Alexander The Great

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Alexander the great

Alexander of Macedon, better known as Alexander the Great, ascended to the throne
at the age of 20, right after the assassination of his father. After defeating his enemies at home
and consolidating his reign, Alexander fixed his goals to reassert Macedonian power in
Greece and achieve multiple military victories in Persia, Asia, Syria and Egypt without
suffering a single defeat.

During his conquest Alexander didn’t aggressively challenge the existing systems.
Instead, he co-opted those who were willing to serve him and ruthlessly annihilate those who
opposed his authority. His ability to incorporate different cultures in his empire is what many
historians view as a key factor in his ability to rule vast areas.

Over the course of his life he founded multiple cities with his name the one which is
the best known is Alexandria in Egypt, which would become an important commerce center.
The creation of these cities shape traded routes and defensive positions. The purpose of these
cities was most likely administrative headquarters used to control the newly conquered
territories. which for the most part didn’t happen during his lifetime, however a century or so
after his death these communities were still thriving.

Alexander the great he was a soldier and brilliant and already demonstrated his
cunning and strength one of that was when he tamed the famous horse Bucephalus a horse so
wild and strong that it was offered to Alexander's father, and that due to the great size of the
animal and aloof, and no one then seemed to be able to tame him, and riding King Philip II
was not interested by the sage. But Alexander, young and with a lot of strength and an
invigorating body, bet with the king his father that he would be able to tame the stallion, done
that the King bought the horse for Alexander. Another fact about Alexander the Great was
that he was considered the son of Zeus when he defeated Darius III in 33 BC and went to
Egypt afterwards.

Alexander stood out for his tactical brilliance and the speed with which he crossed
large territories. Though brave and generous, he was cruel when the political situation
demanded it. He committed some acts that he regretted, such as the murder of his friend Clito
while he was drunk. As a politician and leader, he had grandiose plans. According to some
historians, he designed a project to unify East and West into a world empire.
Some tales about such a persona say that Alexandre's sex life is the subject of much
interpretation as it raises controversial debates. At that time homosexual, heterosexual and
bisexual did not exist, but we can use the terms to describe it. Alexander had two wives and
relationships with men.

At the end of his campaign in India before he could cross the Ganges river his troops
mutinied and refused to go any farther so he was forced to head back home, Alexander died
in 327 BCE, the course of his death is debated to this day. His death was sudden and since he
had no apparent heir his four generals took the chance and divided his empire among

Because he died young and without defeats, much is speculated about what would
have happened if he had lived longer. Had he led his forces in an invasion of the lands west of
the Mediterranean, he would probably have been successful, in which case the entire history
of western Europe might have been completely different. Alexander ordered that after his
death, Greek cities would worship him as a god. Although he probably gave the order for
political reasons, according to his own opinion and that of some contemporaries, he
considered himself of divine origin.

In 2004, film director Oliver Stone released the film Alexander, telling the biography
of this great emperor of antiquity.

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