5 Facts About Esther

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5 Facts about Esther

1. Esther was an orphan.

Esther was a Jew, and when her parents died, she was raised by
her cousin Mordecai, who was also a Jew (see Esther 2:7).

2. Esther lived in
Esther lived in Shushan, Persia (modern-day Iran), over 100 years after
the Jews had been carried captive into Babylon.

3. Esther had to keep her Jewish identity

a secret.
At Mordecai’s request, Esther did not reveal her Jewish heritage to
anyone. She kept her identity a secret, even after she became
queen. (See Esther 2:10, 20.)

4. Esther risked her life to save her people.

During Esther’s time, kings were frequently in danger of assassination.
So, for the king’s protection, custom dictated that no one should
approach the king without his invitation.  at’s why Esther was risking
her life when she went to the king to invite him to a banquet where she
could reveal Haman’s plot to kill the Jews (see Esther 5; 7).

5. Esther had faith in God.

Esther asked that all the Jews in Shushan fast for three days before she
approached the king (see Esther 4:16). Because of Esther’s courage and
the Lord’s blessings, the Jews were spared.

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