basis for this conclusion is?

3. Consider the four-stroke internal combustion engine (ICE) as it is schematically depicted

below in figure 3. Explain where and how the 2nd law of thermodynamics is applied.

Figure 3: Four-Stroke internal combustion engine.

List of References
Department of Energy (2022): “Power Tower System Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power
Basics”, URL: Link, Accessed: 08.08.2022.
Spiegel, C. (2020): “The Use of Hydrogen as an Energy Storage System”, URL: Link, Accessed:

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