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Lesson Plan for the week of November 28 – December 2, 2022.

Grade: One

Subject: Language Arts

Term: One

Unit: One

Duration: 1 week

Attainment Targets: Please see each day for the specific attainment targets.

Day 1

Strands: Word Recognition and Fluency/Listening and Speaking

Attainment Target:

Develop phonemic awareness and use knowledge of letter-sound correspondences in order to

decode unfamiliar words.

Objective: Students should be able:

Explain opinions and views to the class

Substitute consonant sounds with similar rhymes to make new words

Key Skills: identifying, observing, listening, speaking and writing

Vocabulary: consonant, opinion, thoughts, rhymes

Resource Materials: YouTube video

Content: There are 21 consonants in the alphabet. The other 5 letters (a, e, i, o, u) are called
vowels. When we use different consonants to make words with the same ending sound/letters,
we are creating word families.


 . teacher and students will watch word family video.

Teacher will ask the students at the end of the video what did the words have in common.
Expected response “at” teacher and students will read the sentences together for
reinforcement. Teacher will display “ot” and “ag” on the white board. The teacher will
encourage students to look out for words ending in these letters throughout the lesson.


 Teacher will tell the children that she is seeing nouns jumping out at him/her. Teacher
will play a game of “I Spy” to assist students with identifying the nouns observed. This
will help to reinforce the concept previously taught.


 Teacher will display three words on white board under the picture. Children will call the
 Teacher will allow children to identify the initial letter and sound for each word.
 Children will determine if the identified letters are vowels/consonants
 Teacher will tell the children what consonants are, to assist them with differentiating
between a vowel and a consonant.
 Students will then view a video on consonants and making new words:


 Teacher will now write the letters for the ending sound of each word. Example: ____at.
 Teacher will ask students if there is another consonant that could be placed in the initial
position to make another word. Teacher is free to give an example as a way to prompt the
 Teacher will do the same for the other two words.
 Children’s answers will be written on the white board for all to see and read.


The students will complete the following activity in their Language Arts notebook.


Date: Monday, November 28, 2022.

Subject: Language Arts

Give five examples of a consonant.



3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

Additional Work

Use consonants to make new words

1. __at
2. __ig
3. __am
4. __ an


Class Enrollment: Number of students present:

Objective: Substitute consonant sounds with similar rhymes to make new words

Class score
Near Mastery:
Non-Mastery: ---
Action to be taken:
Re-teach Reinforcement Advance to next topic
Day 2

Strand: Grammar and Conventions

Attainment Target:

Write sentences which are grammatically correct and use capitalization appropriately.

Objective: Students should be able:

Use the present tense form of the verb “to be”----am

Resource Materials: YouTube, pictures, crayons, song


 Teacher will explain to the children that she/he will sing a song asking for what they are
doing at this very moment. Teacher will allow the children to give her possible answers
to ensure they understand what is expected of them.
 Teacher will sing the song for the students.
Song (sang to the tune of “Bits of paper”)
What are you doing? (x2)
Right now (x2)
We really want to know (x2)
Please tell us
 Teacher will tell the children that their answers must begin with “I am…..” and they
should sing their answers.
 Teacher will demonstrate.


 Teacher will select random children, sing the song and allow the students to sing their
 Teacher will record their answers on white board.
 Teacher and students will read the written sentences together.


 Teacher will explain to the children that we always use the word; “I” whenever we talk
about ourselves.
 Teacher will explain the term; “present”
 Teacher will further explain that we use the words, “I am” to tell what we are doing right
now, how we are feeling right now, how we are looking right now.
 Teacher will give examples for each: doing---- I am listening, feeling---- I am happy,
looking---- I am clean.


 Teacher will allow students to talk about themselves using the words; “I am.”

The students will complete the following activity in their Language Arts notebook. Children are
free to draw and colour pictures to match their answers.
October 24, 2021
Language Arts
Answer each question beginning with “I am”
1. What are you doing?
2. How are you feeling?
3. How are you looking?



Class Enrollment: Number of students present:

Objective: Use the present tense form of the verb “to be”----am

Class score
Near Mastery:
Non-Mastery: ---
Action to be taken:
Re-teach Reinforcement Advance to next topic
Day 3

Strand: Grammar and Convention

Attainment Target: Write sentences which are grammatically correct and use capitalization

Objectives: Students should be able to:

1. Use the present tense forms of the verb “to be”----is, are

Resource Materials: YouTube video, white board.

