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Quality Organization

GVC. ThS. Nguyễn Như Phong;
Kỹ thuật Hệ thống Công nghiệp
(Tài liệu giảng dạy cho ISE)

14-Aug-07 Nguyeãn Nhö Phong

Q Organization

 Organization for Q
 Process Management

10/07 Nguyen Nhu Phong

Organization for Q

 Q organization evolution
 Q activity coordination
 Individual role
 Team role
 Personnel selection, training, retention

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Q organization evolution
 Q department
 Focused Q activities
 Names & scopes changed
 inspection ,
 SQC ,
 QC,
 TQC,
 QA,

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Q organization evolution
 5 major trend in US during 1980-90
 Tasks assigned to functional line departments
 QM scope broadened
 Little Q  big Q
 External Cs  in&external Cs
 Q teams
 Authority to make decisions to lower levels
 Partnering – including C&S in Q activities

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Q organization evolution
 Becker et al. (1994) TQM lead to
 Flatter organizations
 Increase in liaison device eg. CF teams
 Decrease in size & increase in output
 A shift to group reward systems
 Participation in planning by lower level employees
 Changing organizational boundaries

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Q activity coordination
 2 major forms – coordination for
 Control
 Achieved by the regular line & staff departments
 Through employment of
 formal procedures & feedback loop
 Improvement
 Creating change achieved through
 Q project teams
 Other organizational forms for creating change

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Q activity coordination

 Coordination for control

 The focus of a Q department
 Unable 2 make major stride in coordination 4 change

 Parallel organization 4 creating change

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Parallel organization
 For creating change
 All org.s engaged in
 Creating beneficial change
 Preventing adverse change
 Much of the work –
 processing small, similar changes
 Handled by carefully prepared procedures

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Parallel organization
 Exist in addition to & simultaneous with
 the regular organization.
 Non-routine, unusual programs of change
 Eg. Process teams, Q councils, Q proj teams
 Permanent / ad hoc,
 mandatory / voluntary

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Process management org
 Different type of parallel org.
 Activities in any org
 Org level – broad view of the entire org.
 Process level –
 cross functional work,
 Produce a key output
 Job level
 Individuals perform specific activities
 Contribute 2 the process output

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Process management organization

 Process management concept
 Organizing by key processes
 Having proc owner & team
 Making them response 4 process mana:
 planning,
 control,
 improvement
 3 years to change
 functional organization to process organization

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UM role
 Active leadership by UM
 For successfully achieving Q superiority
 Commitment to Q assumed but not enough

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UM role
 UM
 10% of time on Q activities
 develop strategies 4 Q
 assure implementation through personal leadership
 Establish & serve on Q council
 Establish Q strategies
 Establish, align, deploy Q goals
 Provide the resources, training
 Serve on UM QI team
 Review progress & stimulate improvement
 Provide for reward & recognition

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Provide the resources
 Investment of time & resource required
 Yield time saving in the long run
 Problem in the short run
 Key role of UM
 Add resources
 Changing the priority of both line & staff work unit

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Provide the resources

 People assigned to Q team
 Aware of the amount of time required
 Encourage to propose changes in priorities
 Resource for project teams
 Make available
 only if the pilot team demonstrate benefit
 by achieving tangible results

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Q council
 Leadership team
 Group of UMs
 Develop Q strategy
 Guide & support the implementation

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Q council
 Multiple councils
 Established at several levels
 Corporate, division, business unit
 Linked together
 Member of high level council –
 chair person of low level council
 Q director –
 the member of the council

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Q council
 Council charter responsibilities
 Formulate Q strategies & policies
 Establish Major dimension of Q issue
 Establish Infrastructure
 Provide Resources
 Plan for training
 Establish strategic measure for progress
 Review progress & remove obstacles
 Provide for public recognition
 Revise the reward sys

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Q council
 McCain, 1995 – Q council responsibilities
 Setting & deploying
 vision,
 mission,
 shared values,
 Q policy,
 goals
 Reviewing progress
 Integrating Q goals 2 plans

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Q director role
 Q director role
 Administering the Q department
 Assisting UM w SQM

