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People I admire

"A great part of art consists in imitation. For the whole conduct of life is based on this: that what we
admire in others we want to do ourselves." - Quintilian

Whether consciously or not, we want to be similar to people we like, people we admire. There so many
celebrities with breathtaking biographies and high achievements, which are an example for majority. I
do not admire any of them. My principle is: if I did not see the person live or did not talk with them
there is no sympathy, to say nothing about admiring. People I admire are actually my mom, my
godmother and English teacher.

My mom has always wanted and wants to change something, to go ahead. Moreover, the most
significant thing is that she makes certain efforts to reach the aim. If she is not into the place where she
lives, my mom is looking for another job and moves to a better flat with a nice district. Her motto is:
“Don't like it-change it, don't change it-don't complain”. She is a realist and it helps her and her

My godmother is an adventurous and emotional person, furthermore a great mom who teaches her son
to have his own opinion and be able to spend the time without any devices. She does not care what
other people think about her and here is the power.

The last but not the least, the woman I admire the most, my outstanding English teacher and just
incredible person. She is the one who is adored with bated breath or hated to the bone. She has strong
principles and points of view to this world, however at the same time she is broadminded. This person is
the whole world to me, Elena Ivanovna instilled passion for the English language and for acquiring
knowledge in general.

I am grateful to all those people who appeared on my way with beneficial life lessons for me. Human is a
complicated entity and it is not easy to understand, nevertheless how fascinating to get closer to person
who you admire, to find out how them live.

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