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CENDIA English Institute ADVANCED OG CUS ENTS co ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSE YS ADVANCED (I BOOK Lesson I For, To, Through, By Buying shoes rrr iay © With a noun expressing purpose eg. take a pill for that cough sheneeds adress forher wedding © ‘with a verb in ING" form expressing reason, ‘e.g. | paid her for cleaning theroom_ with an indirect objects Recipient ‘of something ‘e.g. Sue bought these shoes for you. Carol prepared a great party for her mom. To © With an infinitive verb ‘2g. Lorain wants to travel © with a place :expressing destination ‘eg. |am going to fly to Miami ely: Mom, | really want and need those shoes for tonight's party. ‘with a verb:expressing purpose ‘Mom: No way Kelly.| can't pay for them. ‘e.g. | want to go to see the problem they are too expensive © with an indirect object recipient of something eg. Illbring some juice to you kely: Mom please! | could even work for ‘My dad sang a song to my mom. you to pay them backto you, Ifyou buy them forme, | willalways thank you for being such a nice mom. ‘Mom: Come on Kelly, don't be so childish am going to call your dad to ask him if we could afford 250 bucks for apairof shoes, Kelly: Thanks mom," do everything for you. Ill even go with you toyour friend's house, Il drive the car for you. Hove you Mom! ‘Mom: stop it sweety. Ill buy shoes, just shoes. | won't pay for all your expenses. A. Answer the following questions 1. Why doesn't Kelly's mom want to buy those shoes? 2. Why does sheneed those shoes? 3. What did Kelly offer hermom to get those shoes? 4, How can you convince your mom or dad to buy shoes or clothes for you? 5, Isit worth buying expensive clothes? 6. Why do you think people buy expensive clothes? B. Complete the following exercise using “To or For” 2. What do you do enone alliving? & Sue was in ail —-» hitting a cop? 9. Dad baked that birthday C2KE on ncenneen MOM? 10. Everything | do, Ido it — you V1, She'll travel nn Mia enemas Buy SOME OthES mon Sellthem in Ecuador 12, Laura got fred .... hot getting on time to the Office 13, That isan outfit... _. summer 14. Try togive themoney _ Richard 15. getting bad grades, | was grounded last week . Complete the following sentences using “by or through” 16. The signalisn’t good when we drive the tunnel V7.leantsee the window. Iti dirty 18. Try to practice English listening to English music 19. Old navigators used to sal using the stars 20. We have to read from chapter one ... wee chapter two 21.1 got all the information —.u-w-w-- those books 22. Shirley is going to sendit Fedex 23. My cousin hada problem with a thief when he was walking... the park 24. Youcan't get there bus; you have to grab a car 25.Melanie stopped smoking therapies D. Practice with all your classmates and ask them the way in which they do actions Askat least 5 friends. ‘e.g. How did you learn how to swim very fast? learned it by practicing everyday ‘Through : preposition of movement Verb - through-noun Expressing passage Within something e.g, Itis difficult todrive through this city parts beginning, between and including e.g, Vie work from Monday through Friday ‘means or communication when ‘you receive information @.9, We heard about your company through friends | got that apartment through anagency ‘Away by which you performan action ‘e.g, ve learned a lot through books you can lose weight through diets By Preposition of place:near 19. My house is by the airport ‘Away by which you perform an action e.g. I've leamed a lot by reading books Means of communication when yousend information 9, Il sendit by mail ‘means of transportation When I get to France, will commute by train. MAKE For constructing, building or manufacturing eg. makeclothes makecars trucks machinery planes Prepare food e.g. makea meal breakfast lunch dinner Typical expressions with make e.g. _makearrangements makea choice makea comment makea decision makean effort makean enquiry makean excuse makea fortune makea mess makea phone call makenoise UNIT IL DO and MAKE, Do When someone performs an activity onatask 2g. doa crossroad othe ironing dothe shopping, dothe daring When we refer to work ofany kind eg. Do your work Do Homework Do Your job Typical Expressions with Do Do badly Do business: Doafavor Do good Do harm Do your best Do your hair Do your nail A Fillin the blanks with the verbs “do ormake” 1. Mydad always _ the dishes 2. Mybrother certainly hates me favors 3. Every member of the team has a areat effort 4 Lucy crosswords in her