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Martial Arts in the Rolemaster Standard

by Steve Danielson

This article addresses the role of Martial Arts in the Rolemaster Standard System. At
present in the Standard System, Martial Arts are treated in a very general and unfocused
manner. Gamemasters who wish to have Martial Arts occupy a greater place in their
campaigns are faced with the formidable task of creating new guidelines themselves. This
article was written to share my interpretation of how Martial Arts can be implemented in

The Philosophy of Rolemaster Combat and Martial Arts Styles

It is important when writing a set rule additions to an existing game system to follow as
closely as possible the system's underlying rules philosophy and methods of resolution. In
the case of the Rolemaster Standard System, it was necessary to understand the both
philosophy of combat rounds and the skill category structure in Rolemaster.

Combat rounds in Rolemaster are divided into 10 second segments. Each combatant rolls
their melee attack once during any given combat round; adding their appropriate melee
attack skill bonus to their roll. In game terms, the one melee attack roll is a rules system
abstraction which actually represents the sum of several smaller blows and feints during
the course of melee round as the opponents test each other's defenses. Thus any rules
additions which allow multiple attacks (with the exception of haste effects and two
weapon combat) should be very closely monitored. Also any rules additions which
specify an exact form of the melee attack are contrary to the combat abstraction of
multiple of blows of varying effectiveness which are resolved by one attack roll and thus
should be avoided as well.

The skill category structure in Rolemaster also presented some design decisions. A major
change from the second edition of Rolemaster with its proliferation of skills and
individualized skill development point costs was the introduction of skill categories in the
new system. In the Standard System skills were divided into their broader skill categories
where all skills in a given category shared the same development point cost which varied
only by the profession of the character. It was necessary to fit the Martial Arts Style skills
into one of these categories and not introduce any unnecessary specialized skill
development point costs; while at the same time preserving the original flexibility in
development point cost for the Martial Arts Style skills which I wanted to base on the
difficulty of the Martial Arts Style learned.

My method for dealing with Martial Arts in Rolemaster is simple. Martial Arts
techniques as practiced in the modern (or ancient) world are abstracted to a skill called
Martial Arts Style. Any Martial Arts Style skill represents the ingrained and practiced
techniques a martial artist uses to react quickly and decisively to threats. Almost any type
of fighting, from Fencing to Kung Fu can be a Martial Arts Style. Each Martial Arts Style
allows the user to incorporate some different types of skills and maneuvers effectively in
a combat round. The degree of difficulty of learning a given Martial Arts Style is based
both on the complexity of the style and the profession of the learner.

New Skills and Changes to Existing Skills

Combat Maneuvers Category: Martial Arts Styles

Combined Skill Progression
Stat Bonuses: Qu/Ag/Sd

The Martial Arts Style skill allows the practitioner to use a martial art style during a
combat round. The benefit of a martial arts style is that it allows the user to accomplish
more than is ordinarily possible in a combat round due to the intense training and
automatic reactions to threatening situations that all martial arts give their practitioners.
Like all combat maneuver skills, the Martial Arts Style represents an upper limit on the
total bonuses of any skills used while the Martial Arts Style is in effect. Each individual
martial art must be developed separately. The Martial Arts Style skill can be unrestricted,
restricted (double cost), very restricted (triple cost) based on the degree of complexity of
the martial art.

Martial Arts: Strikes Category: Martial Arts Strikes

Normal Skill Progression
Stat Bonuses: St/St/Ag

The Martial Arts Strikes skill encompasses the traditional 'hard' martial arts, typified by
devastating blows dealt with the hands, feet, elbows and the like. Boxing can also be
found in this category. Unlike the Standard System description, there are no 'degrees' of
martial arts strikes. One skill is developed for all attacks using the martial arts striking
combat table.

Martial Arts: Sweeps Category: Martial Arts Sweeps and Throws

Normal Skill Progression
Stat Bonuses: St/Ag/Ag

The Martial Arts Sweeps and Throws skill encompasses the traditional 'soft' martial arts,
typified by throws, grappling, sweeps and powerful controlling techniques. Blocking and
Wrestling can also be found in this category. Unlike the Standard System description,
there are no 'degrees' of martial arts sweeps and throws. One skill is developed for all
attacks using the martial arts sweeps and throws combat table.

