Perdomo Karla Week02 VideoconferenceUnit2

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Videoconference Unit 1

WEEK: 02

Student name:
Karla Dinora Perdomo Muñoz

Account number:

Studio headquarters:
CEUTEC Sede Central S.P.S.
Ms. Stephany Muñoz


Hello, my name is Karla Perdomo, and this is my presentation of the week.


 How many of you ate in a restaurant this week?

#1- This week I went out to eat with my co-workers, we went to eat
pizza at a new restaurant, and I loved it a lot.

 How many of you sat down to a family meal this week?

#2- This week I could not go out to eat with my family, however next
weekend we will go to the beach.

 How many of you went supermarket shopping for food?

#3-This week I must do the grocery shopping, just yesterday.

 What´s your favorite restaurant? Why?

#4-My favorite restaurant is Denny's because I love waffles and their


 What do you like most about your favorite restaurant?

#5-I like their good attention in customer service and especially the
 What do you usually order?

#6-I usually order waffles and breakfasts.

 How much does this meal cost?

#7-Waffles and breakfasts cost approximately 5 dollars.

 Who does the food shopping in your family?

#8-At my house my mom makes them, but we all help sometimes.

 Do you prefer to buy food from supermarkets or from small


#9-I prefer to buy in supermarkets.

 Where do you buy your meat?

#10-I always buy it in supermarkets because it has better hygiene and


 Where do you buy fruit and vegetables?

#11-I also buy these in the market.

 When do you go food shopping?

#12-Usually on weekends.

 Do you think food is expensive in your country?

#13-In recent years the price has increased.

 Do you do your own cooking?

#14-From Monday to Friday if I cook my own food.

 How often do you eat out?

#15-Only weekends.

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