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Equation of continuity states about

a)Conservation of charge and its flow
b) Flow of electrostatic lines or force
c) Conservation of magnetic field
d) Electromagnetic power flow
2. The Gauss‘s divergence theorem associates
a) line integral to volume integral
b) Surface integral to volume integral
c) volume integral to line integral
d) line integral to surface integral
Electric field intensity is related to force F and
charge q as __________.

a. E=F/Q

b. E=Q/F

c. E=FQ

d. E=F.Q
In equation B = 𝛁𝑿𝑨 , vector
magnetic potential is
(a) B (b) A (c) Both (d) None
When there is change in magnetic flux, emf is
induced. This declaration is

a. Fermi’s law

b. Faraday's law

c. coulomb ‘s law

d. ampere ‘s law
Determine if ∇ . ∅=0
a. irrational field
b. solenoidal field
c. none of these
d. both of these
Determine if

F=x2 i+ 2
y j+ 2
z k is
a. irrotational field
b. solenoidal field
c. none of these
d. both of these
find div of curl of the vector field

a. 2x+ y+ z
b. x + y+2z
c. 0
d. 2x
Which of the following equations is correct?

A) c= ƒ / K

B) c = ƒ/n

C) T = 1/m

D) ƒ = c/λ
Basically as said by right hand thumb rule, thumb

a. Flow of current

b. Non-uniform magnetic field

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. Magnetic field lines

According to Maxwell's 2nd equation in
differential form
a. ∇.𝐷=𝜌
b. ∇.B =0
c. ∫E.𝑑S=dϕ /dt
d. ∇XH=Jc+Jd
Total flux passing through a closed surface held in a
magnetic field is

a. Infinity

b. Zero

c. Unity

d. None of these
According to Maxwell's first equation
in differential form
a. ∇.𝐷=𝜌
b. ∫𝐷𝑑𝑠=∫(∇.D)dv
c. ∫𝐻𝑑𝑙=∫(∇XH)ds
d. ∇XH=Jc+Jd
Maxwell’s 1st equation is also known as

a. Gauss Law for electricity

b. Gauss Law for magnetism

c. Faraday’s law for induction

d. Ampere’s law
Faraday law in differential form gives

a. ∇.𝐵=0

b. ∫𝐵𝑑𝑠=0

c. ∫𝐻𝑑𝑙=∫(∇XH)ds

d. ∇XE=−∂B/∂t
Gauss law in magnetism in differential form gives

a. ∇.𝐵=0

b. ∫𝐵𝑑𝑠=0

c. ∫𝐻𝑑𝑙=∫(∇XH)ds

d. ∇XE=−∂B/∂t
Gauss law in magnetism in integral form gives

a. ∇.𝐵=0

b. ∫𝐵𝑑𝑠=0

c. ∫𝐻𝑑𝑙=∫(∇XH)ds

d. ∇XE=−∂B/∂t

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