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Q director role
 Administering the Q department
 Companywide Q planning;
 Set up Q measurement
 Audit outgoing Q , Q practices;
 Coordinate & assist w Q projects
 Participate in suppliers partnerships;
 Train, consult for Q
 Develop new Q methodologies;
 Transfer activities to line department

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Q director role
 Assisting UM w SQM
 Assess Q,
 Formulate goals & policies
 Develop Q strategies,
 Delegate org responsibilities for Q
 Carry out reward & recognition,
 Review progress
 Determine UM personal role,
 Act as facilitator to Q council
 Integrate Q during strategic business planning cycle

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Q director –
Ingredients for success
 C orientation & advocacy
 Build collaborative relationships across functions
 Communication skills
 Goal orientation
 Complex issue analysing & innovative solutions
 Initiative, persistence, self confidence
 Activity organization
 Provide for self-development
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MM role
 The Q strategy
 Developed by UM
 Executed by MM, supervisors, specialists, workforce
 Roles of MM, supervisors, specialists
 Nominating Q problems
 Serving as Q team leaders, members
 Serving on task force to assist Q councils
 Leading Q activities within their own area
 Identifying C&S, meeting their needs
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Workforce role
 Workforce - all employees except
 Managers
 Specialists
 Most Q problems sys. controllable  M must
 Direct steps necessary to identify & remove causes
 Provide self control sys.

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Workforce role
 Workforce role
 Nominating Q problems
 Serving as Q team members
 Identifying own job elements
 Becoming knowledgeable

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Team role
 Socio-technical systems – org influenced by
 Technical sys –
 equipment,
 procedures, …
 Social sys –
 people,
 roles, …

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Team role
 Team – new way of organizing work
 Q project teams – QP
 Workforce teams – WF
 Business process Q teams – BP
 Self managing teams – SM

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Q teams

Purpose Solve CF Q Solve problems Plan, control, Plan, execute,

problems within a improve the control work
department process Q
Membershi Combination of Wf fr 1 derp mana, prof Wf fr 1 work
p mana, prof, wf fr multiple area
fr multiple derp derp
Basis Mandatory Voluntary Mandatory Mandatory
Size 4-8 4-6 4-6 6-18

Other QI team Employee Process team Self

names involvement supervising
team team

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Organization of Q teams at a bank
Feature Result of research
Team size 2-11 7

P selection 75% by M, 15% by QC, 10% by individual team

Average saving ASM/QC ~ 2ASteam

P duration 3 months; 24 W-h/team member

Factors 2 max team Team size of 4-5;
success 75% officer/staff level,25% nonexempt employees;
members elected by M;

P selected by M/QC;

P duration of 3-4 m;

weekly 90’ team meeting

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Q project teams
 Q project teams
 Cross functional team
 6-8 fr multiple departments
 To address selected Q problems
 To bring the project to a successful conclusion
 Projects: planning, control, improvement
 Team
 Meet periodically,
 Disband when p. finished
 Members serve part time

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Q project teams
 Teams
 Sponsor / champion
 Leader
 Recorder
 Members
 Facilitators

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Q project teams
 Sponsor / champion
 UM

 Provide mana, leadership, support, mentoring to the team

 Leader
 Steer the team in its responsibility

 Recorder
 A member to handle documentation: agenda, minute, reports…

 Members
 All the skills & knowledge necessary for the project

 Facilitators
 Not a member

 To help teams carry out their 1 project


 revitalize

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Workforce teams
 Workforce teams
 Q circle –
 org. mechanism for worker participation in Q
 Group of people
 Fr within 1 department;
 Volunteer to meet weekly
 To address Q problem occurring within their department
 Highly successful
 Careful plan
 Supportive envi

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Workforce teams
 2 problem types
 Personal well being of workers
 Well being of the company
 Most important benefit –
 effect on people attitude & behavior
 Gryna, 81 – Beneficial Effects on
 Individual’s characteristics
 Individual’s relations w others
 Workers & attitude toward the company

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Self managing teams
 Self managing team –
 A group of people
 Work together continuously
 Plan, execute, control work to achieve a defined output
 Concept applied to many activities
 Advantages - Improvements in
 Productivity,
 Q, CS, cost,
 Personnel commitment

