Social Studies

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Social studies



The Party Name is JAP( Jamaica Action Party)

Action Plan
 Selecting Candidates- Party members will get the names of eligible people who
they see fit as a candidate then each of them will be interviewed and we will select
based on character, level of education, involuntary service to the country, history of
performance ect then we decide who is the best person.

 Raising Funds-The Treasure of a special member of the committee will pay for party
cards or do other things such as undraping a pastry or other activities , a bank account
will be open so that members can pay a weekly donation or national living abroad are
contacted for help.
 Publishing a manifester- The party will solve existing problems in our country to
take it to another level of progress and prosperity. The party will go throughout the
country and fix roads, school, hospitals , getting more children on beneficiary programs
and educate the younger generation about the importance of an education so that later
down the don’t turn to the streets and choose violence and invest more in the skills
training program.
 Monitoring the Electoral process- We will go through the constituencies and look
it the persons that say that they are voting are eligible and meet the right requirements
but if not we will try to get them straight so when time comes for the election there will
be no problem, make sure no illegal transfer of voters happened so someone will
monitor the voting place to see is switching happens by the time of the election

 Conducting surveys and goals-Check the strengths and weaknesses of the party
based on opinions and surveys done , and if there are we will try to overcome our
weakness and even makes our strengths even stronger. Surveys on poll gauge will
determine the supporters they have and will decide if they have a chance it winning
Factor result in winning the election
1. History of Performance
2. Charismatic leadership
3. Violence
4. Rigging of election
5. Campaign Issues
6. Change
7. Funds
8. No voting Campaign

 History Of performance- The party used the results of the last election to help with the
current election which resulted in us winning .The party will continue fulfilling their
promises that they have made to the citizen, to improve our countries resources,
making our countries more develop and our country to be a cut above the rest

 Charismatic Leadership- Our members and leader was bold, fearless and can stand up
for the party, and had a strong voice and possessed leadership skills that persuaded
voter to believe that our party is the best and will be prosperous and they voted for us

 Campaign Issues-The leader of our party and member have very strong level of
cooperation which lead to us focussing on our strategies of winning the election. Party
members worked together in contributing to the win of the election, And no
backstabbing took place. We completed all our project like giving to the poor , homeless
and needy, helping schools and a lot more

 Violence- The party had security at our polling station to en sure that our electorates
feel safe coming to the polling station to vote and this resulted in more people coming
out to vote for our party

 Change- Changes were made to our member and candidates before the time of the
election ,a lot of ideas were putted up for discussion which grew the interests of the

 Rigging of election-We did everything we should do and did not commit any fraudulent
acts so in the end they can’t say that we won the election because we cheated
 Funds- Our funds which we saved up for the election, some was given to parade's for
gas some went to the party stops.We had enough money to do what was necessary for
an election and give to the public so people was their campaigning with us and this
showed that our party knew how to handle money.

 No Vote Campaign- The election was not boycotted and was held around the same time
we had a lot of supporters of our party.

Factors that led to us losing the election

1. History of Performance
2. Charismatic leadership
3. Violence
4. Rigging of election
5. Campaign Issues
6. Change
7. Funds
8. No voting Campaign

 History of Performance-The JAP last last performance wasn't the best of the best
neither was it a promising win to the party , We tried at the wrong time (campaign
season ), people had already lost interest in our party by our bad past. We will try to do
our best to represent Jamaica and our citizens

 Charismatic leadership- Our leader was not charismatic or the best either, we never
tried to make an effort in our promises to our people

 Campaign issues-Our campaign game was not strong, we did not have the chance to
give to the poor , helping the elderly and those in need. We made efforts for two
campaign journey but it was not enough for peoples interests. As said before we will try
again next time

 Violence- The violence rate was high during the election period and voters did not feel
safe so a lot of them did not turn up to vote for up and this is one of the reasons
resulting in losing the election.
 Change- No changing occurred and we had no young fresh minds to bring about ideas and
strategies on how to win the elections and ways we can help our country But sadly we did not
get to change some of our members that needed to be replaced on time.

 Rigging of elections- A lot of fraudulent occurred which caused us to lose the election.

 Funds-Not a lot of money was made for party campaigning so the supporters left
because there was low funds and resources.

 No Vote Campaign-The election was boycotted when people was interested in our party
bur when the election was held people was already losing interest in the party.

Group Members
Beyonce Bennett
Collisa Anderson
Tameka Clarke
Leah Rowe
Abbigail Francis
Lhaishalee forest

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