Special Defense Category: Adrenal Defense

Combined Skill Progression
Stat Bonuses: None
The Adrenal Defense skill allows the user to avoid attacks with missile or melee weapons
during combat. The skill bonus of the defender is added to his Defensive Bonus versus
melee attacks. Against missile attacks the skill bonus is halved and added to his
Defensive Bonus. To use Adrenal Defense you must be aware that you are under attack.
In addition, the character must not be wearing armor and can not have a shield or large
object in his hands. To represent the division of concentration necessary to avoid multiple
attacks targeted at the user in the same round, Adrenal Defense requires a 40% action in
the combat round.

Creating Your Own Martial Arts Style

15 points
Include a Weapon Attack
Include Greater Adrenal Defense

10 points
Include a Greater Martial Arts Attack
Include a Weapon Kata
Include a Greater Combat Maneuver

5 points
Include a Lesser Martial Arts Attack
Include a Lesser Combat Maneuver
Include Lesser Adrenal Defense

The total point cost of the Martial Arts Style determines the cost in development points to
acquire skill ranks in that style. It is possible to use the optional Flaws rules later in this
article to reduce the point cost of the Martial Arts Style which can result in a lesser
development point cost to develop the skill. No Martial Arts Style can cost more than 45
points after all possible modifications. Treat Warrior Monks and Monks as having the
Martial Arts Style Skill as an Everyman skill due to their profession.

Total Martial Arts Style Point Cost:

Less than or equal to 15 points

The skill cost is equal to the Combat Maneuvers category development point cost based
on profession. This skill can be treated as an Everyman Skill for any Pure or Semi Arms
user, otherwise treat it as a normal combined skill for Pure and Hybrid spell users. The
skill for this Martial Arts Style also treated as a normal combined skill (it is not a
restricted skill).

Less than or equal to 25 points but greater than 15 points

The skill cost is equal to the Combat Maneuvers category development point cost based
on profession. The skill for this Martial Arts Style is also treated as a normal combined
skill. Martial Arts Style in this point range are complicated Martial Arts Styles which will
require teaching by a proficient instructor (skill bonus in the Martial Arts Style of 50 or
more) in the initial stages of learning the Martial Arts Style.

Less than or equal to 35 points but greater than 25 points

The skill cost is equal to twice the Combat Maneuvers category development point cost
based on profession. The skill for this Martial Arts Style is also treated as a restricted
combined skill. Martial Arts Style in this point range are specialized Martial Arts Styles
which will require teaching by a master level instructor (skill bonus in the Martial Arts
Style of 90 or more) in the initial stages of learning the Martial Arts Style.

Greater than 35 points

The skill cost is equal to three times the Combat Maneuvers category development point
cost based on profession. The skill for this Martial Arts Style is also treated as a restricted
combined skill. Martial Arts Style in this point range are esoteric Martial Arts Styles
which will require teaching by a grand master level instructor (skill bonus in the Martial
Arts Style of 120 or more) in the initial stages of learning the Martial Arts Style.

Explaining the Martial Arts Style Components

Weapon Attack: Allows the user to any melee weapon with the Martial Arts Style, using
the weapon attack table as given in ArmsLaw. The restriction allowing no large objects
while Adrenal Defense is being used is waived if the weapon is part of the Martial Arts
Style. The benefit of including a weapon is that the wielder can use the other components
of the Martial Arts Style as he attacks. The weapon skill bonus used can not be greater
than the Martial Arts Style bonus. A martial artist can use this weapon attack with
Adrenal Defense, bypassing the normal restriction regarding no large object in the hands
while using Adrenal Defense. This option must be taken for each specific weapon attack

Greater Adrenal Defense: Allows the user to use Adrenal Defense while using this
Martial Arts Style. There is no activity requirement to use Greater Adrenal Defense (ie a
0% action). The other restrictions regarding no armor, large objects in the hands and
awareness of attacks still apply.

Greater Martial Arts Attack: Allows the user to use either Martial Arts Strikes or
Sweeps and Throws while using the Martial Arts Style. As usual with all Combat
Maneuvers, the Martial Arts Attack bonus can not be greater than the Martial Arts Style

Weapon Kata: Allows the user to use any weapon in conjunction with a Martial Arts
Attack, either Strikes or Sweeps and Throws. Any restrictions on the total bonus or result
of the Martial Arts Attack still apply to this skill. The Martial Arts Attack skill bonus is
used with the weapon chosen as the kata weapon. The result is applied to the weapon
table with an additional critical of two levels less from either Martial Arts Strikes or
Sweeps and Throws critical table (same roll). A martial artist can use this weapon kata
with Adrenal Defense, bypassing the normal restriction regarding no large object in the
hands while using Adrenal Defense. This option must be taken for each specific weapon
kata desired.

