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UNIT 1-2

Complete the sentences with the verbss in brackets in the correct form.

1. When I last ………………………………(see) him, he …………………………(not seem) too happy.

2. I …………………………(fall) asleep while my friends ………………………………(discuss) some
boring issues.
3. It …………………………………(rain) a lot here and I ……………………………(hate) this weather.
4. Look! The star …………………………………(fall) from the sky!
5. I …………………………………… (carry) such heavy bags all day yesterday that I'm still tired now.
6. Scientists…………………………… (read) a lot of books because their job ………………………
(involve) it.
7. I ………………………………………(decide) to become a doctor while you
……………………………………… (still/dream) about being a film star.
8. Yesterday in the afternoon I …………………………………… (walk) along the road when I
……………………………………(meet) John.
9. Ann and Julie …………………………………… (have) a break now.
10. I …………………………………… (sit) at home now and I ……………………………… (study) maths
for my exam.
11. Carol ……………………………..(break) her arm when she …………………………(paint) the ceiling.
12. Excuse me,…………………………………… (speak) English? I need some help.
13. What time ………………………………………(come back) from Jim's birthday yesterday?
14. This car ………………………………………(cost) a lot of money but it is worth it.
15. I never ………………………………(eat) breakfast. I ……………………………………(prefer) to wait
until lunch.
16. ……………………………………(watch) TV when I ………………………………………(call) you to
ask about your health?
17. Hurry up! She ………………………………………(wait) for you.
18. What …………………………………………(she/do) all day while you
……………………………………(work) on your project?
19. My husband is a clerk and he ……………………………………(finish) work at 5 o'clock.
20. She ………………………………..(be) a really brilliant student and ………………………….(help)
other students, too.

Ask questions to the underlined items.

1. Ann was studying as she had an exam.

2. My husband woke up too early because of the noise outside.

3. I’m seeing my friends tonight.

4. I didn’t do my homework because I had guests.

5. Mr Brown was drinking some water as he was thirsty.

6. As far as I know they are in Paris now.

7. Tina and Sarah are revising French before the exams.

8. She spends all her money on clothes, especially dresses and skirts.

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