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Five years ago, Tom and his friends wanted to go to Mount Everest to climb it and

have an amazing adventure. Their target was to climb it all, but it is a hard and
difficult adventure. But anyway, they decided to travel to China to climb the
As they arrived, they attended to their bags and started to climb the mountain. As
they were climbing, they saw a storm coming, but they didn’t do anything until it
was close to them. They started to panic until one of them told them there was a
cave there, so they hide in it till the storm is over.
When the storm was over, they had to leave the mountain because it was
extremely dangerous, and they returned home. Tom was really depressed and
sad since it was his dream to climb the mountain, and he thought it was his only
Five years later, Tom and his friends decided to return to the mountain and
attempt to climb it again, but this time they were prepared. They returned to
China to climb the mountain. But this time they succeeded, and Tom was
overjoyed to have achieved his dream of climbing Mount Everest.
Tom only achieved his dream because he got over the disappointment, followed
his dreams, and made this trip stick in his mind, which changed his whole life.

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