Content: We use “is” when we talk about one noun. We use “are” when we talk about more than
one noun. We use “is/are” to talk about the nouns in the present tense.


 Teacher will play the “is/are” song for the children.

 Teacher will zone in on the words written in blue (is) and green (are). He/she will tell the
children those are the two words we will be focusing on today.


 Teacher will write the words, “is/are” on the white Board.

 Teacher will ask the children if they have ever seen these words and where.
 Teacher will ask the children if they can use the words in sentences.


Teacher will let the children watch the following YouTube video which explains when
we use “is/are.”
 Teacher will further explain the content of the video and give examples
 Teacher will allow the students to give additional examples in an effort to assess their


 Teacher will post flashcard of various noun on white Board. Examples: a picture of a
baby, 3 balls, 1 orange, 3 dogs, a school etc.
 The children will tell which verb is used with the noun shown

 Children will complete the following activity.

November 28, 2022
Language Arts

Fill in using “is/are”

1.Rory _________ happy.

2.The cats _______ on the mat.

3. He _______ in Grade One.

4. Pam ______ a big girl.

5. We ______ at home.

Reflection: Use the present tense form of the verb “to be”----am

Class Enrollment: Number of students present:

Objective: Use the present tense form of the verb “to be”----am

Class score
Near Mastery:
Non-Mastery: ---
Action to be taken:
Re-teach Reinforcement Advance to next topic
Day 4

Strand: Comprehension

Attainment Target:

1. Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment of texts, using a variety of clues to gain
information and identify ideas and events.
Objectives: Students should be able to:

Explain and use literacy terms such as: title, author, illustrator.

Resource Materials: cover of a storybook, YouTube video,


 Teacher will allow the children to watch the following YouTube video which talks about
the parts of a book.


 The teacher will ask the students to find a book in their classroom.
 The teacher will ask the children to touch and show the various parts; the front cover,
back cover, the spine and the pages
 The teacher will use the same book to touch and explain the purpose of each part.
 Teacher will ask questions while explaining to ensure that children are keeping up.


 Teacher will post the following picture on White Board.

 Teacher will ask leading questions to bring out literary terms; title, author, illustrator.
Example: “What are you looking at?” “What colours are you seeing?” “Are there any
words on the cover?” “Why do you think there are words on the cover?” “Do you know
any of the words?”
 Teacher will provide answers or additional information when necessary.


 Song: (sang to the tune of “There was a man who had a book; BIBLE was its name)
If you have a book and you don’t its name, check the title
T.I.T.L.E. (X3) check the title.
The one who writes the words is called the author…..
AUTHOR x3 the one who writes the words
The one who draws the pictures is called the illustrator,
ILLUSTRATOR x3 the one who draws the pictures
 Teacher will allow students to sing the song
Teacher will sing and ask the children to join in when the literary items are being

 .Students and teacher will play a game of “What am I?”
 Teacher will show a slide with some clues. Students will use these clues o guess what
part of the book is being identified. For example: I put together the words in the book.
write the story. Who am I?
 After getting their responses, the teacher will then show the students a picture and tell if
they are correct or not


Children will complete the following activity in their Language Arts exercise book.


November 29 , 2021

Language Arts

Fill in the blanks using, title, illustrator, author

The _____________ writes the words.

The ___________ tells the name of the book

The ____________ draws the pictures.


Objective: Explain and use literacy terms such as: title, author, illustrator

Class Enrollment: Number of students present:

Class score
Near Mastery:
Non-Mastery: ---
Action to be taken:
Re-teach Reinforcement Advance to next topic

Class score
Near Mastery:
Non-Mastery: ---
Action to be taken:
Re-teach Reinforcement Advance to next topic

Day 5

Revision guide for end of term test

 Nouns
 Proper noun
 Common noun
 Alphabetical order
 Ending “ck” words
 Present Tense verb “to be” Am is are
 Pronouns ( am my me I )
 Reflection:
 Objective: Explain and use literacy terms such as: title, author, illustrator
 Class Enrollment: Number of students present:

 Class score
 Mastery:
 Near Mastery:
 Non-Mastery: ---
 Action to be taken:
 Re-teach Reinforcement Advance to next topic

Class score
Near Mastery:
Non-Mastery: ---
Action to be taken:
Re-teach Reinforcement Advance to next topic

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