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Self managing teams

 Implementation key steps
 UM commitment
 In depth orientation & participation of mana, specialists, wf,
 Analysis of production work flow
 Definition of skills required
 Formation of team & training
 Development of production goals & provision for feedback
 Change to the compensation sys
 Actions to develop trust
 An implementation plan

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Organizational form comparison
Features Traditional SM
Scope of work Individual - narrow Team – broad
Job categories Many narrow Few broad
Organizing, scheduling, Supervisor / staff Team
Measuring, taking action Supervisor / staff Team

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Organizational form comparison

Features Traditional SM
Training Individual task Multiple task +
interpersonal skill
Job rotation Min High
Reward system Individual performance & Team performance
Handling of personnel Supervisor / staff Team
Info sharing Limited Open

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SM - Benefits & problems
Benefits Problems
Work methods Salary Costs
Recruiting Training costs
Staffing flexibility Training
Q Unmet expectation
Output MM resistance
Staff support Staff group resistance
Supervision Conflict
Improved DM Time lost

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Selection, training, retention

 Selection of personnel
 Client definition of Q
 as excellence of personnel
 Personality
 Important attribute for many position
 in the operations function
 Increasingly important
 as organizing by team more prevalent

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Selection, training, retention
 Training
 Essential ingredient of a broad Q program
 Training fail reasons
 Failure to provide training at the time it used
 Lack of participation of line mana
 in designing training
 Reliance on the lecture method of training
 Poor communication during training

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Selection, training, retention

 Retention
 Investing increased resources in
 selection & training
 retain skilled employees

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Selection, training, retention
 Factors to Employee retention
 Compensation ;
 Career planning & development
 Self control job ;
 Sufficient empowerment
 Job stress & burnout ;
 Coaching
 Planning participation ;
 Interact w C
 Reward & recognition

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Who needs to be trained in what

Subject TM QM MM Specialists Facilitators WFs

Q awareness X X X X X
Basics concepts X X X X X X
Personal roles X X X X X X
Q processes X X X X X
Problem solving X X X X X
Basis statistics X X
Adv. statistics X X
Q in func. Area X X X
Q motivation X X X X

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 Coordination of Q activities
 Coordination for Control
 focus on Q department
 Coordination for Creating change
 involve parallel organization
 eg Q council, Q project team

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 New form of org

 remove barrier/wall bw functional departments
 To achieve Q excellence,
 UM must lead the Q effort
 Q council - Leadership team
 Group of upper managers
 Develop Q strategy
 Guide & support the implementation

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 MM execute the Q strategy

 WF inputs essential
 To identify the Q problem causes
 Design work sys for self control

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 Q team
 Create change
 Types:
 Q project teams,
 Wf teams,
 Process teams,
 Self managing teams

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 The Q strategy implementation must occur through

 The line organization
 Rather than a staff Q department
 2 roles of the Q director
 Administering the Q department
 Assisting UM w SQM

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 Functional vs process management
 Process management
 PM road map
 Impact on an organization

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Functional vs process
 Functional management
 Most enterprise
 organized around functional department
 Focus on achieving functional objectives
 Mana direction, objectives, review
 Come fr the top
 Proceed downward through a vertical hierarchy
 Serious obstacle
 to achieving company business objective
 require cross functional processes

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Functional vs process
 Process management
 Process –
 collection of activities convert inputs into outputs.
 Achieving business goals
 Large complex process go across functional department
 Primary process
 collection of cross functional activities
 essential for
 External C satisfaction & Achieving org mission
 Integrate people, materials, energy, equipment, info.

