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This pack is to
aid the
process to
achieve T002/3

Although efforts have been made to check this

document that it is up to date with current
standards, please check the information is correct
using the relevant standards.

The ballast is made up of a ballast bed which is the area below the underside of the
sleeper and the formation surface, boxing ballast which is between the underside and
the top of the sleepers and shoulder ballast which is placed at the sleeper ends

Historically, LUL ballasted track with limestone but this is now no longer used. Granite
ballast is now the standard type of ballast used for new installations and for maintenance

Ballast bed
The ballast bed is used to distribute the load across the formation and provides a drainage
medium. This is achieved by providing an adequate depth of ballast which is capable of
evenly distributing the load without any distortion of the formation surface.

If the ballast depth is shallow in places, the excessive pressure on the formation creates
irregularities in its surface and pockets are formed which, in turn, fill with water an d
eventually develop into wet spots, creating a poor top.

Boxing ballast
Boxing ballast is placed between the sleepers on top of the ballast bed from the underside of
the sleeper to level with the top of the sleeper and holds the sleeper in position,
longitudinally to the rails and laterally to the track. A properly boxed in ballast bed provides
up to 80% of the lateral holding of a sleeper.

Shoulder ballast
Shoulder ballast is placed at the sleeper ends providing the remaining 20% lateral support to
the track. Depending on the type of track, the shoulder ballast may be level with the sleepers
as with short rail sites and heaped on welded rail sites.

Ballast requirements
Granite ballast is used for its free draining properties, capacity to distribute the axle load
evenly across the formation, ability to respond to mechanised maintenance and to retain
the track to its designed line and level. To ensure a good bond, the ball ast needs to be
angular in shape, with no fines and a spread of size providing good friction interface
between the ballast and sleepers and preventing any movement

It is essential that the ballast is kept clean and free from weeds. The voids in ballast ca n
easily become blocked with fines, dirt and dust. The movement under load and the action
of tamping also produces fines and, if a section of track is tamped excessively, it will have
a higher fines content than is desirable. Always undertake track mainten ance before the
Quality Index reaches the Maintenance Level (L2)
3.20 Track bed
3.20.1 General requirements The track support system shall be capable of carrying, and
transferring to the formation or substructure, the static and dynamic
loads exerted by:
a) the trains;
b) the track components;
c) the conductor rail system. In addition it shall:
a) allow free drainage of rainwater;
b) stabilise and retain track geometry;
c) provide, as far as reasonably practicable, a safe walking surface.

3.20.2 Ballast Track ballast placed beneath, between and around sleepers and bearers
a) distribute the load of trains from the sleepers and bearers to the
formation without exceeding its safe bearing pressure;
b) prevent lateral and longitudinal movement of the track;
c) permit drainage of the track;
d) provide a medium to maintain the line and level of the track by
e) be kept clear of point operating equipment and stretcher bars. Ballast depth shall be measured from the soffit of the sleeper or bearer
(from the low end when the track is canted) and shall conform with Table
10 after compaction, except that where obstructions in sub-surface
sections preclude achievement of minimum ballast depth, the maximum
practicable depth shall be achieved.

Table 10 – Ballast depth

Track type Depth mm
Running lines 230 (+ 50, - 0)
Depot lines and sidings 150 (+ 50, - 0)
Level crossings in depots 230 (+ 50, - 0)
Under-line bridges 230 or as dictated by site conditions
Viaducts and platforms Site-determined
BALLAST Ballast shall be profiled in accordance with Tables 10.1 and 10.2 below,
except that no ballast shoulder is required within a standard six-foot if the
height difference between the sleeper ends either side of the six-foot is
no more than 75mm.
3.20.3 Formation The formation shall:
a) withstand the loadings generated through the track support system
above it;
b) be prepared in conformity with the requirements of the LU Civil
c) normally be graded at 1 in 20, sloping to the cess or adjacent
drain; in any case the minimum crossfall shall be 1 in 40;
d) have a finished surface within 25mm of design level. Design of the formation shall be based on the following data:

