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Lesson plan

Teacher’s name: Benderschii Aurelia Type of lesson: mixed

Date: The of October
Grade: th
Topic: Footwear diversity The number of students
- The pupils will be able to speak about types of footwear,using specific terms and make use of Reported Speech;
Communicative competence:
- to enable students to carry out their communication purposes on this topic;
Pupil will be able to develop the following communicative sub-competences:
I. Linguistic competences, learners will be able:
1.1. To learn new words of the vocabulary given in the Course book page 18 and speak on the topic “Footwear
1.2. To use correctly the changes when transforming direct speech into indirect (Reported Speech);
Discourse competences,learners will be able:
1.1. To make logical sentences when:
-answering questions about the text “At the footwear Exhibition”;
-writing a dialog between a Shop assistant and a customer;
1.2. To prove their own opinion about the type of shoes they would like to wear;
II. Sociolinguistic competences,learners will be able:
1.1 To learn about the characteristics of shopping, and the manners they require, and values they imply;
1.2 To interorize the bahaviour of people in different situation(in the shop);

III. Intercultural competences,learners will be able:

1.1. To learn to cooperate with people/shop assistant/customer at the shop;
1.2. To make a differentiation in the way of perceiving a pair of shoes in Moldova and abroad.
Visual aids and materials:
– work cards with words from the Vocabulary page 15;
– work sheets based on the grammar topic “Reported Speech”, transform the direct speech into indirect;

Patterns of
Methods and
Nr. Stages Time Objectives Teacher’s actions Students’ actions classroom
To organize Good morning pupils! Good morning
1. Organization the class for teacher!
the lesson
Proverb: “Don’t throw away your old shoes
till you have new ones.” Pupils listen to the
Why do we wear shoes? speech,discuss about
Why are some shoes formal and some the proverb
To interest
Do our shoes tell others about us?
2. pupils in
Warm-up How important are clean, shiny shoes to Full-class
what is
you? Why? interaction
coming on
Answer the question
I suppose that you realize that our actual Question/answer
theme is “Footwear diversity”.
Please write it down.
(Appendix 0) -Write the topic in
their copybooks.
3. Teaching Now we are going to learn the Pupils are active to
Pronunciation pronunciation of the consonant “s” depends what the teacher is
on context: explaining.
1) [ s ] 2)[ z ] 3) [ iz ]
To present The ending is pronounced [ s ] after a Pupils are attentive.
and explain voiceless sound, it is pronounced [ z ] after a
the sounds voiced sound and is pronounced [ ɪz ] or
[ əz ] after a sibilant sound:
a)Presentation of 1) If the last consonant of the word is
consonant voiceless, then the “S” is pronounced as [ s ].
“s” Examples of words ending in the [ s ] Pupils pronounce the Full-class
sound: word together with interaction
T: boots, jackboots, gumboots the teacher.
K: kamiks,mukluks,sling-backs
2) If the last letter of the words ends in a
voiced consonant (or sound), then the “S” is
pronounced like a [ z ]
We also use this ending when the word ends Demonstration
in a vowel sound (e.g. bees, flies etc.)
Examples of words ending in the [ z ]
sound: Pupils pronounce the
D: Oxfords word together with
To practice G: clogs the teacher.
the sounds L: heels, high heels, sandals Individual
[s],[z],[iz] N: moccasins, swim fins work
of R: sneakers, penny loafers, waders, slippers,
consonant VOWEL SOUNDS: sees, fleas
“s” 3) If the last consonant sound of the word is
a sibilant sound (a hissing or buzzing sound),
the final “S” is pronounced as [ ɪz ].
If the sound has a “J” sound ([dʒ] like the
letter J at the beginning of the word jacket or Group work
[ʒ] like the “S” in pleasure), then the final Pupils pronounce the
“S” is also pronounced as [ ɪz ]. word together with
Examples of words ending in the [ ɪz ] the teacher.
sound:SH: galoshes
Remember: after verbs ending in -sh, -ch, -ss
and -x, we add the -es to the end of the verb
To check if (in third person) and the pronunciation is Matching
the task of [ iz ] (Appendix 1)
the sounds In the next task you’ll have to
[s],[z],[iz] choose the right pronunciation of the [ s ]
of (Appendix 2)
consonant Now we will improve our pronunciation Full-class
“s” through the following exercise. Please write interaction
is fully your own sentences that use “S” that sound Look at the exercise
achieved like [ iz ] [ s ] [ z ].(Appendix 2.1) and perform the task. Marking

Teaching To explain Now let’s read the Vocabulary (Course
Vocabulary the book, page 19) Class work
vocabulary (Appendix 3) Read the Reading
a)Presentation on the topic information.

