Effects of Stage Duration in Incremental Running Tests On Physio 2003

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G. Rietjens
F. Verstappen
Effects of Stage Duration in Incremental Running Tests H. Schoenmakers
on Physiological Variables G. Hofman
Training & Testing

Abstract with different stage duration. The mean V4 was significantly

lower in the 6 min per stage protocol compared with the 3 min
To study the effect of stage duration on some physiological vari- per stage protocol (12.9 vs. 14.4 km/h). Mean ventilatory
ables in an incremental running test, 8 well-trained runners threshold was not different between the 1, 3 and 6 min per stage
underwent 3 running tests, with stage durations of 1, 3 and protocols. No threshold behaviour was found in respiratory rate.

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6 min. To study maximal lactate steady state (maxLASS) and its MaxLASS can be estimated from V4 in the 6 min per stage proto-
corresponding speed, every subject underwent a 4th test with col, and verified by three 15-min intensities being V4 ± 0.5 km/h,
three 15-min stages at three speeds, based on the running speed at V4, and V4 + 0.5 km/h. The mean blood lactate concentration
at 4 mmol/l blood lactate (V4) in the 6 min per stage protocol. at the maxLASS speed was not different between treadmill run-
The first load in the 15 min per stage test was V4 ± 0.5 km/h, the ning and outdoor running on a track. In conclusion, for measur-
second at V4, and the third V4 + 0.5 km/h. To compare the max- ing peak values of physiological variables in an incremental run-
LASS speed with outdoor performance, the subjects also ran 5 km ning test, the duration per stage is of less importance, however,
at this speed on an outdoor track. Mean maximal running speed when measuring blood lactate concentration as a function of
(Vmax) in the incremental test was significantly lower in the 6- running speed, the duration per stage should be at least 6 min.
min (15.1 km/h) and 3-min stage protocol (17.1 km/h), compared
with the 1-min stage protocol (18.3 km/h). Mean peak VÇO2 and Key words
486 mean peak heart rate were not different between the protocols Lactate steady state ´ ventilatory threshold ´ breathing frequency

Introduction ious studies because of differences in variables used, definitions,

methodology and measuring techniques.
A high maximal oxygen uptake (VÇO2max) is an important pre-
requisite for endurance performance. However, VÇO2max intensi- Threshold indices are usually assessed in incremental exercise
ty can only be sustained for approximately 7 ± 10 min [2, 6,10]. tests, often using the blood lactate response as a function of exer-
Several endurance events last beyond 10 min and are performed cise intensity. A potential drawback of lactate measurements in
at an intensity below the maximal oxygen uptake [2, 9,10, 21]. incremental exercise tests is that it may take 3 min or more to
Studies in which the relationship between plasma lactate establish steady plasma lactate concentrations at a given exer-
response, VÇO2max, and endurance performance were investigat- cise intensity [3,11,19, 20, 27]. This would imply that studies on
ed showed a higher correlation between endurance performance lactate measurements in incremental exercise tests in which
and lactate variables such as anaerobic threshold, than with stages of less than 3 min were used, may have failed to assess
VÇO2max [7,18, 23]. During the last decade several papers have the adequate plasma lactate concentrations belonging to a given
been published on lactate variables as indicators of training exercise intensity, and consequently assessed improper thresh-
adaptations and predictors of exercise performance. In using lac- old values. The duration per stage and the ramp slope appears
tate variables and thresholds, it is difficult to compare the var- to be related to the blood lactate response, as has been shown in

Department of Movement Sciences, University Maastricht, The Netherlands

H. Kuipers, M.D., Ph.D ´ Department of Movement Sciences ´ University Maastricht ´ PO Box 616 ´
6200 MD Maastricht ´ The Netherlands ´ E-Mail: Harm.kuipers@bw.unimaas.nl

