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Lii-600 User Manual ‘Thank you for using our company’s Inteligent charger praduct: L1-600, which Is a high-end intaligent fast charger, with touch control / 4-channel independent charging J battery capacity testing / antl raverse connection / short circuit protection / overcharga protection / temperatura control protection and battery zero voltage aclivation functions. It can automatically and timely monitor the battery charging, discharging lest process. LE-600 can charge a variety of differont sizes of cylindrical lithlum-lon batterias and NiMH dattarias, which ara widely used In Lhe battery charging of high-intensity flashlight, electric tools, instruments, digital cameras and olher efectronic products. The product appearance Is beautiful and atmospheric, safe and easy to operate, convenient to carry, powerful function, which Is your good helper at home. 1.Cautions: 4}This charger can charge only cyfindrical Lithium-Ion and NiMH rechargeable batteries. It can notbe used oa UFePO4 rechargeable batteries; 2)Read this manual before use and pay special attention la the recommendad charge current, must avold to charga baltery bayand lhe recommended current limit 3)Da not use other nonslandard power adaplen, 4)Tha charger may be hot whan charging and discharging, p'ease do nol bum; '5)When you stop using, pleasa unplug tha power supply and battery; 8) Itcan only be used atroom temperatura and Indoor, 7) Tho test data of this product Is for refarence only. Please refer to professional Instruments for the actual Situation 2. Functional features; ‘New touch control function; 2) 4 Independent working channels: 3} thas two working modes: aulo and manual; (the system default as auto moda with automatic current distibution) 4)Various optional charging current 250mA / SO0mA/ 1000mA# 1500mA? 2000mA / 2500mA /3000mA; ‘5)Three stage discharga current: 250m / SD0mA/ 750mA;, 6)It can charge different size of rechargeable batteries (18680 # 26650...... (AAZAAA) attha same timo; T{This product adopts an indapandont LCD display, Including battery type (-fon-3.7V, NKMH1.2V), working tmode {auto/ manual, battery channel (CH1-CH4), working mode (CHARGE/ DISCHARGE/ TEST / REPAIR}, charge and discharga capactly (mAh), charge and discharge time {h}, charge and discharge current (av), battery voltaga (V) battery enegy percentage%, battery intemal resistance (cnQ), temperature (C) and other parameters are delaied and clear ata glance; 8)in charge mode, four channels work independently, each channel can select different charging current and test charging capacity, $)in discharge moda, four channels work independently, and each channel can select different dischargo current and test discharge capacity; 10}l0 test mode, the process of normal battery capacily testing Includos three steps (1 charging, 2 discharging and recharging) ; 11) Different channels can work In differant modes (charge, disefiarye and test, ropalr); indapandent setting of charging / discharging capacity test/ natmal capacity test function; 12}Multpfa protection functions: ovarcharge, aver discharge, short circull, temperature, OV voltage activation function, (- AV & 0 AV), 1.65V-2 2V non charging function, intellig ent Identification of bad battery and batlery feversa connoction detection protection. 3. Touth point deseription ‘The charger has 6 touch points: mode, current, channel(CH)4, 2, 3,4. The 6-touch-mode key also has the function af fighting LCD backlight, which Is simple and convenient io use; 4)Modeo: (moda selection) including charge, discharge, capacily test and repair 2)Current (short conlact for current selection) includes 250mA/ SOmAs 1000mAs 1500mvA / 2000mAF 2500mA3000mA; fong touch "charge" point, you can select auto or manual operation mode; 3) 1243/4 channel touch polnts: (comesponding to 1/2 73/4 channels respecilvely); short touch can independanly select and view tha corresponding channet data; long touch any point can control tha LCD display (normally on or off); 4) In any case, altar long touch the mode point with "beep" prompl sound, within withln 8 seconds you can changa charge modoldischargo moda/ tast moda/rapalr mada, currenl, indapendont of mixed charga and capacity test function, and it will enter working state wilhin 8 seconds aller seleclion, Under tha working state, you can touch the toueh paint (4 #:24°3 4) to check the corresponding channet conditions, including battery lypa/ charging moda / charging capacity (MAH) # charging tima {H) ? charging currant (MA) / ballery vollage (V) [Tho energy ‘Bareantage% f ballery intemal rosislance (m{) J temperature C and olher paramotars, and "end" weil ba displayed at he end of the working process. . 4.Mode operation description: ‘When tha charger is connected to the power supply, tha LCD screen of the eharger vail tum on all at onco, and tha LED light of 1/23 /4 channetwil prompt red and green to enter the ready position. If tha baltery Is not put [n, it will display *Nuff", and the indicator light will nol tum on. If bad ballery is put in or the baltery Is connected raversaly, it wil display "Err", Tha red LED fight Is always on when tha battory Is working normally, and the green LED fightis always on when the battery [s full or when the ballery is stopped charging, accompanied with a prompt saund: 4) Charga (charging mode) 1.lafter the charger is installed wilh battery and connected with power supply, the system will automaticaly enter charge mode, Long touch *chargs” paint, the system entars manual mode for charging, and the dafault charging current of tha eharger|s 1000mA (iI he charge point Is nat touched for a long time, tha system wit ‘charge in auto node, and the system will automatically distebule tha current according to the siluation