Diabo Logical

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A game of the supernatural, by Chris Eliott & Richard fdwards

Ottsid. th. thit.id. of Mlt stoad a tightna... A will start as th. Demon. Th. Demon play.r tak€s the
hrge bonv tdil tash.tt to drd Jto a.tuss th.1oo., l.dt- €ight Planet counl.rs and th. wizard tales the €ight
ing d tfti| oJ spdtks, atll th. .|aa.s on th. hind ].gs Alchemi.al .ounters B€lore you start playing .nsure
qaq.d d..p 3..dt.h6 i' th. JkFtones. Fo. d hon.nt both play.rs hale r.ad th€ rul€s lrom start to linish so
n t.st.d on ot. ta|o".d paa., a.hi|. i$ h.ad stuung th€y hav. at l.ast someidea ofNhat is goingon!
,on1 sid. to sid. dnd h'td.tous.r.s sta..d dt the
Jigute itsid. th. Jlo. paitted sta.. Th.n ns gdz. shiled TIII COUNIlF.s
ta the ane ttipod x'hi.h t.mdit.ll oJ tho that stood
at tit Jtr. pot '. ,t'.ndttdr rtti idtttd bu eto \ng
hist. A .laned fi'8.t stdbb.d out, and ttd.ed d fi8w.
oJ Jre nthi.h huq in th. dit fu d nah.rt L.J .
htttling into th. mist. As iI .earh.d th. tttpo!1, th .
ntas d suddet tush aJ a.i"d. Th. ivhl'ol Jkt.d into
,4,dddtr.4t b't3ht4^, and th?4 hu48 tn th? atr
abou the tipotl. with d snal of ttitnph, th. ho.tot
.ont.npttoudr snt.pt asid. th. litt of lt an th.
Jlao., and ted.h.d autJat theJigurt insid. . . .

It was a matt€rol regret to som€ in the prol€ssion ol This is a briel summary oI .a.h round ol th€ gam€:
Magi. that th€ awesome struggl€ of a wizard to sum-
Th. wizard ges first, laying all his.ount.rs la.e down
mon and bind a demon had .ver b.com. th. subiet
on rhe poinr\ ol rh. p.nra8'am,nd on rh..ir.l.\ in
ol anything as trilial asa gambling gam.. B. that as it
may, the game of Sor.erels Ha2ard, or D.mondar. as the kiangl€ Th.se repr.sent th. material .omponents
it was popularly know[ s..m.d to hold a sp..ial ol the spell intend.d to bind th. demon that are pla.-
fas.ination lor magi.ians, $'ith its .ombination ol lu.k €d in the tripods at th.$ points, and s'hich lorm th.
and logi.. And h'h.n €v€n th. Ar.hmag. hims.lf had wi2ard's d€lenc€s Th€ D.mon th.n plays its .ount€rs
b.en lnoon to indulSe in a small wager Nho were on. at a time, in an €lfort lo .ountera.t th. \'izard's
lessr moftals to turn th€ir nos.s up at a l.h, turns lor defen.es Ther€ isonly on€ ruI., and itis a simpleone.

