Surat Rekomendasi Sekolah Ke Luar Negeri

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Number. : 421.5 / / SMKN 1 ALAS / 2023

Alas, Januari 18th 2023

To Whomsoever it may concern,

I, the undersigned, am the principal of the Vocational High School – SMK Negeri 1
Alas, writing this letter to you on behalf of my student :
Name : Aril Muhadli
Grade : XII (Third Grade)
Competency Skills : Light Vehicle Engineering

I proudly wish to recommend Brother Aril Muhadli for being considered for the
Vocational Scholarsip program under Nanjing Polytechnic Institute.

He has been outstanding and dedicated student, who shows initiative and diligence
sience the first grade, this I would gladly recommend him as recipient of your

Thank you for considering my mentioned student for your scholarsip program, and
should you need any further details and clarification, please do not hesitate to
contact me.

Sincerely Yours,

Budi Susilo, S. Pd,. M. M. Inov

NIP. 19770520 200604 1 027

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