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History of the Falkland Islands (ISLAS

The English navigator John Davis in the Desire may have been the first person to
sight the Falklands, in 1592, but it was the Dutchman Sebald de Weerdt
who______(MAKE) the first undisputed sighting of them about 1600. The English
captain John Strong made the first recorded landing in the Falklands, in 1690, and
________(NAME) the sound between the two main islands after Viscount
Falkland, a British naval official. The name was later applied to the whole island
group. The French navigator Louis-Antoine de Bougainville ________(FOUND)
the islands’ first settlement, on East Falkland, in 1764, and he ________(NAME)
the islands the Malovines. The British, in 1765, _________(BE) the first to
settle West Falkland, but they were driven off in 1770 by the Spanish, who
____________(BUY) out the French settlement about 1767. The
British____________(RESTORE) the settlement in West Falkland land in 1771
after threat of war, but then the British ____________(WITHDRAW) from the
island in 1774 for reasons of economy, without renouncing their claim to the
Falklands. Spain______________(MAINTAIN) a settlement on East Falkland
(which it called Soledad Island) until 1811.

In 1820 the Buenos Aires government, which _____________(declare) its

independence from Spain in 1816, ________________(PROCLAIM)
its sovereignty over the Falklands. In 1831 the U.S.
warship Lexington _____________(DESTROY) the Argentine settlement on East
Falkland in reprisal for the arrest of three U.S. ships that had been hunting seals in
the area. In early 1833 a British force _____________(EXPEL) the few remaining
Argentine officials from the island without firing a shot. In 1841 a British civilian
lieutenant governor was appointed for the Falklands, and by 1885 a
British community of some 1,800 people on the islands _________(BE) already
living. Argentina regularly ______________(PROTEST)  Britain’s occupation of
the islands.
After World War II the issue of sovereignty over the Falkland
Islands _________(shift) to the United Nations when, in 1964,
the islands’ status was debated by the UN committee on
Argentina _________(base) its claim to the Falklands on papal
bulls of 1493 modified by the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), by
which Spain and Portugal had divided the New World between
themselves; on succession from Spain; on the islands’ proximity
to South America; and on the need to end a colonial situation.
Britain _________(base) its claim on its “open, continuous,
effective possession, occupation, and administration” of the
islands since 1833 and its determination to apply to the
Falklanders the principle of self-determination as recognized in
the United Nations Charter. Britain ________(assert) that, far
from ending a colonial situation, Argentine rule and control of the
lives of the Falklanders against their wishes would in fact create
In 1965 the UN General Assembly___________(approve) a
resolution inviting Britain and Argentina to hold discussions to
find a peaceful solution to the dispute. These protracted
discussions were still proceeding in February 1982, but on April 2
Argentina’s military government ____________(invade) the
Falklands. This act started the Falkland Islands War, which
_________(end) 10 weeks later with the surrender of the
Argentine forces at Stanley to British troops who had reoccupied
the islands. Although Britain and Argentina______________
(reestablish) full diplomatic relations in 1990, the issue of
sovereignty _______________(remain) a point of contention.
In the early 21st century Britain ___________ (continue) to
maintain some 2,000 troops on the islands. In January 2009 a
new constitution came into effect that
______________(strengthen) the Falklands’ local democratic
government and _________________(reserve) for the
islanders their right to determine the territory’s political status.
In a referendum held in March 2013, islanders
________________ (vote) nearly unanimously to remain a
British overseas territory.

When the night came along

As a tempting lady in a lace dress,
The darkest instincts arose
In this devilish creature from hell.
Silent screams from his victims
could still be heard in the dark
Hyde, harmful detestable man
Showed no mercy for those innocent eyes.
A mischievous heart full of sins
With a black sneering coolness,
This little wildish animal
Would find no forgiveness
No ease at his mind,
No peace at heart.
Bring once and for all
my friend back to life.

To start with, sleet and slush are lexicalized terms and they are
connected to the area of snow. Blizzard and avalanche should also be
included in that categorization. They are considered within that category
because it is a conceptual distinction expressed by a single word.
Nevertheless, English speakers might create phrases or other complex
expressions to refer to different snow-related phenomena, in those
cases, they fall into a different category called “non-lexicalized terms”.

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