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This appendix to the IADC Drilling Manual, 12th edition, is a handy reference to common acronyms,
abbreviations and defintions used in the drilling industry. IADC welcomes contributions from readers. Please
send suggested additions or updates to

Acronyms and abbreviations ESD: Emergency Shut Down

AFP: Annular Friction Pressure ETF: Emergency Task Force
AIS: Automatic Identification System FAT: Factory Acceptance Test
API: American Petroleum Institute FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
APV: Air Pressure Vessel (US)
AX/VX: Ring gasket FIT: Formation Integrity Test
BCP: Blowout Contingency Plan FLOT: Flying Lead Orientation Tool
BHA: Bottomhole Assembly FOSV: Full Opening Safety Valve
BHP: Bottomhole Pressure GOM: Gulf of Mexico
BOEMRE: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regu- GOR: Gas Oil Ratio
lation and Enforcement GPS: Global Positioning Satellite
BOP: Blowout Preventer H2S: Hydrogen Sulfide
BOPE: Blowout Preventer Equipment HID: Hydraulic Isolation Depth
BSEE: Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforce- HPHT: High-Temperature High-Pressure
ment HPU: Hydraulic Power Unit
BSR: Blind Shear Ram HSE: Health, Safety and the Environment
BTF: Blowout Task Force HSEQ: Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
BU: Business Unit IADC: International Association
C&K: Choke and Kill of Drilling Contractors
CBHP: Constant Bottomhole Pressure ICP: Initial Circulating Pressure
CBL: Cement Bond Log ICS: Incident Command System
CCC: Central Control Console ID: Inside Diam
CLFP: Choke and Kill Line Friction Pressures (also IR: Infrared
used for Choke Line Friction Pressures) ISO: International Standards Organization
CLP: Classification, Labeling and Packaging KT: Kick Tolerance
CO2: Carbon dioxide LCM: Lost Circulation Material
COC: Certificate of Conformance LMRP: Lower Marine Riser Package
CRA: Corrosion Resistant Alloy LOP: Leak-Off Pressure
CRT: Casing Running Tool LOT: Leak-Off Test
CSGS: Critical Static Gel Strength LVE: Low Volumetric Expansion
CSR: Casing Shear Ram LWC: Loss of Well Control
CWOP: Completing the Well on Paper (also, Comple- LWD: Logging While Drilling
tion Well Optimization Process) MAASP: Maximum Allowable Annulus Surface Pres-
DCP: Driller’s Control Panel sure
DGD: Dual Gradient Drilling MAE: Major Accident Event
DGPS: Differential Global Positioning Satellite MASP: Maximum Anticipated Surface Pressure
DOD: Department of Defense (US) MAWP: Maximum Anticipated Water Pressure
DP: Dynamic Positioning or Dynamic Positioned MD: Measured Depth
DWOP: Drill Well on Paper MGS: Mud Gas Separator
DWWCG: Deepwater Well Control Guidelines MMS: Minerals Management Service
ECD: Equivalent Circulating Density MOC: Management of Change
EDS: Emergency Disconnect Sequence MODU: Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
EHBS: Electro-Hydraulic Back-Up System MOP: Minimum Operating Pressure
EHBS: Emergency Hydraulic Back-Up System MPD: Managed Pressure Drilling
EMW: Equivalent Mud Weights MRT: Marine Riser Tensioner
ERD: Extended Reach Drilling MUX: Multiplex
ERT: Emergency Response Team MW: Mud Weight

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MWD: Measurement While Drilling UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply

NAF: Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluid VIV: Vortex Induced Vibration
NIMS: National Incident Management System VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds
NORSOK: Norwegian Petroleum Standards WI: Well Integrity
OB: Overburden WICD: Well Control Interface Document
OBM: Oil-Based Muds WOC: Waiting on Cement
OD: Outer Diam WSOG: Well Specific Operating Guideline (Criteria)
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
OHSAS: Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Ser-
vices Definitions
ORM: Operational Risk Management Abandon v: to cease producing oil and gas from a well when
ORT: Onsite Response Team it becomes unprofitable or to cease further work on a
OSHA: Occupational Safety newly drilled well when it proves not to contain profit-
and Health Administration able quantities of oil or gas. Several steps are involved:
PMCD: Pressurized Mud Cap part of the casing may be removed and salvaged; one or
PP: Pore Pressure more cement plugs are placed in the borehole to pre-
PPD: Pore Pressure Detection vent migration of fluids between the different forma-
PPDSPA: Pore Pressure Detection Single Point tions penetrated by the borehole; and the well is aban-
of Accountability doned. In most oil-producing states, it is necessary to
PPFG: Pore and Fracture Pressure secure permission from official agencies before a well
ppg: Pounds Per Gallon may be abandoned.
PR: Public Relations
PWD: Pressure While Drilling Abnormal pressure n: Abnormal pressure is a term used to
QA/QC: Quality Assurance / Quality Control describe pressures that might exist in wellbores that
RCD: Rotating Control Device are greater than an expected, naturally occurring hy-
RFC-HSE: Returns Flow Control drostatic pressure.
RITT: Riser Insertion Tube Tool
RKB: Rotary Kelly Bushing Absolute permeability n: a measure of the ability of a single
ROP: Rate of Penetration fluid (such as water, gas, or oil) to flow through a rock
ROV: Remotely Operated Vehicle for mation when the formation is totally filled (saturat-
RWP: Rated Working Pressure ed) with that fluid. The permeability measure of a rock
SBM: Synthetic-Based Muds filled with a single fluid is different from the permea-
SCP: Slow Circulating Pressure bility measure of the same rock filled with two or more
SCR: Slow Circulating Rates; also Silicon Controlled fluids. Compare effective permeability.
SEMS: Safety and Environmental Management Sys- Absolute porosity n: the percentage of the total bulk vol-
tem ume of a rock sample that is composed of pore spaces
SHE: Safety, Health and the Environment or voids. See porosity.
SICP: Shut-In Casing Pressure
SIDPP: Shut-In Drillpipe Pressure AC drive n: An AC drive is a system for controlling the ro-
SIMOPS: Simultaneous Operations tational speed and/or torque of an alternating current
SIT: System Integrity Test (AC) electric motor by controlling the frequency of the
SPM: Side Pocket Mandrel electrical power supplied to the motor.
SPP: Slow Pump Pressure
SWD: Seismic While Drilling Accumulator n: A pressure vessel charged with nitrogen gas
SWF: Shallow Water Flow and used to store hydraulic fluid under pressure for op-
TCP: Toolpusher’s Control Panel eration of blowout preventers.
TD: Total Depth
TJ: Telescopic Joint Accumulator bank n: An assemblage of multiple accumula-
TMS: Tether Management System tors sharing a common manifold.
TOC: Top of Cement
TVD: True Vertical Depth Accumulator unit n: A hydraulic power unit with accumula-
TVH: True Vertical Height tors, pumps control fluid reservoir and hydraulic control
UB: Underbalanced manifold for operation of blowout preventers.

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Acid fracture v: to part or open fracture in production hard Adjustable choke n: a choke in which the position of a coni-
limestone formations by using a combination of oil and cal needle, sleeve, or plate may be changed with respect
acid or water and acid under high pressure. See forma- to their seat to vary the rate of flow; may be manual or
tion fracturing. automatic. See choke.

Acidize v: to treat oil-bearing limestone or other formations Air-actuated adj: powered by compressed air, as are the
with acid for the purpose of increasing production. Hy- clutch and the brake system in drilling equipment. See
drochloric or other acid is injected into the formation choke.
under pressure. The acid etches the rock, enlarging the
pore spaces and passages through which the reservoir Air drilling n: a method of rotary drilling that uses com-
fluids flow. Acid also removes formation damage by pressed air as the circulation medium. The conventional
dissolving material plugging the rock surrounding the method of removing cuttings from the wellbore is to use
wellbore. The acid is held under pressure for a period a flow of water or drilling mud. Compressed air removes
of time and then pumped out, after which the well is the cuttings with equal or greater efficiency. The rate
swabbed and put back into production. Chemical inhib- of penetration is usually increased considerably when
itors combined with the acid prevent corrosion of the air drilling is used; however, a principal problem in air
pipe. drilling is the penetration of formations containing wa-
ter, since the entry of water into the system reduces the
Acoustic log n: a record of the measurement of porosity, ability of the air to remove the cuttings.
done by comparing depth to the time it takes for a sonic
impulse to travel through a given length of formation. American Petroleum Institute (API) n: oil trade organiza-
The rate of travel of the sound wave through a rock de- tion that is ta major standards-development organiza-
pends on the composition of the formation and the flu- tion for the oil and gas industry.
ids it contains. Because the type of formation can be as-
certained by other logs, and because sonic transit time Anchor deadline n: means of holding the deadline to the
varies with relative amounts of rock and fluid, porosity derrick or substructure. Usually this is the primary ele-
can usually be determined in this way. ment of the weight indicator.