Greater Combat Maneuvers [These maneuvers are meant to represent 'fantastic' martial
arts styles, like those seen in Hong Kong martial arts movies and as such may not be
appropriate for many campaigns]:

 Invulnerability: The Martial Arts Style emphasizes controlling the body's reaction
to pain and toughening the body to resist blows. If the martial artist makes a 'Very
Hard' static maneuver modified by his Martial Arts Style bonus or Adrenal
Toughness bonus (whichever is lesser), he may resist the effects of a single melee
or missile strike that combat round. The resisted strike will do normal concussion
damage, but the critical result will be reduced by two levels. Invulnerability
requires a 20% action in the combat round.
 Spirit Strike: The Martial Arts Style emphasizes focusing the spiritual forces of
the martial artist, or Ki, into ranged attacks. If the martial artist makes a 'Very
Hard' static maneuver modified by his Martial Arts Style bonus, he may use one
of the attacks of his Martial Arts Style at half normal offensive bonus up to a
range of 20 feet. The attack may not be parried, though it may be dodged and
shield bonuses do apply. Spirit Strike requires a 20% action in the combat round.

Lesser Martial Arts Attack: Allows the user to use either Martial Arts Strikes or
Sweeps and Throws while using the Martial Arts Style. As usual with all Combat
Maneuvers, the Martial Arts Attack bonus can not be greater than the Martial Arts Style
bonus. In addition, the total result of the Martial Arts Attack can not be greater than the
Martial Arts Style bonus or 120, whichever is the lesser number.

Lesser Combat Maneuvers:

 Adrenal Moves: Strength: The Martial Arts Style emphasizes strength attacks, as
a result the martial artist may attempt to use any Strength Adrenal Moves without
taking a 20% preparation round by making a 'Hard' static maneuver modified by
the Martial Arts Style bonus.
 Adrenal Moves: Speed: The Martial Arts Style emphasizes speed attacks, as a
result the martial artist may attempt to use any Speed Adrenal Moves without
taking a 20% preparation round by making a 'Hard' static maneuver modified by
the Martial Arts Style bonus.
 Adrenal Moves: Leaping: The Martial Arts Style emphasizes leaping attacks, as a
result the martial artist may attempt to use any Leaping Adrenal Moves without
taking a 20% preparation round by making a 'Hard' static maneuver modified by
the Martial Arts Style bonus.
 Adrenal Toughness: The Martial Arts Style emphasizes strength attacks, as a
result the martial artist may attempt to use Adrenal Toughness without taking a
20% preparation action by making a 'Hard' static maneuver modified by the
Martial Arts Style bonus.
 Nerve Strikes: The Martial Arts Style emphasizes precise strikes upon pressure
points and nerves. The martial artist can make a 'Hard' static maneuver to try to
strike a critical point. A critical must be scored on the martial artist's attack
against his foe and the foe must be of the same general race as the martial artist. If
all these requirements are met, the strike will do an extra 1 to 5 rounds of stun.

Lesser Adrenal Defense: Allows the user to use Adrenal Defense while using this
Martial Arts Style. There is a 20% activity requirement to use Lesser Adrenal Defense (ie
a 20% action). The other restrictions regarding no armor, large objects in the hands and
awareness of attacks still apply.

Including Flaws in Martial Arts Styles

Martial Arts Styles can be further personalized by including flaws in the style. Each
Minor Flaw reduces the cost of the Martial Arts Style by 5 points. Each Major Flaw
reduces the Martial Arts Style by 10 points. A Martial Arts Style can not have more than
10 points of its cost offset by flaws.

Minor Flaws

Lesser Requirement: In order to effectively practice his Martial Arts Style, the
practitioner must obey some restriction. The restriction is minor, for example, practicing
a few hours each day or maintaining a certain body weight. Failure to abide by the
restriction will result in a -20 modifier to the Martial Arts Style bonus.

Poor Stance: All offensive attacks by the wielder of this Martial Arts Style are modified
by 10 due to lack of understanding of some of the fundamental concepts of the Martial
Arts Style.

Disdain: The training of the Martial Arts Style imbues the user with a great disdain of
one type of weapon category. Treat one weapon category as restricted for the martial
artist who uses this Martial Arts Style. The martial artist will look upon wielders of this
type of weapon with contempt and will never willingly use that class of weapon.