INTRODUCTION \o oppo!n8 .l.mpnr" m,y b. pla..d on rh,
",me I'ne
The rul.s whi.h follow are lor th. popular ts'o-player
version of th. game, as played in Sor..rels Cuilds
across all thre€ .ontin€nts As it is a Sambling game, lh.re. w" ,aid ir wa, ,implp, didn'l \'.) Oppo!n8
it is play.d in a number oI roads, ea.h of whi.h .on- elements are those dire.tly opposit€ .ach other in the
sists of on. challenS€ During a .hall.ng., on€ play.r diagram on th. board (i. Fire and wat€r Earth a.d Ai4.
kies to break out ol a magi.al .ir.le and br€ak th. For.$mple, the wizard.an't lay dNn Blood and Holy
deLn.es o! th. s..ond play.ls circle using pow.rful waterontNo ofth€ points ofthe hiangle.
sp.lls, symbolis.d in the gamebymaSi.al signs.
Th€ gam€.onsists ofa board marled with a hiangl. B.lor€ h. gets down to the !€ry serious iob ol sum-
within a.ir.l€, whi.h is wher€ the d€mon mat.rialises: moning up his Demon, th. wi2ard must first oI all
a p.ntagram hiithin a.ir.le, s'hi.h is wh.r. th€ wizard
prepar. his defen..s. Th€ wizard should lirst ol all
stands, and 15 .ounters r€pres€nting lour oI ea.h o! s..r.tly choos€ a. €lement - su.h as Fire, lor €xampl€
the lourmagical €lem.nts (Ak, Earth, Fir. and water).
He th.n places two Fire .ount.re /d.. /oz,r on the
STARTING PI.AY .ircl€s suiiounding the hiangle without r.lealing th.m
B.for€ you start playing you should remove th€ c.ntr. to his opponent This l€av.s on€ .omer empty
pages, 81u. th€m to som. .ard to ke.p th.m stid, and Be.aus. of the rule about not haling opposit.
then cut out the playing pi..es D.cid. how ma.y €l.ments on th. sam. lin€, he is obliously limit€d to
rounds you ar€ Soing to play for Befor. you start the
only two of his thr€ remaining €lem.nts to lill th. r.-
lirst gam. you musl agr.e on th€ numb.rol rounds that
maining spa.€ In our example, th€ wizard .an only
will b. play.d The s'izards of th€ sorcerels Cuild
usually w€nt to eight rounds, though gam€s sometimes pl.y an Earth orAirpi&€; l.t's say h. choos€s Earth.
w€nt up to a hundr.d rounds if th.re was a lot oI 8o1d This no\' l€ares our wi2ard with two.omplet s.ts
.oinage or pr.stige riding on the outcom.! You should ol .lem..ts, and one set with o.ly one €l.ment This
lind that eight or ten are suffici.nt to d€t.rmine who odd .lem€nt is th. k€ystone' to th€ pentagram (the
is th. better player; als'ays .nsur. that the numb€r of larger circl.) H. must pla.e this remaining €lem.nt on
roundsto b€ play.d is an€!.n numb€r
on. ol rhp poinrs of rhe p.nr,8ram,' \r 14rl, rh..'r
N.xt d&ide who will start as th€ wizard, a.d Nho .le H. then pla.es th. r€maining th,o elem.nts on
adjoinin8 poinb, and linrlly th. othcr two p.inrs STRIKING A BLOW
l.rding from th. odd.n. 50, ld.xrhpl., our $izird If rn.lchcnt is rttr.k.d br
pli..s th. rcniininE Errrh on onc point, rhcn (nov Dcnon plrttinij in.l.ncnr n.\t b it),
in8.1..k$is. rtuund th. board) rn Air, rh. tK) l\rt.rs, thinijs .rn o..ur lt mrl b. dcstrov.d, it
ind th. oth.r Air Hr\e a ldrk rt th. pr.tty.\inpl. th. rc.ond .lcn.nt, thcy mrt muturlly
drr$in8s rnd you 11s.. $ hrt $. n.rn! oth.r, or nothing mav hrpp.n
\ow th. $izrrd thinkr h.'s pr.prr.d L.r's brinij Th. dirijram on th. grn.bojrd showr how th,t