af the balteries); within 8 seconds, the current can ba selected Lhrough the short touch point (current) for charging, and 8 Seconds tater the current you selected wil be locked for charging. Ifno setting is made within 8 seconds, tha system will automalically charge at 1000mA by default At this time, lhe current and other functions cannotbe- changed. Ifyou need to change, you nead to touch mode fora long time and select again: 4.2 In charge made, within & saconds, you can change Indepandant eharping or different current selection and differant baltery mixed charging. So simple operatian;yithin 8 soconds, touch the point of 1424374 of tha ‘corresponding battery , and then touch moda io changa mode, touch euvrront point to change current, Independent, mixed charging, capacily test functions. After selection, it will enter the working stale 8 seconds laler, Pay attention to select the charging current according to the battery capacity. Ifit Is not necessary to charge quickly, it Is Tecommended to use 500mA charging, which is [he most appropriala and sata; 1.3 in the chazging made, you can switch and view the situation ef each channel of batlery hy touching that #2 13/4 touch point, Including baltery type / charging mode / charging capaclly {MAH} charging time (H) f charging current (MA) battory valiago (V) # porcentaga of power fintarnal rosistanca af battery (m0) temperatura C, After the battery is fully charged, it wil display “end* {charging end}; 1.4 the chaming current of lithium ion battery can be 250mA SOOMAJ 1O00mA! 1500mA/ Z000mAT 250m 000mA; 1.5 the charging current of NiMH battery can be 250mA / S00mAJ 1000mA. 1.6. Refer to tha following tablo for charging process: ENTER CHARGE AUTO or SELECT MODE =DIsecect | ManuAL=>| CURRENT] CHARGING | END 2} Discharge moda 2.4 ater tho chargorIs Installed with the battery and connected to the power supply, within 8 seconds shart taych mode to select discharge mod , and then fong touch (current) to make the system enter manual discharge mode, and selee! the required current (250mA/ S00mA¥ 750rnA), If the current Is nol selected, the system wail automatically defautt lna discharge current at SUOmA. After stopping tauch, tha system will ock your sefactons for aperalion after 8 seconds. Ifthe system discharges In auto modo, itwil automaticaly distribute tho current according to tho condition of the discharged batlery; the system will record the data during discharge, so as to test the discharge capaciy of the baltery., 22 Short touch 1/2/3/4 touch polnt to read each channel dala includlng: baltery typalork modeldischarge capacily(mAhydischarge time(h}idlscharga current(mAY! ballory vollago(V}? boltary onorgy percentage battery internal rosistanca(mf\tempecature C; when discharga is finished, it wil show *End* 2.3 The following table for discharge process: ISELCT eee =| DISCHARGING] —>END (CURRENT ENGER DISCHARGE ELECT AUTO JMANUAL Test mode Is to fully charge the battery first, then fully discharge the baltery and record the discharge capacity 3) Test (capacity tost mode) and other parameters, than automatically fuly charge the battery and record the charge capacity and olher parameters. thas bolh dischamga capacity detection function and changing capacity test function. The detalled steps are as follows: ENTERTEST $= SELECTAUTO] —5 cricy FULLY uy = AANUAL HARGE ISCHARGE, END 3.1 in any state, tong touch moda with “beop” prompt sound, you can select test mode; 3.2.1 after entering test mode, manual moda or auto mode can be selected through long touch (eurrenl) within & ‘seconds, After manual mode is selected, current can be sclacted by short touch. The system will lock the selected current for charging after 8 seconds. If no setting is made within 8 seconds, Then the system will automalically loc 1000mA current for charging; if the aula working moda Is selected, tha system will automatically distribute the currant according to the battery candition; 3.2.2. when the ballery is fully charged, tha system will automatically sviteh fo discharge step(the discharge current Is determined according to tha charging current (250mA for charging SOMA, S00mA. for charging 500mA and 1000mA, 750mA for charging more than 1000mA), recording the discharga data lo Last the discharge capacity of the battery. 3.2.3 when the baltery fs fully discharged, the system wil automatically switch to charge step and fully charge the battery again with tha praviously selecied current paramalers, and record the data during charging, so as to test the changing capacity of battery. AL this time, the system displays “end” and stops charging. 4) Repair (repair mode) 4.4 Manual moda fs to repair with 250mA current, 42 under auto faulomalic regulation), the ropatr procass of f-lon-3.7v batiery is based on its currant faval (250mA/ SogmA / 1000mA/ 1500mA/2000mA!2500mAs 2000mAp, and the system wil automatically distribute current for charging until itis fully charged; 4.3 under auto (automatic regulation) moda, the repair process of NiMH battery {1.2v) is that the system will automatically charga with 250mA currant, than discharge with corresponding current, and then charge again. Aller several fimes, until the repair capacity is full. 6. Specific paramelers 6.1 DC Input voltage: 12.0v/5.0A, 6,2 Charging output current of Ni MH battery: 1.48V 250mA/ 500mA/ 1000mA * 4 Charging output current of lithium [on batlery: 4.20V 250mA/ S00mA! 1000mA/ 1500mA/ 200mAt 2500ma/3000ma* 4 6.3 rachargaable battery size applied: 18850/26650/14500, AA, AAA, atc. 64 discharge current: 250mA* 4/500mA* 4/750mA* 4 6.5 termination moda: Inlelligent voltage monitoring 6.6 overall dimenston: 165mm dlength) * 115mm ¢width) x 40mm {height} 6,7 woight303q (excluding data cable)

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