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Mr. Erick Andrade English B EGB DATE
10th A-B-C


1. Choose 4 items from the list of different ways people solve problems and disagreements. Give
a short explanation about each item. (2 points)

Violence Name calling Insulting Brainstorming

Refusing to take part Empathizing Swearing


2. Match the Maslow´s pyramid levels with the correct definition. (2.5 points)

1. These are biological requirements for human survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing,
warmth, sleep. ___
2. Refers to a human emotional need for interpersonal relationships, affiliating, connectedness,
and being part of a group. ___
3. Refer to the realization of a person's potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and
peak experiences. ___
4. Include self-worth, accomplishment and respect. Respect or reputation is most important for
children and adolescents. ___
5. These needs can be fulfilled by the family and society (e.g. police, schools, medical care). ___

“Una educación de calidad internacional con valores cristianos”


3. Read the text and underline if the statement is true or false. (3 points)

The Drawbridge
As he left for a visit to his outlying districts, the jealous baron
warned his pretty vile: “Do not leave the castle while I am gone, or
I will punish you severely when I return!” But as the hours passed,
the young baroness grew lonely, and despite her husband's
warning, she decided to visit her lover, who lived in the
countryside nearby. The castle was situated on an island in a wide,
fast-flowing river. A drawbridge linked the island to the mainland at the narrowest point in the
river. “Surely my husband will not return before me,” she thought, and ordered the servant to
lower the drawbridge and leave it down until she returned. After spending several pleasant
hours with her lover the baroness returned to the drawbridge. Only to find it blocked by a
gatekeeper wildly waving a long, cruel knife. “Do not attempt to cross this bridge, Baroness, or I
will have to kill you” he cried. “The baron ordered me to do so.” Fearing for her life, the
bareness returned to her lover and asked him for help. “Our relationship is only a romantic one,”
he said. – “I will not help.” The bareness then sought out a boatman on the river, explained her
plight to him and asked him to take her across the river in his boat. “I will do it but only if you
can pay the fee of five marks.” “But I have no money with me!” the baroness protested. “That is
too bad. No money, no, ride,” the boatmen said flatly. Her fear growing, the baroness ran crying
to the home of a friend and, after explaining her desperate situation begged for enough money
to pay the boatman his fee. “If you had not disobeyed your husband this would not have
happened,” the friend said. “I will give you no money.” With dawn approaching and her last
resource exhausted, the baroness returned to the bridge in desperation, and waited to cross to
the castle, and was slain by the gatekeeper.

A) The boatman asked for money because he was ambitious:

True False

B) The lover really cared for the baroness only when it suited:
True False

C) The Boatman put loyalty before compassion:

True False

“Una educación de calidad internacional con valores cristianos”


D) The Baron gave the terrible order to the gatekeeper because he was jealous:
True False

E) The gatekeeper obeyed the Baron´s order to kill because he was happy:
True False

F) The baron had all the political power in the story:

True False

4. Analyze the next reasoned argument scenario and answer the next questions based on your
opinion. (3 points) (more than 15 words per question)
Content  1 point 
Number of words  1 point
Vocabulary  1 point

Jacks tells you he cheated in the maths test yesterday. He copied some answers from Lucy,
who was sitting next to him. He tells you that his parents are putting pressure on him because
he is not doing very well in maths. He also says he is not the only person cheating and it was
just a matter of few marks.

1. What should you say to Jack?


2. What action should you take?


3. Can you empathize with his situation?


4. But do you agree with his actions? Why?

Mr. Erick Andrade AREA Lcda. Alexandra MSc. Isaac Caicedo
Pavón Vera.


DATE 25-01-2023 DATE DATE

“Una educación de calidad internacional con valores cristianos”


“Una educación de calidad internacional con valores cristianos”

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