ENTER THE DEMONI Both th.srn..l.n.nt -nothinE hrpp.nt

Th.r.'s r nrdl rumblin8 nois., i lrint sm.ll of
soh.thing \.rv disiju*inij, rll th..andl.r Eo out, rnd S..ond .l.mcnt h8 rr(rf froh it - s...nd .1.
ill ol i rudd.n th.r.'s r t.n l&n s.rh thin* in thc hid
dlc ol th. kirngl.l Thc Dcmon pht.r b.gins $ithin Fn* .l.m.nt hrs rrrow lrom it - lirtt .l.mcnt
th. .onfincs of thit kirngl., rnd hu* rttr.k ill thr..
p.ints b.fd. m.\inij on b blst his $ry insidc th. p.n
rrErjn rnd $in (in r.rl lil. thit would b. r..omplish .l.h.ntt - both ir. d.strol.d
op positc
cd br cttin* th. $izrrdl) Not. thit th.r. ir n. 'sup.rnr' cl.h.nt, rs .r.h is
Th. D.mon rttr.kt bv hying pi...s ilon8sid. thos. d.Lrtcd br rnoth.r lhcr.nrr. rou'll qui.klr lind thrt
lrid bt th. Wizird, rnd r.v.rlinij th. h\o symb.lr t.) hu,r , n .L L ,,u mrlhuL Lu. 1... 'nd hrl h n
s.. $hi.h hrs won Th. lirrt .ount.r plrl.d bv th. ning rcquncs lu.k r\ w.ll js l.iji.
D.m.n must b. a gu.ss (nind rcrdinij ir .onsid.r.d
brd nrrm rmongst Diab.nrgi.rl phy.rs), but lr.m th.n SCORING POINTS
on r .1.\.r D.mon plrv.r sh.uld b. ibl. b ur. loiji. F.r .\.n .ount.r thrt d.tttuvs on. of th. $izrrd s
b in.r.it. his.hjn.. of t.oring p.intt .ountcrs, th. d.m.n s.or.s 1 P.int For .\.N .o,,nn,r
thrt d.*turs on. ol th. d.mons, th. wizird r.or.s 1
P1.$. rcm.hb.r that th. Dcmon pliy.r d..snr point \o points rr. s..r.d bv .ith.r plrt.r if nothin8
hi\. tu lollow th. sim. rul. .r nor hrvin8 .pposft. hrpp.ns, or th. ..unt.rs d.rtrot .r.h oth.r Wh.n rl1
.lrhcnr\.n th. \)nc lin. th. d.mons.ount.rs hr\. b..n phy.d, th. plNc$ n.t.
Hint nrr th. D.hon plrt.r: On.c th. trirn8l. hit
th.ir s.or.r ind r.\.rs. (t.s Th. \fizird plrt.r
b..om.r th. d.mon plry.r, rnd \i.. v.rsr
b.cn btukcn, th. k.ystun. t. th. p.ntrgrrm ir rh. $.rk
poinr, sin.c findin8 that \fill r.v.al thc ori.ntrtbn of WINNING THE GAME
th. p.ntrgrrn Th.r. ir. 5 posribl. positn'ns rd it; On.. rl1 th. rgr..d nunb.r of tuunds hr\. b..n
trt rnd lo.rt. th. k.vsbn. $ qui.kly jr porsibl. in plit.d, rh. plav.r $ith th. m.rt points is th. winn.r!
ord.r nr s.or. th. hi8hest points

I oo t

6 o o
o a o
Oo o q)"oo o-
o 8% ,o o
Th. D.mon (i.! b b,..1 Nr lor rh. p.nu8lsi t .h
rhm3lr ih. klrd.'l &t ...t on lid b 6al.d b.foR rn.

t6t. bur iN. rhmi m frr rn

rh. Fnulm a Atr n1... ,i r
b. rtr' vl.r ti.(.! rn rhc
krl.al.. $ tu.th n 1r.fc rEr t th.rt Thr! 0or (or _ ld
rlfl natc.t<ooldlx !!r.. 4!
I rrE or [Mhl.ir) Nft.(n,nind o. €.dn ri. !3 Atr {rln ,ft1
s:r.r b.rr.ih.r or
6 Thirc!d yh. Alr q'h. ls
FiF ro *in r.dh.. Frfl'
T116 hu$ h. t!rn. an ron

a ]\ndrh lar6 !t.. rid

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