Phylum Arthropoda Transes

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PHYLUM ARTHROPODA -Hemocoel- where the blood is not enclosed in

the blood vessels, but is pumped into a cavity.

-Joint legs animals -process of breathing in oxygen and breathing
-Arthropods are the first Phylum animals that out carbon dioxide.
have voluntary muscles. Tracheary system- is a tiny tubes that permit
-Greek word “Arthron”, which means “foot” or passage of gases into the interior of the body.
“leg” which collectively means jointed leg Spiracle- are the openings of surface of some
-Largest Phylum of the animal kingdom. animals, usually lead to respiratory system.

-The body consist of three divisions: Aquatic vs Terrestrial

a segmented body, an exoskeleton (made up of Arthropods Respiration
chitin) and jointed appendages.
AQUATIC- they have gills that absorb oxygen
from water
TERRESTIAL- they have book lungs to breath
-Exoskeleton containing chitin
BOOK LUNGS- are made up of stacks of
-They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic,
folded tissue.
coelomate animals.
-The circulatory system is open and consists of a
heart, arteries, and the open spaces of the
hemocoel. -most of arthropods reproduce sexually
-They contain colorless blood called
(haemolymph). Internal fertilization
- Arthropods are dioecious and have paired -it occurs in exoskeletons arthropods
reproductive organs (ovaries, testes). -oviparity
- Have sensory organs like antennae, eyes External fertilization
(compound and simple), statocysts, or -occurs in aquatic arthropods like crabs and
balancing organs. lobster
- Undergo internal fertilization in other group TWO STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT
- They are Bilateral Symmetry sex organs and they do not have wings.
- right and left sides of the body are exactly the (E.G) spiders
mirror image of each other. INDIRECT DEVELOPMENT- involves larval
- They have segmented body stages like mosquitoes
-head and thorax are fused together into an egg is a larva that comes from the larvae-
cephalothorax pupil and to the adult.
- They have joint appendages.

-They have Exoskeleton or outside skeleton. CLASSES OF ARTHROPODA

- also known as Arthropod Armor, and made CRUSTACEAN- known as marine life
up of chitin (e.g) prawns and crabs
Crusta- derived from the word shell.
- Molting – process of shedding an outgrown -both aquatic and terrestrial.
skeleton divided into two parts: Cephalothorax and
OPEN CIRCULATORY SYSTEM - The Respiration is Branchial through gills.
The absence of vessels to contain the - The excretion is by green glands.
blood and it flows freely through the cavities of
the body. ARACHNIDA- - is a large and diverse group
that belong to a subphylum.
- known as Chelicerata.
(e.g) scorpions and spider
Arachne- spider
divided into two parts: Cephalothorax and
- Terrestial preadators
- The main types of excretory organs occur in
aracnids are coxal glands and malphigian


-belongs to the sub-strain Myriapoda.
Chilopoda- commonly referred to as a
 -can be 4 to 5 inches long.

Diplopoda-commonly referred to as a
-can be 1 to 8 inches long.
They are terrestrial arthropods.
- The excretion occurs through Malpighian
- When it comes to their sexual reproduction,
The male Chilopoda deposits bundles of sperm
in the environment known as spermatophores;
they are devoured by female Chilopoda while in
Diplopoda by mating.

-commonly known Insecta
- considered as the largest group arthropods
- have chitinous exoskeleton
- The body is divided into 3 body parts; head,
thorax, and abdomen
- - The main excretory organ of the insect is the
Malpighian tubule.

- Also known as horseshoe crab
-That belongs to subphylum of Chelicerata.
-The body is divided into two parts;
cephalothorax and abdomen
- The respiration is book gills.

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