Opposing School: An opposing Martial Arts Style exists which is very effective against
this type of Martial Arts Style. While facing an opponent using the Opposing School's
style, the martial artist has reduced effectiveness resulting in a -20 modifier to their
Martial Arts Style bonus. The Opposing School's style is nor effected.

Major Flaws

Greater Requirement: In order to effectively practice his Martial Arts Style, the
practitioner must obey some restriction. The restriction is severe, for example, being
drunk while fighting. Failure to abide by the restriction will result in a -50 modifier to the
Martial Arts Style bonus.

Flawed Form: All criticals generated by the martial artist are reduced in severity by one
level. Any 'A' criticals have a -20 modifier applied to their roll.

Examples of Martial Arts Styles

Everyman skill for Pure and Semi Arms users otherwise treat as Normal skill:

Karate [15]
Greater Martial Arts Attack: Strikes [10], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5]

Judo [15]
Greater Martial Arts Attack: Sweeps and Throws [10], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5]

Savate [15]
Greater Martial Arts Attack: Strikes [10], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5]

Normal Cost:

Fencing Master [20]

Weapon Attack: Sword [15], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5]

Thai Kick Boxing [20]

Greater Martial Arts Attack: Strikes [10], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5], Adrenal Moves:
Strength [5]

Tiger [25]
Greater Martial Arts Attack: Strikes [10], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5], Adrenal Moves:
Strength [5], Adrenal Moves: Leaping [5]

Snake [25]
Greater Martial Arts Attack: Strikes [10], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5], Adrenal Moves:
Speed [5], Nerve Strikes [5]

Monkey [25]
Greater Martial Arts Attack: Strikes [10], Lesser Martial Arts Attack: Sweeps and
Throws [5], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5], Adrenal Moves: Leaping [5]

Sumo [30, reduced to 25 with flaw]

Greater Martial Arts Attack: Strikes [10], Lesser Martial Arts Attack: Sweeps and
Throws [5], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5], Adrenal Moves: Strength [5], Adrenal
Toughness [5]
Lesser Requirement: Heavy body weight requirement, results in double exhaustion point
expenditure for physical activity.

Drunken Boxing [35, reduced to 25 with flaw]

Greater Martial Arts Attack: Strikes [10], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5], Adrenal Moves:
Strength [5], Adrenal Toughness [5], Invulnerability [10]
Greater Requirement: In order to use the Invulnerability, Toughness, and Adrenal Moves:
Strength skills without penalty the practitioner of this Martial Arts Style must be

Restricted (double cost):

Crane [30]
Greater Martial Arts Attack: Sweeps and Throws [10], Lesser Martial Arts Attack:
Strikes [5], Greater Adrenal Defense [15]

Iron Robe [30]

Greater Martial Arts Attack: Strikes [10], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5], Adrenal
Toughness [5], Invulnerability [10]

Flower Palm [35]

Greater Martial Arts Attack: Strikes [10], Greater Adrenal Defense [15], Adrenal Moves:
Strength [5], Adrenal Moves: Speed [5]

Restricted (triple cost):

Weaponmaster [55, reduced to 45 with flaws]

Greater Martial Arts Attack: Strikes [10], Lesser Adrenal Defense [5], Weapon Kata: any
weapon [10], Adrenal Moves: Leaping [5], Adrenal Moves: Speed [5], Spirit Strike [10]
Lesser Requirement: Honor bound: The Weaponmaster can not refuse a legitimate
challenge without dishonoring himself and his weapon. Treat the effect of an ignored
challenge as a -20 modifier to the Martial Arts Style bonus until the Weaponmaster
redeems himself.
Disdain: The Weaponmaster disdains the use of all Missle Weapons (treat this as a
Restricted Weapon Category for this character) because of the lack of honor in defeating
a foe from afar without the challenge of melee combat. Note that the Weaponmaster does
not see the Spirit Strike Maneuver in this light (go figure!).

Sample Characters

I'll create two, treat them as both having 70DP a level....

Roberto D'Amengan, a Fighter
Roberto decides to train at the Ventura school of Fencing (Treat as a 20 point style with
Rapier and Lesser Adrenal Defense). This is treated as a normal skill, and his cost would
then be 3/9. Roberto could also decide to take the non-restricted form of Martial Arts
Styles as an Everyman skill as well since he is a fighter! Rapier skill and category costs
will be 1/5, Adrenal Defense will be 35!

