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Souq Al Murgab,
Salwa Road, PO Box no

Ground Floor & Second Floor, Financial Square, C-Ring Road

Method Statement for

Lighting Containment and

Souq Al Murgab,
Salwa Road, PO Box no

Method Statement

(To be submitted at least 5 working days prior Commencement of Work)

Project Name: Qatar Central Securities Depository Project Number:

Company: Office System Office System Contact: +974 59986531

Activity: Lighting containment & Wiring Contact No:

Date of Issue: 14th Nov 2022 Revision Number: 0


 Containment and wiring of Normal and Emergency lights as per the approved Lighting drawing.


 The Initial inspection to confirm the safety and serviceability of the installation and to satisfy the
relevant features according to the approved drawing.

Quality control:

 Quality control on works has to be controlled on-site by Site/Project Engineers who monitor and
inspects each work according to the minimum requirement. The project engineer has to follow up
with the team members to maintain the quality assurance that has to be strictly observed at the site.

Pre-Installation Works:

 All materials received at the site will be inspected to make sure that the specified materials are as per
 It is mandatory to ensure that there are isolation permits or work permits placed from facility
management prior to carrying out any sort of Fire alarm or related work on site.

 All materials should be checked off against the packing list for accuracy and if a damage or shortage
of materials are noted, a replacement of the materials has to be made.

Souq Al Murgab,
Salwa Road, PO Box no

Tools and Equipment:

 Fish Tape
 Measuring Tape
 Channel Lock Pliers
 Wire Strippers
 Tester
 Side cutter Diagonal Pliers
 Linesman Pliers
 Torpedo Level
 Razor Blade Knife
 Star Screwdriver
 Straight-Blade Screwdriver
 Wire Crimpers

 Rotary Hammer Drill
 Screw Driver-Battery operated
 Grinder Machine (Only if Required)
 Multi-Directional Lasers

Access Equipment:
 Scaffolding
 Tower Scaffolding (Only If necessary)
 Ladder
 Cones and warning tape
 Platforms and Podiums (Only If necessary)

Souq Al Murgab,
Salwa Road, PO Box no

Installation Procedures:

Normal lighting – Containment:

 Ensure that there is an approved Lighting layout in hand indicating the locations of Light fittings.
 Mark out the route for the containment and the light points on the slab as per the approved drawing.

 GI conduits to be used for the lighting containments.

 Cut the GI conduit to fit the length from the one light point to the next point.
 If there are bends in the route, measure each section individually and bend.
 Fix GI conduits using proper fittings such as adaptors, glands to junction boxes and back boxes.
 During installation the run of conduits should be as straight as possible.
 All runs must be installed as a complete system before being pulled into them.
 If the checks are ok, proceed to drill holes in the existing slab to clip down
The saddle on the GI conduit. Saddles to be placed in the interval of 1m in length.
 Threaded couplings and connectors used with any type of conduit must be made with tight connections.

Normal lighting – Wiring:

 2.5 mm2 Cu PVC insulated single core wires to be used for wiring the lighting circuits.
 Group the wires together and tape the ends with black tape. Then slide a cable puller up through the first
section of the GI conduit. Tape the wires to the end of the cable puller, then pull the wires through the
section of the GI conduit.
 Plan the route for the cable run from one light point to the next point.
 Where a ladder is used to reach the area to be worked. One ladder will be footed by 2nd operative. Three
points of contact to be maintained.
 Run the cables along with the route to the length that is required for the new light points and cut the
cable from the reel.
 The supply, neutral and earth wires for all the circuits will enter the base-built power trunking to reach
the electrical DB inside the electrical room.
 The above is achieved by terminating the GI conduits on the base-built power trunking thus the circuit
wires are pulled till the electrical room.
 Test the wiring for its continuity and Short circuit.
 Once the checking is passed the wires are tide orderly and taken into the normal power DB (TAB-13)
neatly tide using cable ties.
 Trim the extra wires measuring the length of wires required to terminate at the designated breaker
position as per the approved DB schedule.
 Install the correct size circuit breaker according to DB schedule.
 Terminate the wire at the circuit breaker's output terminal.
 Make sure the wire is tide neatly and trim off any unwanted cable tie tails.
 After wire termination tightens the DB cover.
 Request Facility management to reinstate the power to DB.
 Turn on the newly installed circuit to test the functionality of light fittings and switches.

Souq Al Murgab,
Salwa Road, PO Box no
Emergency lighting – Containment:

 Ensure that there is an approved Lighting layout in hand indicating the locations of Emergency Light
 Mark out the route for the containment and the light points on the slab as per the approved drawing.
 GI conduits to be used for the Emergency lighting containments.
 Cut the GI conduit to fit the length from the one light point to the next point.
 If there are bends in the route, measure each section individually and bend.
 Fix GI conduits using proper fittings such as adaptors, and glands to junction boxes
and back boxes.
 During installation the run of conduits should be as straight as possible.
 All runs must be installed as a complete system before being pulled into them.
 If the checks are ok, proceed to drill holes in the existing slab to clip down the saddle on the GI conduit.
Saddles to be placed in the interval of 1 m length.
 Threaded couplings and connectors used with any type of conduit must be made with tight connections.