Active Heave compensator n: An additional device that can Angle of deflection n: in directional drilling, the angle, ex-
be installed on a passive heave compensator system, pressed in degrees, at which a well is deflected from the
such as a crown-mounted or drill string compensator. vertical by a whipstock or other deflection tool.
It is designed to improve the performance and accuracy
of the passive compensator during critical sea bed land- Annular blowout preventer n: A type of BOP that uses a
ings and critical weight on bit requirements. shaped elastomeric sealing element (“packing ele-
ment”) to seal the space between the tubular and the
Active Heave drawworks n: A drawworks with an advanced wellbore or an open hole. There are no mechanical lock-
controls system and additional power to provide the ing devices and, unless it is designed for wellbore assist
heave compensation of the string on a floating vessel close, it must have hydraulic pressure to remain closed.
instead of the traditional crown-mounted or drill-string
motion compensation systems. Through use of the ref- Annular preventer n: See Annular blowout preventer.
erence frame system, the drawworks is activated via
the control system forwards and backwards to move Annular space (also annulus) n: 1) the space surrounding a
the top drive, string, riser, etc. to maintain a static posi- cylindrical object within a cylinder. 2) the space around
tion relative to the ocean floor. a pipe in a wellbore, the other wall of which may be the
wall of either the borehole or the casing; sometimes
Adiabatic accumulator system n: An accumulator system is termed the annulus.
regarded as adiabatic when the pressure change is fast
enough that no significant heat is transferred between Anticline n: an arched, inverted-trough configuration of
the outside environment and the system. Because the folded rock layers. Compare Syncline.
temperature can change in an adiabatic process due to
internal system variations, the gas in the system may API gravity n: the measure of the density of gravity of liquid
tend to cool down when expanding. In this connection, petroleum products in the United States; derived from
it would also mean that its pressure is significantly less relative density in accordance with the following equa-
than in an isothermal system at a given volume. tion:

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API gravity at 60° F = (141.5 + relative Automatic relief valve, n: A remotely controlled, actuated,
density 60/60°F) - 131.5 and/or reset high pressure mud pump discharge relief
valve. This system may be remotely operated or con-
API gravity is expressed in degrees, 10° trolled electronically, pneumatically, hydraulically or in
API being equivalent to 1.0, the rel- some other manner.
ative density of water.
Autoshear n: A safety system that is designed to automati-
Assistant driller’s chair n: See Driller’s chair. cally shut-in the wellbore in the event of an unintended
disconnect of the LMRP. NOTE: When the Autoshear
Auto Doper: A remote controlled or automated system for system is armed, disconnecting the LMRP automatical-
cleaning and lubricating the drill pipe connections while ly closes the shear rams.
tripping in the hole. Often times connected to a set of
automated power tongs. B

Auto mixing system n: A system of a control unit and drill- Back off v: to unscrew one threaded piece (such as a section
ing mud mixing equipment where the drilling mud mix- of pipe) from another.
ing process can be automated, either to preset drilling
mud properties or to automatically control and mixing Back up v: to hold one section of an object such as pipe while
of drilling mud properties while drilling. For instance, another section is being screwed into or out of it.
measurements of downhole and surface param can be
used to automatically adjust the mud conditions while Back-up tong n: A tong suspended in the derrick, normally
drilling if well conditions changes. on the driller’s right, used to hold box end of the joint
(lower half) while the pin end (upper half) is loosened
Auto mud bucket n: A mechanized or automated mud cap- and unscrewed. Also called makeup tong, as it is moved
turing device that also provides spray protection for the to pin end to tighten the joint to recommended torque
crew when pulling a wet string tripping out of the hole. after joint is spun in when going in the hole.
Typically mounted on the drill floor where it is actuated
to well center or on an Iron Roughneck that brings it to Bail n: a cylindrical steel bar (similar in form to the handle
well center during deployment. The captured mud is re- or bail of a bucket, but much larger) that supports the
turned to the pits, reducing waste and cost. swivel and connects it to the hook. Sometimes, the two
cylindrical bars that support the elevators and attach
Auto sack cutter n: A system with an automatic dustproof them to the hook are also called bails or links. v: to re-
machine able to cut smaller sacks with powder. It sepa- cover bottomhole fluids, samples, mud, sand, or drill
rates powder into a feeding unit toward the mud mixer cuttings by lowering a cylindrical vessel called a bailer
and packaging into a waste-material compacting unit. to the bottom of a well, filling it, and retrieving it.
This slitter unit is often integrated in a mud mixing sys-
tem with lifting table for pallets and a PLC-controlled Bailer n: a long, cylindrical container fitted with a valve at
system with a local control panel. Often delivered on a its lower end, used to remove water, sand, mud, drilling
skid for easy installation into the mud mix room/area. cuttings, or oil from a well in cable-tool drilling.

Auto shaker control n: A PLC controlled flow distribution Bailing line n: the cable attached to a bailer, passed over a
and remote valve controlled system to ensure even flow sheave at the top of the derrick, and spooled on a reel.
distribution to all shakers including a start up procedure
when flow is increasing or a stop procedure when flow Ballooning n: Ballooning is flowback when pumps are off;
is decreasing. caused by seepage losses when drilling or circulating.