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Functional vs process
 Functional management problems
 Product produced
 mostly by cross functional primary processes
 Problems
 Functional managers
 focus on functional rather than process objectives
 Problems arise at the white space
 department interfaces
 Process management

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Process management
 An approach
 For
 planning,
 controlling,
 improving the primary processes
 By using permanent process teams

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Process management
 Distinguish features
 Emphasis on CNs rather than functional needs
 Focus on a few key CF processes
 Process owners responsible for all aspects
 Permanent team responsible for operating
 Application at the process level
 of the trilogy of Q processes

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Process management
 PM
 Replace the FM
 Sys viewpoint - Understanding of the
interdependency among functions
 PM road map - Start when upper management
 Select key processes
 Appoint process owners & teams
 Provide process mission statements & goals

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PM road map
 Initiate PM
 Select processes
 Identify owners & teams
 Planning
 Proc. definition
 CNs & Proc. flow
 Proc measurement
 Proc. analysis
 Proc. design / redesign
10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

PM road map
 Transfer
 Planning for implementation problems
 Implementation action planning
 Plan deployment
 Operational mana
 Process QC
 Process QI
 Process review & assessment

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Selection of processes
 Org has many important cross functional processes
 Processes
 Selected by upper mana
 Aligned w
 the org mission,
 strategic plans,
 key business objectives

10/07 GVC. ThS. Nguyen Nhu Phong

Selection of processes
 Selection based on critical success factors
 Product Q
 Supplier Q
 Empowered, skilled employees,
 C satisfaction
 Lowest Q cost
 Lowest delivery cost
 The UM Q council
 prepare a mission & goals for process selected

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Organize the process team
 After selecting the processes,
 the Q council appoints a
 process owner
 Process team
 Functional managers / supervisor
 Max of 8 and a facilitator

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Process owner
 Responsible for all aspects of process performance
 Making the proc effective, efficient, adaptable
 Schedule, conduct team meeting
 Cooperative working relationships among all function
 Analyzing current process, achieving improvement
 Assignment to team members
 Resolve / escalate issues hinder improvement
 Member training
 Implementation of proc change
 Schedule proc reviews
 Report progress

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An example
 Contract management process - Juran 1990
 Preparing price quotation
 Delivery schedules for large orders
 Initial manual – 14 weeks
 Redesigned electronic – 17 days

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The planning phase

 The planning phase
1. Define the current process
2. Discover CNs & flowchart the process
3. Establish proc measurement
4. Analyze proc data
5. Design / redesign process

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Define the current process
 Proc definition establish
 the proc mission, goals, scope,
 major sub processes
 The proc team reviews
 proc mission & goals provided by the Q council
 Strengths, weaknesses, performance history
 The major sub processes
 described in a high level / macro flow diagram

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Discover CNs & flowchart the process

 Team
 identify the all related Cs
 Determine CNs
 Prioritize the needs
 Process map prepared showing
 The major activities
 Key Cs & Ss & roles
 Facilitator
 Describe work session
 Ask for inputs
 Use devices to create the flowchart

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Establish process measurement
 Proc. measurement
 To describe how well the process doing
 Process analysis & improvement
 Control proc performance & determine PC
 Which measurement, emphasis on
 Proc. mission & goals
 CNs

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Establish process measurement

 Business proc. measurement
 Proc. effectiveness
 Meet CNs
 Required features, deficiency freedom
 Proc. efficiency
 Least cost, competitive
 Proc. adaptability
 React positively when conditions change
 Proc. measurement linked to business indicators

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Analyze proc. data
 Analyze proc. data
 Evaluate proc performance data
 Identify opportunities for improvement
 Determine the causes of proc problems
 Performance data evaluated for both
 proc effectiveness
 proc efficiency
 Problems identified using
 Pareto analysis
 Flow diagram
 …

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Design / redesign process

 Design / redesign process
 Radical change
 Incremental change
 Radical redesign – reengineering
 The fundamental rethinking & radical redesign
 To achieve dramatic improvement
 in critical contemporary per. measures
 Such as cost, quality, service, speed
 Key aspects of reengineering

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Transferring & managing the new process
 Transferring the new / revised proc to operation
 Carefully planning for the many aspects of the change
 Managing the new proc
 Setting up appropriate proc control
 Planning for continuous improvement & periodic assessment
 Proc evolve into various phase of maturity
 Ad hoc
 Consistent
 Organized
 Systematic
 Statistically stable

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 Process
 Collection of activities
 Convert inputs into outputs
 Primary process
 Collection of cross functional activities
 Essential for
 exC satisfaction
 Achieving org mission

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 Process management
 Approach
 for
 planning,
 controlling,
 improving the primary processes
 by using permanent proc teams
 Most effective when
 a process owner & team
 manage & operate the proc

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