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Give your opinion on the following statements. Use relevant

arguments and examples to support your ideas.
The high-tech world we live in has distanced us from what is really
important in life.
The world we live in today is full of technology. Everyone has a
computer at home or a phone on their pocket, they become our daily
friends because in twenty-one century, almost everything requires them.
We know the benefits of this innovations but most people don’t see the
side effects of them.
All arias of age are influenced by technology, from little kids to older
people. The new generations are born with the smartphone in hands,
they don’t develop imagination and patience anymore from a young age.
Those problems are influencing their life’s on all sides, first in family and
school and then in the adult life. Our connection with technology
shouldn’t be a priority in front of the real social life, children should be
more opened in front of parents and friends, those things develop the
real social skills and the risk of a depression is really decreasing. Many
people confuse the real life with the social life, they just try to look like
their best on social media instead of trying to build a better version of
themselves because the first option is the easiest.
In conclusion from my point of view, people nowadays tend to let their
life’s influenced by technology too much. They forget to chase the real
goals if those can be faked on social media. This century needs to find a
balance between technology and the rest of important things in life.

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