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It has been said, “Not everything is contained in

books.” Contrast the knowledge gained from

experience with knowledge gained from books. Be
sure to support your answer.
I live in two worlds and one of this is a world of books. I had writing
poems with Jo, participated in battles and wars against Napoleon,
experienced sad days with Anna, fly on a carpet plane with
Margarita, walked through the forests and mountains with fairies
and travelled all around the world meeting people with fascinating
life stories. It is a rewarding world, but it still very important to me.

Books – it is not only about studying tiresome subjects at school or

wasting your time, when you can do more compelling besides
exciting things. Books – is an endless store of knowledge filled with
emotions, sophisticated existence and unique experience. You can
be everyone you want to be, everywhere and everywhen you want
to live. I can approve that it is the only one at the moment time
machine and I am not just saying this.

By way of illustration, we can use undemanding and everybody

familiar History book. Doesn’t bring us much labor just to open the
desired section and plug into a distant ancient century. We are able
to meet historical prominent people, learn more about local
customs along with the most powerful development that totally
change all subsequent life fates even for our generation.

Formerly, books were precious and not every human was able to
use them currently. People believed in the verity of the words of
the great authors and always stived following their beliefs.
Subsequently, thought years people brought every story they read
to life and connected directly to real humanity and actions. As we
all know, that even in childhood fairytales is always a deep morality
of life.

If talk about me, I’m contented that book world was able to
introduce me one of the greatest female writers of all times, who
after some became my beloved poetess. Jane Austen – was English
writer, who presented to the world six delightful masterpiece
about strong women, who totally became my role models for
everything. Thanks to her novels, I can go trough numerous lives
and completely submerge in atmosphere of 18s century, about
which I didn’t know that much before.

My second world is populated with characters slightly less

eccentric but supremely real, made full of flesh and bones. I cannot
say that I go through so many lives in veritable world, but firstly,
there I lived the most important existence – My life.

The most significant difference – that every moment is happening

in present, exactly right now. No, it wasn’t writing a couple
decades ago on the paper and we cannot really predict the plot of
our fate. Sometimes we must accept risk or grievous decisions and
we will never know was it right before we go through this. Real life
requires consequential and expeditious resolution in life situations,
nevertheless you cannot read it somewhere, you only must be on
your own. Probably, we will never guess how and when our
completion will come and will it be happy or tragedy ending?

I presume, that there is only one thing that every human should
understand for providential or full-fledged essence – you are the
author of your life! You, only you are able to write your features
and actions, characters around you, long awaited plot twists along
with the success of your efforts. Only after that you can feel totally
comfortable and dependent life for yourself.
As I see it, whatever is occurring to your life “Everything goes to
the best”! Each refusal, contention, closed door, etc. – all-in-all
makes you stronger and never vise versa! Every experience in your
life, even if it is painful, have its place and meaning! Be grateful and
never give in for the things you love!

To sum up the main point from the whole essay, I would say that
every experience is important in various ways. Books help us found
knowledge that can be beneficial and feel emotions, events, which
we cannot feel in reality. In contrast, real life requires persistence,
cleverness along with riskiness in disturbing situations. Authors put
their life experience in book and then people take away this know-
how in their lives. This is what turns to to be a long-lasting cycle,
where one spread their teachings and others accept them.

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