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Bianca Nicole D.

Suganob BSA 2-A

1. Guido was a good father, husband and a friend. He may not be perfect but he
always put first those he treasure most. As a father, Guido did everything he
could so that his son wouldn't experience the things he experienced but sad
thing is that they were captured and were take to a camp for the reason that
they are jewish. By that, Guido showed how much he love his son and that he
would protect him at all cost. Guido was a simple man that fell inlove with a
woman that has fortune and luckily that woman fell for Guido as well. I could
really see on the movie how much the both of them wanted each other and that
they will cross every mountains to be together. I could also tell that Guido is a
good friend. Guido makes good friends with people because of his personality
where he lights up the mood of others and is concern of what his friends feel. To
sum up, Guido is a good person with a good heart that has been given a little
time to share his laughter to his son, wife and friends. Even if he is on his
lowest, he never stops hoping and dreaming because that is the only thing he
could possibly give to his son.

2. Guido and Doctor Lessing actually met each other at the first part of the movie
where Guido gave Doctor Lessing a riddle that made the Doctor think. At first,
the presence of Doctor lessing gave Guido hope because he thought that they
are good friends since they met each other when Guido served a food for the
Doctor. But, Doctor lessing is a man who only thinks of himself and does not give
concern to others, not even for Guido. Guido was in shock when he seek for
doctor lessing's help because rather than actually helping, the doctor gave him a
riddle. After all the suffering Gudio has endured, the Doctor only gave him a
riddle that wont help Guido physically. To conclude, the Doctor could help Guido
but he choose not to because of his selfishness and human flaw.

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