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Black dwarf - When the sun the origin and development of life
eventually dies, it will become an on this planet. Slowly but surely,
object that doesn't emit light or this vigor will fade, at which point
heat, and is devoid of any it will turn into a black ball that
radiation-a black dwarf. Black emits no heat or light, plunging
dwarfs are a projected state of a our solar system into complete
low- mass star, but they don't darkness.
currently exist as our universe is
What are black holes?
not old enough for them to have
formed. black hole is a region of space
packed with so much matter that
Our Sun is going to die one day. It
seems bright and shiny today, its own gravity prevents anything
from escaping — even a ray of
thriving with constant solar
activity and emitting tremendous light. Although we can’t see a
black hole, the material around it
amounts of energy, which has
been imperative for is visible. Material falling into a
black hole forms a

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