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“The Resilience of a Child from a Broken Home Family

: The Phenomological Theory”


“The Resilience of a Child from a Broken Home Family

: The Phenomological Theory”

The resilience process began in this example while the patient was
already a young
adult. The subject's comprehension could aid her in actively
embracing and coping
with the problem. Internal features of the subject, such as religious,
cognitive, and
social abilities, which evolved as the subject grew older, support it.
The ability to
achieve resilience is aided by open dialogue that receives reciprocity
from the
significant other around the subject. As a result, the takeaway from
this study is
that resilience can be gained if the person who was exposed to the
actively dealt with the situation. The first habitat we are exposed to
is our family.
We can't pick the family we want, but we can select how we want to
Teenagers may become involved in Juvenile Delinquency as a result
of a shattered
home. We are aware that some teenagers with broken families are
drug users or
have other problems. However, there are some youngsters who are
not addicted to
drugs. Marriage begins with Matrimony, when the couple exchanges
vows in front
of a congregation and the Almighty God. However, some couples are
after their wedding but later divorce without considering what
would happen to
their child(ren). Some parents teach their children to make the best
possible. A society as a broader social system provides and
facilitates the smallest,
most sensitive, most essential social structure: the family. The
family, being a
significant impact on a child's growth and a main agent of
socialization, may
undoubtedly help or hinder a child's academic success, depending
on the family's
social environment. The purpose of this study is to assess the
resilience if a child
from a broken home family on the behavioral development and
achievement of a child. Thirty (30) identified respondents from
broken families
were chosen to participate in the study. Descriptive statistics were
utilized by the

First and foremost, we want to thank God, the Almighty, for His
blessings during our research, which enabled us to
successfully complete the
project. We'd like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Mr.
Ronard Denopol, our
research teacher, for allowing us to conduct research and
providing us with
invaluable guidance throughout the process. His dynamism,
vision, sincerity, and
passion left an indelible mark on us. He has taught us how to
conduct research and
effectively communicate our findings. Working and studying
under his guidance
was an incredible honor and privilege. We thank him for
everything he has done
for us. We'd also like to thank him for his friendship,
empathy, and incredible
sense of humour. We are eternally grateful to our parents
for their love, prayers,
care, and sacrifices in teaching and preparing us for the
We'd like to convey our heartfelt gratitude to our research

teacher for allowing us

to do research and providing us with vital guidance

throughout the process. His

dynamism, vision, sincerity, and passion have left an

indelible impression on us.

He has taught us how to do research and communicate our

findings as clearly as

possible. Working and studying under his direction was a

wonderful honor and

privilege. We are appreciative for what he has done for us.

We'd also like to

express our gratitude for his friendship, empathy, and

amazing sense of humor
We are putting a lot of effort into this research because we want to
improve our
academic and personal lives. We'd also like to dedicate this to our
family for their
unwavering support, particularly in terms of financially. We also
dedicated this
study to ourselves in recognition of our perseverance and
determination, despite all
of the sleepless nights and breakdowns we endured. And also we
would like to
dedicate this to those people who encourage us that we can do this
especially to Mr. Ronard Denopol and Mr. Roberto Dinampo. And
to those our
Cherielou C. Corteza
Niña Michaella V. Alquizola
Marie Ana Metche N. Lauron
Ara Jane T. Turtoga
Angel Mae Z. Villarojo
Edrian Unabia
Table of Contents

Title Page.........................................................................................
APPROVAL SHEET..............................................................................
Chapter I:THE PROBLEM AND ITS COPE.........................................

