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104 Announcements

Book Review a) family of plant,

b) scientific name,
" 270 Plantas medicinales Ibero-arnericanas" c) synonyms,
edited by Mahabir Gupta, d) common names,
Convemio Andres Bello 1995 e) botanical description,
f) photo or design (not for all species),
This book can be ordered from professor Mahabir Gupta , g) ethnomedical use and how it is used,
tclefax: .. - 507 -223- 7633 or 507-264-0789. Price: 45 dol- h) chemistry,
lar + freight (postage) i) pharmacological activity and biological action,
The renewed study of medicinal plants from a certain re- j) references.
gion generally results in publ ication of reference and review The authors from 19 Ibero-american countries and au-
books. A good example is the Chinese materia medica, thors from Spain and Portugal are responsible for the text
where a number of reviews including updated references on on the species from their country. The Napralet-informa-
chemistry (in some cases also with structural formulas) and tions are formulated by the Editor.
pharmacology have been published. The amount of information for each plant species is very
For those researchers, including the author of this review, varying. This also applies to the references (some go back
who have been working med medicinal plants from the ibe- rather long, at least to 1907). All this is natural, but when
to-american region, a reference book has been missing for the references is not mentioned in the text (author and year),
decades. then it is more difficult to identify it for detailed study.
Now this drawback has been partl y abolished by the new The selection of medicinal plants can always be dis-
book dealt with here. cussed. As an example: I am missing the Dorstenia species
The book has been a project of the development pro- in Nicaragua, which are typical folkmedicine against diar-
gram: Programa Ibero-americano de Ciencia y Tecnologia rhoea.
para Desarrollo, CITED, sub-programma de Quimica Fi- In the introduction Prof Gupta writes that species that
na Farmaceutica. are cultivated extensively should not be included, but Stevia
The coordinator for this big project has been Mahabir rebaudiana, Ricinus communis, Psychotria ipecacuanha
Gupta, professor of pharmacognosy, University of Panama. are cultivated, partl y in big quantities.
The selection of the medicinal plants to be dealt with was I do hope that the reader of this lines has got an idea of
performed in such a way that one wellknown researcher the huge valuable compilation that professor Mahabir
from each Ibero-american country and Portugal and Spain Gupta has performed to benefit of researcher in the field of
should provide a list of 20 medicinal plants, which were Ibero-american medicinal plants. I would guess that the
con sidered most important for his country. The following ethnobotanists and ehtnopharmacologists will be groups
three criteria were used by the selection: that find this book most valuable. The title of the book
a) The plant is native to Ibero-america, gives a problem. The correct title shoud be:
b) The plant should not be extensively cultivated, "242 Ibero-american and 9 Portugese and 19 Spanish
c) Plant species, which are less known from the view medicinal plants. "
point of its medical potentialities. All information says that the spanish adjective Ibero-
Using these criteria 270 species from 19 Ibero-american americanas includes plants from Mexico to Chile, but not
countries incl. Portugal and Spain belonging to 119 genera from Portugal and Spain.
in 82 families are included in this heavy book (weight In this context I also want to mention the TRAMIL-meet-
1,8 kg, 617 pages). ings, where the countries round the Carribean Sea discuss
For each plant the informations from the well-known the results of field work on medicinal plants from the Car-
data-base Napralet (Prof. N . Farmsworth, Chicago) up to ibbean region. These meetings are organised by the excel-
and including 1993 are used. lent Dr. Lionel Robineau from the organisation ENDA-
The plants are arranged according to the alphabetic order Carite , Santo Domingo.
of the plant families. Each monography comprises: Finn Sandberg (Uppsala, Sweden)

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