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On a boring day, Jake was going to the supermarket with his family to

buy some groceries. As he turned a corner, he saw his old friend, John.
They hadn't seen each other in a long time because John had moved to
another city.
When they saw each other, they ran to each other and made their
special handshake.They were very happy because they hadn't met for a
long time.
They shared a lot of memories as teens about all the funny things they
did together, like sneaking into the school library and eating all the
candy they could get their hands on and going to the principal's office
because of the problems they made.
Both of them changed and grew up; Jake was taller and started getting
better grades, and John was more mature and responsible, but they still
had the same special friendship.
They went to a restaurant to eat with and to sit with each other
because they missed sitting with each other. John told Jake about his
new city, how he is focused on studying well to get good grades, and
about his friends.
As they chatted together for a few minutes, they realised that they had
both changed a lot since then and that their lives had taken different
paths. After saying their goodbyes, they promised that they would
meet again soon.

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