Emergency lighting – Containment:

 2.5 mm2 two-core FP200 cables are used for wiring the emergency lighting circuits
 Slide a cable puller up through the first section of GI conduit. Tape the cable to the end of the cable puller,
then pull the cable through the section of GI conduit.
 Plan the route for the cable run from one light point to the next point.
 Where a ladder is used to reach the area to be worked. One ladder will be footed by 2nd operative. Three
points of contact to be maintained.
 Run the cables along with the route to the length that is required for the new light points and cut the
cable from the reel.
 All the emergency circuit cables will enter the base-built power trunking to reach the Emergency DB (TES-
13) inside the electrical room.
 The above is achieved by terminating the GI conduits on the base-built power trunking.
 Thus the circuit cables are pulled till the electrical room.
 Test the cable for its continuity and Short circuit.
 Once the checking is passed the wires are tide orderly and taken into the emergency power DB (TES-13)
neatly tide using cable ties.
 Trim the extra wires measuring the length of wires required to terminate at the designated breaker
position as per the approved DB schedule.
 Install the correct size circuit breaker according to DB schedule.
 Terminate the wire at the circuit breaker's output terminal.
 Make sure the wire is tide neatly and trim off any unwanted cable tie tails.
 After wire termination tightens the DB cover.
 Request Facility management to reinstate the power to the emergency DB.
 Turn on the newly installed circuit to test the functionality of light fittings.

Souq Al Murgab,
Salwa Road, PO Box no


 A notification prior to completion of works shall be submitted to commence a thorough check on the
quality of work achieved.
 All inspection stages shall be followed respectively to the inspection test plan.


 Proper PPE must be worn at all times to ensure the personal protection and to maintain a high standard of
works at all time.
 Mandatory site PPE: Hard Hat, Safety footwear, Hives Clothing/Gloves, Light eye protection.
 Working at height requires special authorization from the safety officer.

Employer's responsibility:
 To provide a safe and healthy workplace.
 To train employees on potential hazards and to ensure employees have the required certification.

 To correct unsafe actions and conditions.

 To ensure protective equipment is available and being used.
 To report and investigate all accidents and incidents.

Employee’s responsibility:

 To know and comply with all regulations.

 To protect yourself, your co-workers, and members of the public who may be affected by your actions.

 To report unsafe actions and unsafe conditions to your employer.

 To use protective equipment, as required by the employer.
 To report any accident, incident, or illness immediately to your employer.

Workplace Access and Egress:

 All employees entering the construction area will do so by making use of the access provided by facility
management. Only authorized employees will be allowed to gain access onto the construction site.

 All employees will attend the safety induction prior to entering the area of operation. Access permits will
only be issued to employees on complete the induction.

 Every personnel entering the site will be signed off in the log sheet while entering and leaving out from
the site.
 In an incident of any warning measure everyone must leave the site according the site evacuation plan
displayed on the site. It is mandatory that everyone must exit off the stairs.

 Entry to Doha Tower would be strictly based on the "Work permit system “issuance procedure".

Souq Al Murgab,
Salwa Road, PO Box no

Workplace Lighting:
 Proper lighting shall be provided when working at night. Sufficient tower lights shall be operated should it
be necessary.

Waste Management:
 Daily waste management will be done as per the project health and safety plan.

Supervision and Resources Personnel:

 The supervision of the project will be continuously monitored by the Project Engineer, Lead supervisor
and Charge hand round the clock to assess the progress and to update with the main contractor and client
on the work update, and site issues etc.
 The number of people involved on the project depends upon the scope of work involved but there should
be approximate of 5 people on site.

Third-Party Protection:

 All power supply distributed across the phasing plans will be completely isolated from the working area
and the construction phase without obstructing in any power breach during the construction period.

 The isolation of power supplies will be indicated on the drawing for further understanding and actions.

 Mode of communication will be through mobile phones on site.

Temporary Power Supply:

 Temporary power supply shall be provided from the existing wall sockets as agreed and signed off on the
drawing. From there the extension leads has to be pulled over to the designated area of work.
 All connected sockets should be equipped with earth leakage circuit breaker for better protection and

Fire, Emergency & Accident Reporting Procedures:

 The fire and Emergency evacuation plan shall be followed strictly accordingly to the building evacuation
 In the event that the fire alarm sounds, all individuals are to evacuate the building and move to the
designated evacuation areas in the parking areas and the security personnel on site will guide you
 In case of an emergency or fire penetration, all individuals are requested to take the nearest exit routes as
detailed in the evacuation plan and is requested not to gather near to the exits or stairways.
 In case of any confusion regarding the evacuation procedures, they are requested to contact the security,
Project Engineer, Project Manager or HSE Manager on site for further instruction.
 All injuries, accidents or near misses that occur on work site must be reported to security, Project
Managers or if not a supervisor in charge immediately so that proper assistance will be provided for
immediate medical attention and to document the incidents properly.
 All injuries, emergencies, accidents and any other incidents reported are filled by the Project Manager to
follow-up or investigate when deemed necessary.


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