Version Super Corta Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare)

Short version

Narrator: Many years ago in Verona, Italy, there lived two families who hated one another, the
Montagues and the Capulets.
Because of this bloody feud, Prince Escalus of Verona has warned the people of this city that
whoever fights in the streets will pay with their lives.

Romeo is in love with a girl named Rosaline who doesn't love him, and his cousin, Benvolio,
wants to help him forget that girl.

Lord Capulet is giving a costume party tonight at his house. Paris, who wants to marry Juliet, is
Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio decide to go to the party but they are not invited because they are

Scene I (At the costume party)

(Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio enter the Capulet house)

Narrator: That evening Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio join the other guests at the Capulet's
costume party.

(Paris enters) (servants serve food) (they start dancing) (Juliet and Paris dance)

Narrator: Later that night, Romeo sees Juliet across the room and asks a servant her name, but
he doesn't recognize Juliet. Romeo immediately falls in love with her beauty.
Tybalt recognizes Romeo's voice and talks to Lord Capulet.

Narrator: While Tybalt argues with Lord Capulet, Romeo comes over to speak with Juliet.

(everybody leaves the room)

(Romeo and Juliet stay in the center of the room)

Romeo: May I hold your hand?

Juliet: Why not? Saints kiss by holding hands.
Romeo: If hands can kiss, may my lips do the same?

(they kiss each other)

Narrator: At that moment, Romeo and Juliet fall in love with one another.
(Nurse enters)

Nurse: Madam, your mother wants to speak with you.

(Juliet leaves the room quickly)

Romeo to the nurse: Who is her mother?
Nurse: She is the lady of the house.

(the nurse leaves the room)

Romeo (desperate): Her mother is a Capulet! This young girl is an enemy of my family but I shall die
without her.

(Romeo leaves)

Narrator: Romeo and his friends leave the party.

As the other guests are leaving, Juliet is talking to her nurse. She asks her the name of the man
she kissed. Juliet discovers Romeo is a Montague. She feels desperate. Her heart is broken.

(Juliet leaves the scene running)

Scene II (in the street)

(Romeo walks along the street outside the Capulet house and thinks)

Narrator: Meanwhile, once outside, Romeo could not go home without seeing his beloved Juliet
once again. He decides to cross over the garden wall.

(Romeo leaves)

Scene III (at the garden)

(Juliet is in the balcony) (Romeo enters)

Narrator: Without seeing Romeo, Juliet speaks quietly to herself.

Juliet: Oh, Romeo! You are a Montague. I´ll deny my name and I will marry you.
Romeo: I will take your words, dear Juliet.
Juliet: Romeo! This house means death for you.

Narrator: But Romeo would rather die than live without her love.
Romeo and Juliet speak for a few moments of their love. Then Juliet hears her nurse calling from
inside the bedroom.

Juliet: I must go. If your love for me is true, tell my servant tomorrow. Then I shall marry you.
Romeo: I will wait for him at nine o'clock in the morning.
Juliet: Good night, my love!

(Romeo leaves) (Juliet leaves)

Narrator: Romeo climbs back over the wall.

Even though it is very late, he knows he will not be able to sleep. He decides to go to see Friar
Laurence early in the morning.

Scene IV (At Friar Laurence’s)

(Friar Laurence and Romeo enter)
Friar Laurence: Romeo, may I help you?
Romeo: I have fallen in love with Juliet, Lord Capulet's daughter. You must marry us.
Friar Laurence: I will help you, Romeo.

Narrator: By marrying them, Friar Laurence thinks he may end the feud between the two
(Romeo and Friar Laurence leave)

Scene V (in the streets)

(Romeo is walking) (Juliet´s nurse and servant approach Romeo)

Juliet´s nurse: Can you tell me where I can find Romeo?

Romeo: I am Romeo.

(Juliet's servants and Romeo talk)

Narrator: Romeo tells Juliet´s servants to join him at Friar Laurence's place. He will marry her

(Romeo leaves) (Servants leave)

Scene VI (at Juliet's garden)

Narrator: Meanwhile, Juliet is waiting for the servants in her garden.

Finally, the nurse appears.

Juliet: Did you see Romeo?

Nurse: Go to Friar Laurence's place and he will make you his wife.

(Juliet hurries away)

Scene VII (At Friar Laurence’s)

(Romeo and Friar Laurence wait for Juliet) (Juliet enters and hugs Romeo)

Friar Laurence: Come with me, I will marry you.

Narrator: Now, Romeo and Juliet are just married.

(Everybody leave)

Scene VIII (in the streets)

Narrator: As Benvolio and Mercutio are walking and speaking, Tybalt appears, looking for

Tybalt: I would like to have a word with you.

(Suddenly Romeo appears)

Tybalt: Oh, there he comes!

(Tybalt approaches Romeo)

Tybalt: You have insulted me, Romeo! Fight with me!

Romeo: I cannot fight you! The Capulet name is a dear name now.
Mercutio: I will fight you, Tybalt!

Tybalt: I am ready, Mercutio.