free time 5. Next time you have to yourbest 6. Thiswon't any harm; just take it 7. Itsyourtime to the laundry 8. Companiesin Detroit good cars 9. Peter isalways excuses oO shopping is my wifes favorite activity B Look atthe pictures and describe them using do and make Fred Robertson: Candy, Candy, Candy! Candy: Yes, Mr. Robertson Mr. Robertson: Candy come on! what were you doing? Hve been looking for you for hours Candy: Sorry Mt Robertson. | was doing many things, you see. I've already made the letter you asked me for. Idid the interview to that person applying to the assistant position, I made the phone call to Japan you told me. Mr. Robertson: Did you do everything I told you? Candy: Almost everything. n fact, I did my best, | made a greateffort, but! couldnt finish doing everything ‘Mr, Robertson: But Candy. Hurry up!! have todo business, Ihave to make alot of money for the company. Candy: Yes, Yes,all right. have to hurry up, | have to do many things. 1 am totally worn out youhave noidea what | do athome. ‘Mr, Robertson: Candy, Idor't care, | don't want to hear you. Do your job! Candy: Of course you do care about it. Now listen to me. !do everything here, and! do everything in my house. Ido the cleaning, the laundry, the shopping, and the ironing. VERBS CHANGING MEANING 1, Stop +Gerund Quit an action Don't do an action anymore e.g Lucy stopped smoking last year, she was very sick. Stop + infinitive The infinitive means“in order to” After driving for 5 hours, Peter stopped to stretch hislegs 3. Try + gerund Experiment with different methods to seeif it works e.g. He wants to lose weight. He willtry eating less, hewilltry going on diet my wife forthe fist time. You forget that you have A todo something Try + infinitive ‘e.g. Sue forgot to callhermom Make an effort to do something @.g. Pam will try to approve the test 5. Regret + gerund You ate sorry about ‘something you did e.g. Sue regrets having only one kid regret + infinitive that you're fired. Brees normally “inform or tell” ‘ bad news e.g. | regret to tell you UNIT OL 2. Remember + gerund You remember that you have done something inthe past. ‘e.g. | don’tremember saying that Remember + infinitive You remember that you have todo something e.g. | didn’t remember to bring my homework 4, Forget Forget that you have done something in the past e.g. | will never forget kissing 6. goon+ gerund Continue, keep on eg. You have to go ‘on studying go on+ infinitive proceed, start another activity e.g. right afterthe welcome party, we will go.on to work on the project A.Complete the following reading using gerunds or infinitive ‘Once upon a time there was a nice couple who lived far far away. ‘The man was a guy who used to. StrUGQ|© ne nnn EVErYthing to his beloved Girl He enjoyed. -n---nn-mnnnat the woods to get her some food He never regretted ne enneenenene SO hard because he loved her happy. ‘She was an innocent gitl who always tri¢d ——emnnenerenenenneme het husband; she would cook for him. Care for him , wash his clothes and so forth, They would never forget —... each other. They always tried love letters, they tried ‘each other how much they love their love, they tied ‘songs to each other. In short, they were the ‘with that pain, she never stopped in nnnn---nnumeen and after two months she also died. perfect couple. Unfortunately, Pete passed away and Jane couldnt goon. B. Complete the story by writing 6 moreideas with gerund or infinitive verbs. Teacher: Teacher: ‘Ok kids, we'll go through the United States history today ‘Ohno. Mr. Simons we hate to learn history, we simply can’t bear to hear someone talking about old dates, old people we dor't even know what's that Jeremy? We all have to know about t, so we can lear from it and don't repeat the same mistakes. Im sure when we're done , you will enjoy telling your parents everything you have learned in this class. Yes we I. But | personally can't help yawning when the teacher doesrrt stop spe break or something. throughout the class. think he should stop to play with usgiveus a Learning is sometimes hard, but itis interesting at the same timean isdefinitely worth studying and knowing many things becouse you will use your knowledge in the future. Yeah allright! But it is even betterto play and have fun ‘ok guys, let’: stop complaining and let's start studying, or else, you'll regret not listening to me in future. Unit IV Adjectives followed by infinitives ‘Common adjectives followed by infinitives Amazed Delighted Eager Grammar Tip Afraid Disappointed —_Hesitant aio