PED 027 Written Act

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Written activity


How can I include more physical activity in my life?


In engaging, physical activity must include time management, consistency, and

commitment. Staying motivated to keep up with exercise is keeping a positive attitude.
Focus on the physical activities that you can do and not those that you can’t. Find physical
activities you enjoy and schedule those activities often because it will help you to be


What if I can’t find time to engage in physical activities?


Lack of time is one of the barriers in physical activities. The best way to overcome it
is must identify available time slots for your schedule. Monitor your daily activities for one
week. Identify at least five 30-minute time slots you could use for physical activity. Add
physical activity to your daily routine. For example, walk or ride your bike to work or
shopping, organize school activities around physical activity, walk the dog, take the stairs,
exercise while you watch TV, park farther away from your destination. Select activities,
such as walking, jogging, or stair climbing that you can do based on the time that you have
available like 5 minutes- 20 minutes.

Change your perception. The recommended exercise duration (150 minutes)

represents only about 1 per cent of your time in a week. Prioritize what is really important
in your life. Use time management skills to schedule exercise during your week. If you can’t
find a block of 30 minutes in your day, break up your exercise time into two periods of 15
minutes. Include physical activities that you can perform as part of your daily routine. For
example, you could walk for 15 minutes after lunch.

List down for at least 10 activities you want to suggest for the non-active students due
to health concerns and warnings of Professional healthcare. (ex. Asthma)

People with asthma may find that slowly building up their level of exercise reduces
the risk of asthma flare-ups during exercise. Types of exercise that focus on promoting lung
capacity and regulating breathing can be especially beneficial. Exercises and activities that
offer a person short periods of activity with rest in between can work well. Exercising in
this way allows a person to be active and improve their stamina and strength without
putting too much strain on the lungs.
The following types of exercise may be particularly suitable for people with asthma
1. Yoga
2. Swimming
3. Golf
4. Baseball
5. Tennis
6. Volleyball
7. Badminton
8. Weightlifting
9. Biking
10. Walking


How about the students who are not capable of doing physical activities because of
being “handicapped or physical disabled”, do you still believe that they are still part of
Physical Education Program? Why or Why not?

I believe that students with disabilities should be included in regular physical
education program plus they should be given their own physical education program,
because disabled people are large minority groups, starved of services and mostly ignored
by society, live in isolation, segregation, poverty, charity and even pity. Prevention,
rehabilitation and equalization of opportunities should be the three measures aimed at the
welfare of the disabled persons. The disabled need extra care and support.

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