Theoretical Background..................................................................
Statement of the problem.................................................................
Significance of the
Flow of the Study...............................................................................
Statistical Treatment...............................................................................
Definition of terms...............................................................................
Chapter II:Presentation,Data Analysis and Interpretation
Respondent's Profile...............................................................................
Chapter III:
Chapter IV: Output of the Study
Curriculum Vitae...............................................................................
Chapter I


Theoretical Background

Research have shown that there is a tendency

for product of a broken home to
more likely to experience the problems later on in marriage.
Girls married from
a broken family have high tendency to end up on the same
way. They have been
trained not to belong to a single man throughout their
(Ghaerba 2001). According to Ann Money, Chris Oliver and
Marjorie Smith
(2009) Low levels of parental conflict have been found to act
as a protective
factor against adverse outcomes.
Broken families is usually caused by lack of communication
and understanding.
But sometimes it may be financial issue, sexual
misunderstanding and early
According to Republic Act 7610 an act providing for stonger
Detterence and special protection against child abuse,
Exploitation, and discrimination, providing penalties for it’s
violation and for other purposes.
Figure 1:Theoritical Framework of the Study
Statement of the Problem
The mother-child bond will be more
developed and
important in these circumstances than the father-child
Children, on the other hand, are expected to
contribute to the
process of social and familial survival by partaking in
it. the
resources of the family As a result, they are regarded
as assets and
treated as such. This means that using in terms of
nutrition and
other requirements The kids are with the exception
that they are
considered adults. Both qualitative and quantitative
are decreased. When malnutrition is caused by a
particular culture,
It is to be attributed to the fact that, rather than being
due to
poverty, it is due to the fact that the repercussions of
highly valued
procreation paired with to the financial contribution
of the child
Two overlapping and interacting
social values
determine family ties and their impact on a child's
nutrition (from
birth to the age of five years). Our theory is that
whenever a
civilization prioritizes fertility, it is consistent with
survival. various
biological and social survival mechanisms that the
society has
designed Having an abundance of When a threat to
survival is
removed, progeny becomes attractive and continues to
be valued. In
The division of labor between the marital partners is
also important.
In most cases, partners make preparations for the
mother. so that
she can care for the child, particularly the to ensure its
viability and
survival as a newborn
Significance of the Study

This research will assist children and youth from

broken households, as well as
anyone who plans to start a family in the future. This
research will assist everyone
in comprehending the importance of family and how a poor
childhood can impair a
child's development. This study will help prospective social
workers gain a better
knowledge of their clients, their emotions, and how to handle
various situations in
which they are currently involved, as well as assist them in
resolving their issues.
While this research is often helpful to other doctors and
helping professionals, it
does not enhance information about the majority of divorced
children, who often
have less severe problems.This study aims to make everyone
aware of the negative
effects of divorce on children, so that they will be more
responsible in caring for
their children.A shattered family can wreak havoc on a
child's development
across the board. The
impact of a broken family on a child's development is
influenced by a variety of
circumstances, including the child's age at the time of the
parents' separation, as
well as the child's personality and familial relationships.
Although there are rarely
negative developmental impacts in infants and early
children, older children and
teenagers may have social, emotional, and educational
problems. some children
express their dissatisfaction with their broken family by
acting aggressively or
bullying others, both of which can have a severe impact on
peer relationships.
Other children may be anxious, making it harder for them
to seek out pleasant
social relationships and participate in developmental
activities like teen sports.
Research Methodology
This chapter describes the research methods that
will be used to conduct this
study. Research methodology is a set of procedures or
methods used to conduct research. It can
be defined also as the study or the description of method.
A methodology can be considered to
include multiple methods, each as applied to various
facets of the whole scope of the
methodology. There are two types of research
methodologies. These two types of methodologies
are qualitative methodologies and quantitative
methodologies. Both methodologies will be used
during the analyzing phase. Qualitative research involves
the use of qualitative data such as
interviews, direct observations, survey and analysis of
documents and material.
Flow of the Study
Figure 2: Flow of the study

This study conducted in three schools in Cebu city

namely: Tuyan National High School (TNHS), Patupat

National High School (PNHS), and Mantalongon

National High School (MNHS) where in the researcher

selected 11th to 12th grade students which is from a

broken family. The (TNHS) is located at Tabtuy, Tuyan

City Of Naga Cebu. (PNHS) at Brgy, Azucena, Barili,

Cebu. (MNHS) at Mantalongon Barili Cebu.