Pleased Proud Lucky Motivated Sorry raghictenie Stunned Surprised wilting Ready Look at the following pictures and describe what they feel. He is disappointed to see Sheis surprised to girlfriend with another boy UNITV Adjectives followed by infinitives With it as a subject VOCABULARY WORD ADJECTIVES 1. itis to listen to him ay 2. leannottrust himjheis : A= eee subjects verb + compl Be DOM De nnn it sone Of TER EME Poca Look at the following sentences and tell your teacher what's 4, He said nothing, he remained aaeaaa, 5. Itisdefinitely to eat greasy food, eg isinteresting to learn English 6. Thatplaceisvery ~ eee isn't 7. The decision was mim : is interesting to learn English & itis vueee- tO Work With NUMDeTS > rightitis the subject although it means nothing, 9. Scientists believed that Pluto was the itis necessary planet 10. Itis to save some money Unscrambled the words and fill inthe blanks about 1. Receinsin: Yosn: 2 3, - 5. 6 7. 8, Bleuneabrat nn 9. Comableremend: .. 10. Osmturett: SE UNIT VI MODAL SIMPLE AND PROGRESIVE Grammar Tip They areused tospeculate aboutthe Present Must ‘Must be verb ING form Should Should be verb ING Might Might be verb ING May ‘May be verb ING could ‘Could be verb ING Can ‘Can be verb ING Would rather would,ather be verb ING Hadbetter Had better be verbING Would like would like be verb ING Mike: Hey Susan, have you seen Mary, my girfriend? Susan: Not recently, she must be home, or school, why? Mike: {ve been lookingall over for her, she's definitely not home and she can't be at school, it’s 7:30 already. She finishes at 7. Susan; Well she could be studying; these are her last days, so there might be some extra activities for her to do, Mike: | don’ think so, | called kate, her friend, and she told me that she didnt have to be at school Susan: Maybe her friend didn’t, but Mary should be Mike: Should be? Susan; Yes,Mary told me that she failed one subject, or needed some extra points in order to pass it so she'd better be there, or else she'll really failit But she never mentioned having that problem Susan; Perhaps, she might not want you to know, she may think that you must have lots of things to think about and she might not want you to have more worries Mike: Still,she should tell me atleast so that!| could help her somehow Susan: So, i's almost certain, you can go look for her at school, she must be there ‘Mike: | don’t knowif| should ‘Susan: Whynnot? ‘Mike: Id rather talkto her fist than just show up lke that Susan: Wellif you want to talk to her, 'd rather not be mentioned. I mean, please do not tell her Itold you Dont worry... wont. ‘Mike: ‘MAKE SENTENCES USING MODAL PROGRESSIVE (MODAL + BE + Ving) 1. Mike has a veryimportant exam tomorrow, but he's watching tv 2. Juan has gastritis, but he's having a cheese burger 3. Imalmost sure that Miais still working 4, _It’salmost certain that Patrick isnt taking care of this babies 5. We're not sure if somebody is helping him with his project. Peeec: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS USING HAD BETTER, WOULD RATHER AND BE SUPPOSED TO 1. What would you rather be doing right now? 2. What should you not doi you're feeling ill? 3. What are children’s obligations toward their parents? 4. What are parents’ obligations toward their children 5. Ifyou could choose. Where would you prefer to go, the US or England? Why? 6. How many aspirins should I takeif | have a headache? Be WHAT DO THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES EXPRESS? WRITE YOUR OWN WORDS E.g. Mom must be cooking Possible response: m almost sure thet mom -ooking 1. Mydad must be really tired 2. Carl shouldbe trying to fx that problem 3. The story you just told me con't be real 4, Itcouldn’t be possible that he got married 5. Pam would rather be dancing than studying, ©. Youd better go Scr UNIT VIL MODAL PERFECT CSET T Musthave+verbpastpartepeform | _ What doyou hinkhapnened? Should have + verb wna sacetamaa a alia? | Might have + verb in past partipe frm Pet renee esse ‘verb ipa parte form) | Apossible consequence after an action in past E.g. Mathew did not study for the exam HE MUSTHAVE BEEN SICK HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE RESPONSIBLE HE COULD HAVE FAILED THE EXAM AN UNEXPECTED DECISION This story broke out on a Saturday night right efter Susan had decided to move out of her parents’ house. Nobody really knows what drove her to make that decision, but the only certain thingjs that she'd had it wth living there. ‘All her acquaintances knew that it was a matter of time for her