Take 5 levels of development (350 points):

Rapier skill and 1h edged category - 10 ranks each (60 points)
Adrenal Defense - 4 ranks (140 points! ouch!)
Fencing Martial Arts Style - 10 ranks (15 points) [if Everyman] or 10 ranks (60 points)
---->We have spent 215 or 260 points!

Lets look at bonuses,

Fencing Style has (50[skill] + 10[stats] + 10[profession]) +70
Rapier has (50[skill] + 10[stats] + 20[profession] + 10[item]) +90
Adrenal Defense has +20

While using the style Roberto would have a limit of 70 on his Rapier attack and Adrenal
Defense Bonus. The Adrenal defense would require a 20% action resulting in an attack
action of 80% (-20 to OB) which brings Roberto's Rapier skill to 70, which is his Style
bonus. His Adrenal Defense bonus of 20 will be applied against all attacks he is aware of.

Brother Kwan, a Warrior Monk

Brother Kwan decides to take Drunken Boxing (Treat as a 25 point style). This is treated
as a normal skill, and his cost would then be 4/9, however warrior monks have Martial
Arts Styles as an Everyman Maneuver so he can gain 2 ranks for every one he develops.
Martial Arts Striking is developed both for skill and category at 1/3. Adrenal Defense is
developed at 6/12.

Take 5 levels of advancement (350 points):

Martial Arts Strikes and category - 10 ranks each (40 points)
Adrenal Defense - 10 ranks (90 points)
Drunken Boxing - 10 ranks (20 points) or 20 ranks (65 points)
----> We have spent 150 or 195 points

Lets look at bonuses,

Drunken Boxing Style has (50 or 70[skill] + 10[stats]) +60 or +80
Strikes has (50[skill] + 10[stats] + 15[profession]) +75
Adrenal Defense has +50

While using the style, Brother Kwan will be limited by his Drunken Boxing Style bonus
of 60 or 80. Taking concentrated or slow development of the style seems to work fine.

If Brother Kwan was a monk, the costs would be ...

Brother Kwan decides to take Drunken Boxing (Treat as a 25 point style). This is treated
as a normal skill, and his cost would then be 5/12, however monks have Martial Arts
Styles as an Everyman Maneuver so he can gain 2 ranks for every one he develops.
Martial Arts Striking is developed both for skill and category at 2/5. Adrenal Defense is
developed at 10.

Take 5 levels of advancement (350 points):

Martial Arts Strikes and category - 10 ranks each (70 points)
Adrenal Defense - 5 ranks (50 points)
Drunken Boxing - 10 ranks (25 points) or 20 ranks (85 points)
---> We have spent 145 or 205 points

Lets look at bonuses

Drunken Boxing Style has (50 or 70[skill] + 10[stats]) +60 or +80
Strikes has (50[skill] + 10[stats] + 10[profession]) +70
Adrenal Defense has +25

While using the style, Brother Kwan will be limited by his Drunken Boxing Style bonus
of 60 or 80. In the case of the monk profession, it seems a better choice to develop the
style bonus slowly since the adrenal defense skill is limited to one rank per level.

A Final Word

What about play balance? I have eliminated 6 skills from the original core group of
RMSS martial arts skills (Strikes degrees 2,3,4 and Sweeps degrees 2,3,4) this upsets the
original play balance of the system since martial artists in RMSS are expected to expend
a large number of development points in order to hone their skills which at high level can
be quite deadly. I have effectively given them 'bonus' development points (around 20 per
level on average) with my one change.

I have always believed that martial artists expended too many development points in the
previous system in order to achieve their degree of effectiveness in combat. Thus I have
reduced the amount of development points needed to gain skill in martial arts type
attacks, but I have balanced this with other factors. The primary factor in maintaining
play balance is the redefinition of adrenal defense.

I am _very_ interested in feedback, this is an untested set of rules - so if any

Gamemasters want to run with it please let me know what you think. I am also interested
if any people have ideas on how to make the Adrenal Moves maneuvers more attractive
to players (instead of giving them the option of avoiding the 20% penalty you could give
them an increased form of effectiveness (I am very leary of that), or you could introduce
a 1 Adrenal Move every other round ruling and allow the Adrenal Moves Maneuvers to
bypass that (I dislike adding too much to the system however) -- so ideas would be
appreciated! )

Well this was quite long but I hope you all find it useful and give me some feedback!
Maybe we will see this in a new edition of Portals!
Steve Danielson

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