a) engineering properties and construction behaviour of the formation,
as identified from the results of soils investigations, test procedures
and analysis;
b) track curvature, gradients and speed criteria;
c) track component configuration design for running lines and sidings
and depots;
d) predicted dynamic traffic loadings;
e) predicted structural loads of platforms and related
installations, where appropriate;
and shall provide for:
f) stability under all climatic conditions;
g) free drainage of rainwater into drains. Investigations, test procedures and analyses, including trial pits and
boreholes, shall be undertaken in order to confirm the engineering properties of
the formation.They shall be in conformity with BS 1377, BS 5930, BS 8004 and
standard 1-054 and the results shall be documented. Procedures and specifications for the compaction, grading and
trimming of the formation surface shall be in conformity with BS
1377: Part 4 and 1-054. Compaction performance and methods shall conform with BS 1377: Part 4. Where site investigations and soil tests indicate the need for ground
treatment or improvement of the formation, the optimum scheme and
preferred method shall be designed in detail, with all necessary
drawings, quantities, costings and specifications, in conformity with BS
6031 and BS 8004. Guidance on formation treatments is given in Network Rail
standard NR/SP/TRK/9039, to which reference may be

3.20.4 Sand blankets and geosynthetics Where inspections and subsequent investigations indicate that a weak
formation would deteriorate or fail due to the effects of water draining
through the ballast, measures shall be developed and implemented, in
conformity with the requirements of the LU Civil Engineer, to prevent such
deterioration or failure occurring. A sand blanket, where used, shall be laid to a level to suit the chosen
ballast depth and shall be at least 100mm deep. Sand blankets and geotextiles shall prevent the contamination of the
ballast by rising fine material, whilst allowing water draining through the
ballast to pass and prevent ballast penetration of the formation.

3.20.5 Shingle for concreted track Shingle for tube track shall be clean, strong and durable, free from clay,
dust, salt, alkalis, organic materials or other contaminants, and shall
conform with BS EN 12620. The nominal dimensions of shingle for tube track shall be 40mm
down to 20mm. Shingle shall be finished to the top of sleeper level.

3.20,5.4 Shingle shall be kept clear of operational equipment and mechanisms. Shingle for tube track shall be handled in such a manner that it is kept
clean and free from contamination. The shingle of concreted track shall be screeded when a walkway is
needed. Shingle known to be contaminated with asbestos fibres shall be

removed as soon as practicable. Until then it shall be screeded,
appropriately signed and recorded. Screed shall conform with the following:

a) Screed used on the surface of shingle shall be slip-resistant and sufficient to support
foot traffic in the event of train service disruption. Walkboards shall be provided if
this is not achieved

b) Screed shall not impair the maintainability or the routine replacement of signalling
equipment. This shall include air hoses and cables, run on the track bed

c) screed shall be capable of being punctured, to allow drainage in the event of a flood,
without excessive spalling or cracking

Where a screed is used to cover asbestos-contaminated shingle the following shall

I) the excavation, handling and disposal of the contaminated
shingle and any other works which involve the disturbance of
the shingle shall conform with an approved procedure;
II) to indicate that hazardous conditions may apply to the site if
the screed is damaged during emergency or maintenance
works, plates shall be fixed to the sleepers every 100m.

3.20.6 Second stage concrete and concreted-in sleeper ends Second stage concrete shall comply with clause 3.20.1 and shall be
formulated to minimise shrinkage. The finished surface of second stage concrete shall be in accordance
with standard 1-159, except where clamplock or other mechanisms
require to be accommodated, and shall be profiled as necessary to
facilitate run-off of any water. Voids shall be filled with a suitable material to ensure fixity of the
sleepers or pitblocks. When tube track reconditioning involves the break-out of second-stage
concrete the following requirements shall be complied with:
a) any necessary temporary support to the track shall be provided;
b) the break-out shall be minimised but shall be to the level
appropriate to the method proposed, or to the level where
concrete which is in good enough condition to deliver the finished
works is encountered;
c) if break-out continues to the foundation concrete, care shall be taken
to avoid damage to the tunnel lining;
d) Where full reinstatement of the concrete is not practicable before
resumption of traffic, hardwood blocks and wedges shall be used to
provide temporary support to the track. The length of track requiring
support in this way shall be limited to 15m where reasonably
practicable and shall be subject to a 10mph speed restriction. Where
hardwood blocks and wedges are used during track lowering, the
same length and speed restrictions shall be imposed.

3.20.7 Transitions between track support systems of differing stiffness The transition between track support systems of differing stiffness shall be
such that ride quality is maintained and track geometry thresholds are in conformity
with standard S1159. If transition slabs are used they shall allow for adequate inspection and
maintenance of the track.

