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“The Relationship between Philosophy and Education”

“Education without philosophy is blind and philosophy without education is invalid”

After discussing the meaning and concept of both education and philosophy, it is not
very difficult to illustrate the relationship between the two. Education and philosophy,
the two disciplines, are very closely related and in some areas they overlap each other.
According to J.S.Ross, “philosophy and education are like the two sides of the same
coin; one is implied by the other; the former is the contemplative side of life, while
the latter is the active side”. Education can be called as the dynamic side of
philosophy because philosophy is wisdom; education transmits that wisdom from one
generation to the other. Education is the application of the fundamental principles of
philosophy. Philosophy gives ideals, values and principles. Education works out those
ideals, values and principles.

Education without philosophy is like a tourist who knows the name of the place where
he wishes to go but does not know how to find the place. The existence of education
is due to philosophy and in the same way the existence of philosophy is due to
education. When we define education as the modification of behavior, the direction in
which, modification to be carried out is determined by philosophy. According to
Fichte, “the art of education will never attain complete clarity in itself without
philosophy”. Education means the modification of the child’s native behaviour. The
problem is in which direction this change should be carried out and what should be
the standards and values, to strive for. This problem is solved by philosophy which
points out the way to be followed by the educator in the modification of the child’s
behaviour and determines the goals of life. Philosophy, thus, gives direction to

Submitted to: Dr. Jasmine B. Misa

Submitted by: Anna Maria Ninia E. Capin

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