Figure 3: Map of the Municipality of Barili where Lyceum of
Cebu, Inc. Barili

Campus is Located
The respondents of this study are the 10th to 12th
students from different schools in Cebu City who are
from broken families, ranging in age from 14 to 20 years
old. The researcher has 30 students who are willing to
answer the questionnaire, giving them plenty of time to
answer to their satisfaction so that they can thoroughly
answer all of the questions.
The researchers send questions via messenger that are
anticipated by 10th to 12th grade students from
various schools in Barili, Cebu. These will be asked of
the study participants in order for the researchers to
analyze their responses for the qualitative data results.
The interviewees will be asked about their experience
and the difficulties they face as members of a broken
family. The researchers' questions concern the
respondents' profile, in which they may or may not
state their name, age, and gender; and their personal
experience with their problem in the broken family.
Data Gatgering Procedure
Data collection began after identifying all 30
respondents who would reply to the
study's research instrument. First, the research
supplied basic directions about the
research goals, processes, and desired secrecy, as well
as particular instructions for
filling out the research instrument. The participants
were then given time to
respond to the questionnaires. The researcher
gathered the answers after each
response to observe their questionaires.
Statistical Treatment

If a study is to be credible, any research student,

whether a biologist, computer
scientist, or psychologist, must have a fundamental
understanding of statistical
treatment.This is because conducting research entails
more than just creating tests
and gathering data. The analysis, interpretation, and
presentation of data are the
other components, which are often not well understood by
novice researchers. This
is just as crucial, if not more significant, because it is here
that the study's
significance is retrieved. The term statistical treatment
could be a capture all term
which implies to apply any factual strategy to your
information. Medicines are
partitioned into two bunches: expressive measurements,
which summarize your
information as a chart or rundown measurement and
inferential measurements,
which make expectations and test speculations
approximately your information.
Measurable treatment of information enormously depends
on the kind of test and
the specified result from the try. For case, in a study with
respect to the decision of a Leader, parameters like age,
sex, occupation, etc. would
be vital in affecting the
person's choice to vote for a specific candidate.
Definition of Terms
Broken households earn much less and enjoy
decrease tiers of
instructional achievement. Worse, they byskip the chance
of meager
earning and Family instability directly to their children,
making sure
a persevering with if now no longer increasing cycle of
distress. Broken households earn much less and enjoy
decrease tiers
of instructional achievement. Worse, they byskip the
chance of
meager earning and Family instability directly to their
making sure a persevering with if now no longer
increasing cycle of
monetary distress. A damaged own circle of relatives can
have an effect on all domain names of your child’s
The results of a damaged own circle of relatives
on a child’s
improvement depend upon severa factors, consisting of
the age of
the kid on the time of parents’ separation, and at the
persona and
own circle of relatives relationships. Although toddlers
and younger
youngsters can also additionally revel in few bad
results, older youngsters and teens can also additionally
revel in a
few troubles of their social, emotional and academic

functioning.After a divorce, kids from pre-faculty via past

due youth
can enjoy deficits in emotional development. Children of
every age
can also additionally appear tearful or depressed, that's a
which can remaining for numerous years after a child’s
parents’ have
separated, explains psychologist Lori Rappaport.
Additionally, a few
older kids can also additionally display little or no
response to their parents’ divorce. According to Lori
Rappaport, this
can now no longer be developmentally beneficial. Some
kids who
display little emotional reaction are clearly bottling up
their bad
emotions. This emotional suppression makes it tough for
instructors and therapists to assist the kid procedure her
in developmentally suitable ways.
Chapter 2:Presentation Data Analysis, And Intrepretation

Respondents Profile

This chapter present the summary of the

research works undertaken, the conclusions drawn

and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of

this study.