Automatic driller, n: A mechanism used to regulate the Barge n: any one of many types of flat-decked, shallow draft
amount of weight on the bit without the continual con- vessels, usually towed by a boat. A complete drilling rig
trol by drilling personnel. Automatic drillers free the may be assembled on a drilling barge, which usually is
driller from the sometimes tedious task of manipulat- submersible; that is, it has a submersible hull or base
ing the drawworks brake to maintain correct weight on that is flooded at the drilling site. Drilling equipment
the bit. It may also have the capability to control weight and crew quarters are mounted on a superstructure
within safe operating limits when more than one drilling above the water level.
param changes at a time.

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Barite or baryte n: barium sulfate, BaSO4; a mineral fre- Bit record n: a report that lists each bit used during a drilling
quently used to increase the weight or density of drill- operation, giving the type, the footage it drilled, the for-
ing mud. Its relative density is 4.2 (i.e., it is 4.2 times mation it penetrated, its condition, and so on.
denser than water). See barium sulfate, mud.
Blind ram n: an integral part of a blowout preventer, which
Barium sulfate n: a chemical compound of barium, sulfur, serves as the closing element on an open hole. Its ends
and oxygen (BaSO4), which may form a tenacious scale do not fit around the drill pipe but seal against each oth-
that is very difficult to remove. Also called barite. er and shut off the space below completely.

Barrel (bbl) n: 1) a measure of volume for petroleum prod- Block n: any assembly of pulleys on a common framework;
ucts in the United States. One barrel is the equivalent of in mechanics, one or more pulleys, or sheaves, mount-
42 U.S. gallons or 0.15899 cubic m (9702 cubic inch- ed to rotate on a common axis. The crown block is an
es). One cubic m equals 6.2897 barrels. 2) the cylindri- assembly of sheaves mounted on beams at the top of
cal part of a sucker rod pump in which the piston-like the derrick or mast. The drilling line is reeved over the
plunger moves up and down. Operating as a piston in- sheaves of the crown block alternately with the sheaves
side a cylinder, the plunger and barrel create pressure of the traveling block, which is raised and lowered in the
energy to lift well fluids to the surface. derrick or mast by the drilling line. When elevators are
attached to a hook on the traveling block and drill pipe
Barrier: A barrier is defined as “a component or practice is latched in the elevators, the pipe can be raised or low-
that contributes to the total system reliability by pre- ered. See Crown block, Drilling block, Elevators, Hook,
venting formation fluid or gas flow” (API RP 96) and as Reeve, Sheave, and Traveling block.
“an object that prevents flow from a source” (NORSOK
D-010). Blooey line n: the discharge pipe from a well being drilled by
air drilling. The blooey line is used to conduct the air or
Basket sub n: a fishing accessory run above a bit or a mill gas used for circulation away from the rig to reduce the
to recover small, non-drillable pieces of metal or junk fire hazard as well as to transport the cuttings a suitable
in a well. distance from the well. See Air drilling.

Bed n: a specific layer of earth or rock that presents a con- Blowout n: an uncontrolled flow of gas, oil, or other well flu-
trast to other layers of different material lying above, ids into the atmosphere. A kick warns of the possibility
below, or adjacent to it. of a blowout.

Bell nipple n: a short piece of pipe, expanded, or belled, at Blowout preventer (BOP) n: one of several valves installed
the top to guide tools into the hole. Usually has side at the wellhead to prevent the escape of pressure either
connections for the fill-up and mud return lines. in the annular space between the casing and drill pipe or
in open hole (i.e., hole with no drill pipe) during drilling
Belt n: a flexible band or cord connecting and wrapping or completion operations. Blowout preventers on land
around each of two or more pulleys to transmit power rigs are located beneath the rig at the land’s surface;
or impart motion. on jackup or platform rigs, at the water’s surface; and
on floating offshore rigs, on the sea floor. See annular
Bentonite n: a finely powdered gray material used in prepar- blowout preventer, inside blowout preventer, ram blow-
ing drilling mud. Usually referred to on the rig as “gel”. out preventer.

Bit n: the cutting or boring element used in drilling oil and Boll weevil n: (slang) an inexperienced rig or oilfield worker;
gas wells. The bit consists of a cutting element and a sometimes shortened to weevil.
circulating element. The circulating element permits
the passage of drilling fluid and utilizes the hydrau- Bomb n: a thick-walled container, usually steel, used to hold
lic source of the fluid stream to improve drilling rates. devices that determine and record pressure or tem-
Most bits used in rotary drilling are roller cone bits. perature in a wellbore. See bottomhole pressure.

Bit breaker n: a heavy plate that fits in the rotary table and Bond n: the adhering or joining together of two materials (as
holds the drill bit while it is being made up in or broken cement to formation). v: to adhere or to join to another
out of the drill stem. See bit. material.

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