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8 Managing floods – soft engineering

Practice question mark scheme Page 1 of 1

Name _________________________________________________________________ Class _________

Use an example of one soft engineering river flood

management strategy to show how it has a limited effect Page 129

on the environment. [4 marks]

 Floodplain zoning uses planning controls to limit development in areas at risk from
flooding, depending on the distance from the river.

 The low-value land near the river is left as grazing land and will cause little
environmental or economic damage if it floods.

 More valuable items like housing and essential services such as hospitals can be
built further from the river where land is higher and drier, with a very low risk of

 The long-term needs of the population will not be affected by this distribution of the
different land uses.

Level Marks Description

2 (Clear) 3–4 AO1 Demonstrates clear knowledge of a soft engineering flood
prevention strategy.

AO2 Shows thorough geographical understanding of the relationship

between the soft engineering flood prevention strategy and the
1 (Basic) 1–2 AO1 Demonstrates slight knowledge of a soft engineering flood
prevention strategy.

AO2 Shows limited geographical understanding of the relationship

between the soft engineering flood prevention strategy and the
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