The salient findings of the study are as


1.How student cope up with their every day lives

despite of being from a broken-home family in terms

of :
1.1 Personality
The child cope up his/her ptoblem in terms of
personality as outstanding with weighted mean of

1.2 Communication skills

Every child has a friend to share their problems

with .
The finding in this research is consistent with

Resilience Framework from

Kumpfer that resilience of a child from broken-home

family can be explained

by six major predictors of resilience process: positive

and proactive

personality, experience and learning, sense of control,

flexibility and

adaptability, balance and perspective, and perceived

social support. In

addition, there is a new finding that maturity in age

and internal

characteristics of subject are served as important

factors in this case.

Maturity in age played a role in processing and

understnding the problems

better. Therefore, the parental divorce and family

conflict as the stressor

which experienced by subject since childhood are

solved when the subject has

already been young adult. The internal characteristics

of subject is more

dominant in achieving the resilience. The resilience

process is triggered by

subject’s internal characteristics including religiosity,

cognitive, and social

competencies. These factors appeared and developed

as the subject grown up.

The process of resilience began with the subject’s

acceptance and active

coping in facing the problems. The openness in

communication which get

reciprocity from the significant other around the

subject by giving social

support to subject has a role in achieving resilience.

Therefore, the lesson

learned from this case are resilience can be achieved if

the individual who

exposured the stressors coped the problem actively. It

is supported by both of

internal and external resilience factors which include

of: acceptance,

religiosity, cognitive ability, social competencies, and

social support. Mature

age seemed to be an important factor in achieving

resilience since it reflect

maturity in those factors cited previously.

Family break up have many variations of

reasons and as we see it they all

have one thing in common, they're all examples of

breaking, ignoring, or

ignorance of the basic rules for a good marriage:

Trust, communication,

common goals, and realistic expectations. That’s why

planning and choosing

your partner strictly and analytically is the best thing

to do before jumping

into the conclusion of getting married. One must set

his/her good and high

standard of getting into relationship. Getting to know

much your soon-to-be

partner for life, knowing his/her mindsets and beliefs

will help you know what

kind of person he or she is. Because that’s the family

you are going to build.


Family is a single word with many different
meanings. People have many
ways of defining a family and what being a part of a
family means to them.
What every family has in common is that the people
who call it a family are
making clear that those people are important in some
way to the person
calling them his family. Some teenagers can define a
family as their best
friend, teacher, classmate and people who can always
be there for them. But
some other teenagers defined it as their enemy,
problem, heartache and most
hated people in their life because of being into a
broken family.

A broken family is defined as a family that

has split or separated due to a
variety of reasons that we will know in the next part of
this research. Broken
homes can cause children to question their self- worth,
to experience
unnecessary grief, guilt and confusion. It can affect
their whole life, especially
in their studies and in their emotions. Being into a
broken family gives a lot of
effects in a teenager. The one who should support and
be there for them are
the one who hurts their feeling. This leads to children
being raised by single
parents, stepparents or others not related to the
biological parents. Several studies show that children
from broken-home family have complex problems.
However, some children from broken-home family are
found to be able to have a good achievement and able
to grow to be positive. They are able to build resilience
in facing their family problems.The purpose of this
study was to find out how adult children dealt with the
impact of their parents' dementia on their own
development during adolescence, what coping
mechanisms, strategies, and resources they used, and
how they saw recent changes in their lives.
Direction: Please check to which applies to you.
Gender: __Male or __Female School Attended:__Private or __Public
Grade Level: __Grade7 __Grade8 __Grade9 __ Grade10 __Grade 11
check the best answer that applies to you.
1. A member of the family is ill. (Always, Often, Sometimes,Rarely,
2.You are willing to forgive the family member for what they did.
3. It's difficult to deal with broken family.
4. Give time for family
5. Financial issues might arise as a result of a broken family.
6. We're living in a broken home of hopes and dreams.
7. Children from a broken home might have some attitude problems
when they grow up.
8. Childrens and teenagers may experience some problems in their
social, emotional and educational functioning.
9. Slowed academic development is another common way that
separations of the parents affects children.
10. Negative thinking can be a part of damaged family.
11. I read stories about broken family

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