to leave their parents’ place. Ever since she turned 18, her attitude towards everybody, near her, changed. Susan stopped being the girl everyone loved and looked up to and she did so in such @ sudden wey. Nobody could believe that something like that would happen to a girl whos always been family-centered and a long-life responsible student at high school which only makes this entire situation so confusing. Some people in her family just guess on the real cause why she made up her mind about doing this all in arush, some say ital her boyfriend’ fault, others would rather blame on her age, but her parent have thrown guilt on the new friends she's made recently. When you ask Susan about this problem, she tries toavoid giving explanations; however, she says there wasa time in which she started tofeel alone since she had nobody she could talk to and also that she felt put aside, so she took up drinking and started being non-caring about anything, not even about her own life. Susan says that there was evena time when she drank so much that she couldn't move, yet she managed to walk out of the bar and walk backhome during a rainy night. Susan just makes fun of it. What could an 18-year-old girl possibly do out of her parents house at that age? Lots of teenagershave succeeded in life, but with some aid from parents, Nevertheless, this isn't the case of Susan; she's jobless, hasn't gotten her high school diploma yet and on top of that has grown a habit that can be regarded as both, odd and worrying. What really happened is known by young Susan herself and no one else. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS USING MODAL PERFECT 1. When do you think she started the habit regarded as odd and worrying? 2. Why do you suppose Susan made up her mind about moving out? 3. What was recommendable for Susan to do when she started to feel alone? 4, What could have happened to her when she left that bar? 6. What should her parents have done when they noticed that something was wrong with her? 7. Why do you think her parents blame on her new friends? Sar WRITE POSSIBILITIES (COULD'VE), RECOMMENDATIONS (SHOULD'VE) OR SPECULATIONS (MUST'VE, MIGHT'VE) ABOUT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION 1. Pam was a mean girl to everybody when she was young 2. Charlie did drugs right in public 3. Ihada terrible headache, but! just waited for it to go away 4. My girlfriend was angry at me lastnight and I can’t understand why 5. After the accident broke out, both drivers ran away 6. Martha doesn't know why she failed the test 7. Lucy lefther dog in the car without any open window 8. Ihad a problem, but I didn’t know who to talk to UNIT VIII PAST PERFECT The Maximum Past © tis described by two consecutive actions By the time When Before ‘eg.By the time | gothome, my wife had already fixed dinner for me + Sentence in past, Subject HAD VERB P PP FORM ‘After + Subject HAD VERB PP FORM, SENTENCE IN PAST e.g. After my wife had already fixed dinner for me, |gothome E ee LISTENING ‘CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER FOR EACH QUESTION AND WRITE A SENTENCE IN PAST PERFECT 1, What happened first? a). The boys rushed into the house and hid under their beds b) And earthquake broke out ©) Avolcanic eruption broke out SENTENCE: 2. What happened first? a) What happened first? b) Thelocal police officers took a man to prison SENTENCE: 3, What was the last action she did? a) He wenthome b) He ordered some souvenirs SENTENCE: 4. What did he decide to do? a) Wait fora friend to give him aide b) Wait for the traffic to stop or decrease a little SENTENCE: 5. Where did he take his first course? a) Europe b) His hometown ¢) Theus SENTENCE: 6. Where did the main even take place? 2) Astadium b) — Astudio 9 Adiscotheque SENTENCE: 7. Who got the goal frst? 2) Themanwho had a visual disability b) The manwho cheated The girl who was experience SENTENCE: 8 How many courses did the man take? a 6 b 5 0 SENTENCE: Re: USE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND MAKE SENTENCES USING PAST PERFECT 1533 = Atahualpa was killed due to Francisco 1534= Quito was founded 1542 = Francisco de Orellana discovered the Amazonas River 1960 = The Mariscal Sucre International Airport was opened 1978 = Quito was declared “Cultural Patrimony of Mankind” by the UNESCO 1995 = The Trolebus started to operate in Quito rro's orders eee LUSTENING YOU'LL HEAR A FATHER TALKING ABOUT HIS SON MATT, WRITE ATLEAST FIVE ‘SENTENCES USING PAST PERFECT

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