3.21 Drainage systems

Track drains shall be provided to collect and carry away seepage water, groundwater
and surface water, in conformity with the LU Civil Engineer's standards, in particular


At the ends of underbridges, particularly if there is trespass, there may

be a lack of ballast on the shoulder and beds. Section Track Managers
need to ensure that at such locations the shoulder and bed ballast is
restored to maintain the stability of the track (see table 40). These
locations, if unattended, can provide a trigger for track buckles, refer to
Track Handbook 6, Preventing track buckling.

Different track levels

To maintain resistance to lateral movement on curves, it is necessary to

limit the variation in track level b etween inner and outer tracks, ensuring
that the six foot sleeper ends of the outer track are not more than 75mm below
the six foot sleeper ends of the inner track over a six foot of 1970mm.

Where the six foot is wider than 1970mm, an increase in height of 12mm
per 100mm increase in the six foot is permitted and to ensure stability,
the ballast needs to be heaped up at the end of the higher sleepers.
Where the six foot rail of the outer track on a curve is below the six foot
rail on the inside of a curve, there is a possibility of wet spots
developing in the six foot if there is an insufficient ballast bed or poor

Wet spots

Wet spots are created by excessive loading on an uneven formation

surface, having little or no ballast bed or clogging with grease, fines,
rubbish. Concrete sleepers are a particular problem if there is an
insufficient ballast bed capable of spreading the load evenly over the
formation. The continual passage of trains causes the ballast to break
up producing fines which have the effect of sealing off any drainage,
retaining the water and allowing wet spots to develop.

If wet spots occur it is possible to treat them by digging out the affected
beds, cess lowering, replenishing with clean ballast and draining or by
blanketing and total excavation. When undertaking this type of work it
may take several days for the water to drain off (see plates 29 and 30).

Plate 29 Wet spots. Classic wet spot problem developing on inside of curve
due to poor drainage across the formation.

Note progression of
wet spot in direction
of traffic

To ensure free drainage, excavate to the track drain, digging out a

minimum of 200mm below the sleeper making sure there is a 75mm cross
fall towards the drain and that it is operational and allows the water to get
away. Replenish with clean ballast, installing a track blanket, geotextile or
geogrid if necessary, and ensure that the depth of the ballast bed is
capable of distributing the load evenly across the formation. Opening out
beds requires authority from the Track Manager and the application of
suitable safety procedures.

Cess lowering can delay the need of total reballasting by between

two to five years and give up to 10% improvement in track quality.

Checking the ballast

Well maintained ballast beds and shoulders, with no visible sleeper ends, provide the
Track stability necessary to resist the tendency for it to buckle during hot weather

Properly filled beds give the necessary longitudinal and lateral resistance, while the
ballast shoulder provides additional lateral resistance. Track defects such as wet
spots and 'working' sleepers make the ballast less effective in fulfilling this function.
Poor track alignment causes weak spots which are vulnerable to the compressive
forces that produce track buckles.
Before the end of January each year, track fettling work needs to focus on packing
all working sleepers, drying out wet spots, rectifying alignment faults and correcting
ballast deficiencies. The fouled ballast in wet spots needs to be removed to provide a
cross-fall to the cess or drain, and the cess lowered 300mm below the bottom of the
sleeper to ensure free drainage from the wet spot. The treated section needs to be
back filled with clean ballast and any loose sleepers packed.
In locations of potential weakness, such as expansion switches, the minimum width
of ballast shoulder needs to be increased to 450mm.

Track consolidation

Once the track has been disturbed by maintenance work, it will need to regain its
strength and compaction. The time that this process of consolidation takes depends
on the volume of traffic carried by the track. Empirical evidence indicates that track
ballast becomes consolidated after the passage of two million gross tonnes of traffic.

Plate 3 Recently tamped track. The loss of stone in the beds due to tamping needs to be replenished to
restore track stability

Plate 4 Properly ballasted track. Note the ballast beds and six foot filled level with the top of
the sleepers and the shoulders complete to the retaining wall

Look for Measure / observe

 Ballast profile Ballast depth, shoulder Will ballast profile become
deteriorating: what is rate width and height substandard?
of deterioration?
Track geometry
 Insufficient depth of
ballast under the sleepers
 Contamination by grease,
oil, etc.
 Clay slurry or dirt working
up through ballast
 Loss of consolidation
Is loss of track stability likely?
 Erosion and
contamination by fines of
ash cess
 'Solid' contamination of
ballast by soil, chippings
Large amounts of water- Will drainage become substandard?
 Wet beds, wet spots and retaining dirt


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