(Mercutio and Tybalt start fighting)

Romeo: Tybalt, Mercutio, stop!!

(Tybalt stabs Mercutio)

Mercutio: Oh, I am hurt!

(Tybalt runs away) (Mercutio is on the floor)

Mercutio: I am dying!

(Romeo and Benvolio takes Mercutio away) (Romeo comes back sad and guilty) (Benvolio appears)

Benvolio: Romeo, Mercutio is dead!

Romeo: Then, I must kill Tybalt!

(Benvolio leaves) (Tybalt appears)

Narrator: Romeo immediately challenges Tybalt to a fight.

(They start fighting) (Romeo stabs Tybalt)

Narrator: The fight does not last long. In a few moments, Tybalt is dead.

(Tybalt is dead on the floor) (Benvolio urges Romeo to leave)

Benvolio: People are coming.

(Romeo leaves) (People gather)

Narrator: As Romeo runs away, people gather to see what happened.

Having heard what had happened, Prince Escalus sentences Romeo must be sent away from

(Tybalt's body is taken)

Scene IX (At Friar Laurence’s)

Narrator: Romeo is waiting to see Friar Laurence.

(Friar Laurence appears)

Romeo: Father, I killed Tybalt.

Friar Laurence: I know, Romeo. You have to be sent away forever.
Romeo: But I cannot leave Juliet.

(Romeo cries)

Friar Laurence: Go and see Juliet, Romeo. But you must leave before dawn.

(Romeo waves his hand and says goodbye)

Romeo: Thank you, Father. Good bye.

Narrator: At this time, Juliet's father did not know Juliet and Romeo are married and he allows
Prince Paris to marry Juliet next Thursday. This way, he thinks his daughter will forget about her
dead cousin.

Scene X (At Juliet's balcony)

(Romeo and Juliet are in the balcony) (They hug each other)

Juliet: Must you go in the morning, Romeo?

Romeo: Yes, my love. If I stay any longer, I will be killed.
Do you wish I stay?
Juliet: No, no, you must leave!

(the nurse calls Juliet from inside the house)

Nurse: Juliet! Juliet!

Romeo: Kiss me Juliet and I will go!

Juliet: I will wait for you, my love.
Romeo: And I will be back. I promise!

(Romeo leaves) (The nurse appears) (She whispers in her ear)

Narrator: She tells Juliet that her father wants her to marry Paris.

Juliet: Nurse, I need to see Friar Laurence.

(Juliet and nurse leave)

Narrator: Nurse helps Juliet get a way out of the house.They go to Friar Laurence´s house.

Scene XI

(Juliet cries in Friar Laurence's arms)

Juliet: Father, please help me!

Friar Laurence: Juliet, Prince Paris was here.
Juliet: I cannot marry him.
Friar Laurence: Listen, Juliet! Drink the liquid in this vial.

Narrator: Friar Laurence explains to her that that liquid will put her into a deep sleep and
everyone will think she is dead. Then she will be put in a tomb.
Friar Laurence: … And Romeo will be here when you wake up.
Juliet: I will do it!
Friar Laurence: Then, you can go to leave together.

(Juliet leaves)
Scene XII (At Juliet’s room)

Narrator: Juliet is desperate. Her father confirms to her that tomorrow, she will be Paris’s wife.
Juliet follows the instructions Friar Laurence gave to her and drinks the liquid.

(Juliet is sitting on the floor)

Juliet: I do this to join you, my love!

(Juliet falls asleep)

Narrator: Within seconds, the liquid has done its work. Juliet is deeply asleep.

The next morning, the nurse goes to Juliet’s room to prepare her for the wedding and finds her.

(Nurse enters)

Nurse: Oh, no! She is dead!

(Nurse cries on the body of Juliet)

Narrator: Quickly, the news about Juliet’s death spreads all around Verona and the other cities.
Romeo already knows his beloved is dead and decides to return, but before leaving, he buys
some poison to die next to Juliet.

Scene XIII (At Juliet’s tomb)

Narrator: Romeo goes straight to Juliet's tomb but Paris stops him.

(Juliet is in her tomb) (Romeo walks towards Juliet’s body) (Paris approaches him)

Paris: Romeo, leave Juliet alone or I´ll fight you.

Romeo: I will have to fight you.

(Romeo and Paris fight) (Romeo kills Paris)

(Romeo goes next to Juliet) (Romeo cries) (Romeo drinks the poison)

Romeo: Good bye, my love!

(Romeo gives Juliet a last kiss) (Romeo dies)

(Friar Laurence enters) (Juliet wakes up)
Juliet: Romeo!
Fiar Laurence: Juliet, Romeo is dead.

(Juliet is shocked)
(Friar Laurence runs away)

Juliet: I cannot leave without Romeo. I must die too.

(Juliet takes Romeo’s dagger and kills herself)

Narrator: The Capulets and the Montagues lost their children because of their
hate. After Romeo and Juliet’s death, both families put an end to their feud and
lived in peace.

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