To involve
students in Look at the pictures and identify whether it Multiple choice Individual
practicing is a casual shoes, a walking shoes and a gym Look at the pictures work
b)Practice the shoes and identify the right
vocabulary (Appendix 3.1) variant.
on the topic
“Footwear Let’s check now how good you are at the
diversity” word explanation.Please read and mark the
right variant. Read the task and Matching Full-class
To check if (Appendix 4) mark the right interaction
c)Testing the students variant.
acquired the

Teaching To prepare Look at the pictures. What is
Listening students for happening? Where? Think about
listening to the what the speakers might say to Look at the pictures and Question/answer
a)Pre- dialogue “At the each other. (Appendix 8) express their opinion.
listening footwear shop” Full-class
Listen to the dialogue. As you interaction
To keep students listen, make notes regarding: Listen attentively and
active during methods of shopping, reasons for make notes.
b)While- listening to the the shopping, problems particular Listening
listening dialogue ”At the to shopping.
footwear shop” (Appendix 9) Individual
c) Post- To make students Discuss and confirm next
listening foresee next shopping situation. Consider the Discuss about next
shopping following: Personal shopping shopping situation using
situation. system, Selling, Pricing and the key-words given.
negotiation, other details
(Appendix 10)
Teaching To prepare Look at the pictures of different
Speaking students for the types of shoes. Have you ever
speaking activity have any of them ? when did you Look at the pictures, Question/answer Full-class
a)Pre- on the topic buy it? How did you buy it? If not, identify all types of interaction
speaking “Footwear do you intend to buy at least some shoes and answer the
diversity” of these shoes ? questions.
(Appendix 11,12)
To speak about Look at the pictures: Look at the pictures
7. different types of a. Does the surface you run answer the questions and
shoes and name on affect how your shoes name the advantages and
b)While- the advantages wear? disadvantages of wearing Question/answer
speaking and b. It is possible that the same shoes.(each type in
disadvantages of pair of shoes (same particural) Teacher-
wearing it manufacturer and model) student
fit differently?
c. What features should
look for in a dress shoe?

8. Teaching
Reading To prepare the Please have a look at the Read the task, analyze Matching Group work
students for following task. Which type of the box and classify the
reading the text shoes in the box do you think are adjectives to the right
a)Pre-reading “At the Footwear provided by? nationality.
Exhibition” (Appendix 14)

b)While- To keep students Now we are going to read an

reading active during article “At the Footwear diversity” Read the article and
reading activity and list in your copybooks the answer the questions.
on the topic different kinds of shoes that are
“Footwear discussed.Answer the questions
diversity” after we finish reading. Full-class
(Appendix 15) interaction
To check how The students say what
well students Now let us discuss about the main types of shoes they Reading
c) Post- have understood ideas embodied in this text. know, according to the Question/answer
reading the text “At the Please, tell me the types of shoes text.
Footwear the text refers to.
Exbition” (Appendix 15.1)
9. Teaching To discuss the Now we shall continue our lesson
Writing main ideas and with a very interesting activity.
points before But first, answer to me: have you Listen attentively, follow Question/answer Full-class
writing in order ever had to write an article? the information and interaction
a)Pre-writing to be able to We shall learn today how to do it answer the questions.
fulfill the writing in English. (Appendix 16)
of an article, You will receive a worksheet, on
using the new which explanations on how to
acquired skills. write an article are given. We
shall analyze them together. (
b)While- To teach students Having explained how to write an The students receive the
writing how to write an article , you are now to write an worksheets and they
article article of your own. make the effort of Writing
writing an article.

To test students You will receive a worksheet and They request the help of work
how well they you will have to read the task of the teacher, when
have understood the article and then compose one, necessary.
c) Post- the procedure of according to the known rules.
writing writing an article. (Appendix 17) Then each student reads
the article of another Reading
Choose from your colleagues a student and they make
person, whom you would like to the corrections needed.
read your article and make the Then they listen to the Group-work
needed corrections in it. Then we teacher’s corrections.
shall check the articles together.
10. Homework As our lesson comes to the end Listen to teacher’s
To make students and I would like to say thank you,I speech.
elicit information am very happy that all of you have Article Individual
about their own been very active and brave today. Put down the homework work
footwear,their For your homework you will have and ask questions if
style of wearing to write a dialog on the topic “At something is unclear.
shoes the sport shop”,where you are
going to buy a pair of gymshoes Say: “Good bye!”
(Appendix 18)
Do you have any questions?
Thank you! Good bye!
11. Evaluation

To explain the It’s time to pass to our next grammar topic.
grammar Today you are going to learn about
5. Teaching topic Reported Speech- simple tenses. Listen attentively and Demonstration
Grammar Reported Reported speech is when you tell make notes. Teacher-
Speech- somebody else what you or a person said Student
before.For example:
To form the She says, “My dad likes roast chicken.”
habit of using – She said that her dad likes roast chicken.
a)Presentation correctly the (Appendix 5)
Reported Y0ur task is to transform the direct speech Ask for explanation
Speec-Simple into indirect: of something they
tenses 1.Nick said, “Unfortunately, I didn’t try haven’t understood. Demonstration
the shoes on before buying them. →
To test 2.Pete said to Nick, “What did you do at
b)Practice students the shoemaker’s two days ago?. → Transformation
knowledge on 3.Ann said, “I don’t like these sandals. → Read the task and
the grammar 4.Dan said, “I will not put on my old transform the direct
topic gymshoes→ speech into indirect. Individual
Reported 5.Nadia said, “I wore high-heeled shoes at Read the task and work
Speech- the party.→ (Appendix 6) mark the right
Simple Let’s have a look at the next task. variant.
c)Testing Tenses Transform correctly the expression of Transformation Collaboration
time/place. (Appendix 7)

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