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Chapter 7- Fire and Smoke related properties

Review Questions

Nancy Lopez-Garcia

Professor Bulnes

Materials and Methods ARC-2461

6 February 2023

1. List the factors that affect fire safety in buildings.

Architectural design, fire protection systems, and public education

2. Discuss the differences between a fire code and a building code.

The fire code is seen as a post-occupancy code while the building code is seen as a
pre-occupancy code.

3. Explain why we need a test standard to determine whether a building material

is combustible or noncombustible when we generally know which material is
combustible and which is non-combustible.

It needs to be tested for chemical characteristics because certain chemicals can

make a fire outburst.

4. Using a sketch and notes, explain how the fire-resistance rating of an

assembly is determined using ASTM standard E119.
Noncombustibility is determined through ASTM
E136 Test. In this test, a predried specimen of the material measuring is placed in a 3-
in.-diameter cylindrical furnace. The furnace has a transparent lid to allow the inspection
of the specimen during the test. The specimen is reported as noncombustible if it
satisfies the conditions laid down in the test.

5. List the building assemblies that determine the type of construction

classification of a building.

Structural frames, bearing walls exterior and interior, floor assembly, and roof assembly.

6. List the three groups in which the types of construction of buildings are
divided based on whether the materials used in assemblies are combustible or

Types 1 and 2 are the noncombustible groups, types 3 and 4 are noncombustible and
combustible groups, and lastly type 5 is the combustible group.

7. What is the difference between Type III(A) and Type IV construction? Explain.

Type 3 is any material is allowed in all interior assemblies while type 4 is only heavy
timbers in columns, beams, floor, and roof assemblies.

8. Using Figure 7.11, determine the type of construction of a building with the
following data:

 Structural frame; structural steel; 2-h rated

 Floors; steel joists, steel deck, and concrete topping; 1-h rated
 Roof; steel deck; 2-h rated
 Exterior bearing walls; none provided
 Interior bearing walls; none provided

This is a noncombustible construction.

9. What is the type of construction of the building of Problem 8 if the floor’s fire
rating is 2 h, while all else remains unchanged?

It’s still in the noncombustible group.

10. Describe the differences between Class A, Class B, and Class C interior
finishes based on FSI and SDI.

Class A is the least hazardous, class B is material is required in exit access spaces, and
class C is may be used in areas such as individual rooms.

11. Using a sketch and notes, explain what a fire wall is.

It is defined as a fire-rated wall that divides

a building into two structurally separate buildings so that if the building on one side
of the wall burns down and collapses, the building on the other side of the fire wall
(and the wall itself) remains intact.
12. Using a sketch, explain the concept of fire separation distance and its effect
on the required fire-resistance rating of an exterior wall.

A fire barrier extends uninterrupted to the floor or

the roof above (through the ceiling, if any) to provide a continuous separation from one
compartment to the other.
13. Explain the differences between the automatic sprinkler systems: NFPA 13,
NFPA 13R, and NFPA 13D.

NFPA 13 is the most stringent specification, NFPA 13R is a system that can be used
only in group R occupancies up to 4 stories, not exceeding in 60ft in height. NPFA 13D
can be used only in one and two-family dwellings and townhouses.

14. Explain the term “fire area”.

The fire area is defined as the area bounded by fire-rated horizontal assemblies, fire
walls, fire barriers, or exterior walls.

15. Name two materials that are commonly used to provide or increase the fire-
resistance rating of assemblies.

Two materials that are commonly used to provide fire resistance is windows and doors.

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