Case Study2

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Case Study:

Ali is a finance manager for a large corporation in Saudi Arabia. His role requires him to review and
approve financial transactions, including investments, loans, and capital expenditures He is also
responsible for the following

 Upholding the highest standards of integrity: Finance managers must maintain the highest
standards of integrity and honesty in their dealings with the organization's finances.
 Maintaining confidentiality: Finance managers must maintain the confidentiality of
financial information and ensure that only authorized individuals have access to this
 Ensuring objectivity: Finance managers must ensure that their financial analysis and
reporting are unbiased and objective. They must not allow personal or professional biases
to influence their financial decisions or reporting.
 Adhering to professional competence: Finance managers must possess the required
professional knowledge, skills, and expertise to carry out their financial responsibilities
 Reporting illegal or unethical conduct: Finance managers have a professional obligation
to report any suspected illegal or unethical conduct related to the organization's finances
to the appropriate authorities
One day, Ali is approached by a vendor who offers him a kickback in exchange for approving a large
purchase order.
As per the KSA Professional Code of Ethics, Ali is obligated to act in the best interest of his employer
and adhere to ethical principles in carrying out his duties. The Code of Ethics mandates that finance
professionals maintain integrity and objectivity in their work, avoid conflicts of interest, and refrain from
engaging in any activity that may harm their employer's reputation.

In this scenario, Ali is faced with a conflict of interest. He is being offered a kickback that could influence
his decision-making and potentially harm his employer's interests. By accepting the bribe, Ali would be
violating the Code of Ethics, compromising his professional integrity, and potentially exposing his
employer to financial and reputational risks.

To comply with the KSA Professional Code of Ethics, Ali should refuse the vendor's offer and report the
attempted bribery to his superiors. He should also document the incident and any evidence of wrongdoing
to ensure that his employer can take appropriate action. Additionally, Ali should seek guidance from his
company's compliance officer or legal department to understand his obligations and the potential
consequences of the vendor's actions.

Finance professionals in Saudi Arabia must adhere to the KSA Professional Code of Ethics, which
requires them to maintain high ethical standards in their work. In this case study, Ali is faced with a
difficult decision, but by following the Code of Ethics, he can protect his employer's interests and uphold
his professional integrity. By doing so, Ali can contribute to a culture of ethical behavior and promote
trust in the finance profession in Saudi Arabia.

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