Accepted after revision: February 15, 2003

Int J Sports Med 2003; 24: 486±491  Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ´ New York ´ ISSN 0172-4622
cycle ergometer exercise [24, 26]. Stockhausen et al. [24] pro- was connected to a heart rate monitor (Polar, Kempele, Finland),
posed for cycling a duration of 3 min when using a 20 W incre- and wore a face mask, connected to a portable metabolic system
ment and a stage duration of 4 min when using a 30 W incre- (Cosmed K4). Subsequently the subjects stepped on the tread-
ment. A potential drawback of incremental exercise protocols mill (Medifit, The Netherlands) after which the test was started.
with relatively long duration of each stage is that peak values of
VÇO2 and heart rate may not be reached, because of premature A 1 % incline of the treadmill was maintained, in order to match
fatigue, while for full exercise diagnostics maximal values may energetic cost of outdoor running at the same speed [14].
be relevant as well. In contrast to cycling, only few studies have
been conducted on running exercise to assess the most suitable Exercise protocols
protocols for measuring peak values of VÇO2, heart rate and also To study the physiological response in an incremental running
for measuring lactate response to incremental exercise. One of test with different duration per stage, 3 incremental running
the few studies conducted in this respect on running is from protocols were performed on a treadmill. The order of the first
Foxdal et al. [11] who investigated lactate variables with incre- three protocols was random, and at least one week separated
mental protocols with different stage duration. This study focus- two consecutive tests.

Training & Testing

sed on lactate and it was not searched for peak values. They
found that lactate equilibrium between muscle and blood Protocol A started with a warming up of 5 min at 8 km/h in
requires at least 8 min in running exercise. women and 10 km/h in men, and thereafter the exercise intensity
was increased by 1 km/h every minute until the subject was
To confirm as well as extend the data obtained by Foxdal et al. unable to continue.
[11] and to study peak values as well, the present study was con-
ducted in which our first aim was to compare the response of Protocol B also started with a 5 min warming up at 8 km/h for

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oxygen uptake, heart rate, and blood lactate concentration as women and 10 km/h for men, and thereafter the running speed
well as their peak values in incremental running protocols in was increased by 2 km/h every 3 min, however, from a heart
which the duration per stage was different (1 min, 3 min, and rate of 85 % of the individual maximal heart rate the speed incre-
6 min). A second aim was to relate the blood lactate response ment was 1 km/h every three min.
and ventilation rate obtained in the different protocols with the
maximal lactate steady state (maxLASS) and to compare the Protocol C was similar to protocol B with the only difference that
blood lactate concentration at the maxLASS speed on the tread- every stage lasted 6 min.
mill with that during outdoor track running at the same speed. A
third aim was to shed light on conflicting data about a deflection If in protocols B and C a stage could not be completed to the full
in ventilatory rate as intensity indicator reported by some inves- length the maximal running speed (Vmax) was calculated accord-
tigators [8,12], but not confirmed by others [15]. ing to the equation:
Vmax = Vcompleted + t/T ” speed increment
Material and Methods
in which Vcompleted is the running speed of the last stage that was
Subjects completed, t the number of seconds that the uncompleted run-
After approval from the local ethical committee 6 male and 4 ning speed could be sustained, T the number of seconds required
female well-trained competitive middle distance runners of to complete the stage, and speed increment is the speed load
regional and club level entered the study after written informed increment.
consent. All subjects trained at least 4 times per week for at least
one hour per training session, and all had been in training for at To assess maxLASS, a fourth protocol D was conducted, that con-
least 2 seasons prior to the study. The subjects ran between 60 ± sisted of 3 incremental workloads each lasting 15 min, preceded
150 km per week, and the training included interval training at or by a 5 min warm up at 50 % of the previously assessed maximal
slightly above the individual race pace. Because of injuries two running speed attained in the 6 min per stage protocol. The three
male subjects were unable to complete participation in the intensities of protocol D were based on the running speed from
study. The mean age of the remaining 4 male subjects was protocol C at which the blood lactate concentration was
32  12 y, mean weight 72  6 kg, mean height 186  10 cm. For 4 mmol/l (V4). The first speed was 0.5 km/h below V4, the second
females the mean age was 35  15 y, mean weight 57.5  6 kg, at V4, and the third 0.5 km/h above V4. Maximal lactate steady
and mean height 167  6 cm. state (maxLASS) is defined as the running speed during constant
running at which the blood lactate concentration between 10
The study took place during the summer (May ± June), and all and 15 min of running exercise varied less than 0.5 mmol/l. For
subjects had been training before the start of the study for at drawing blood the subject interrupted running for 15 ± 20 s by
least three months, in preparation for the race season. stepping next to the belt.

Procedures To compare the blood lactate concentration at the speed of max-

The subjects refrained from strenuous exercise 24 h before each LASS measured on the treadmill and running outdoor, the sub-
exercise test. After the subjects reported to the lab, a venous jects also ran 5 km without interruption on a 400-m tartan track
catheter was inserted into a forearm vein. A stopcock was con- at the maxLASS speed as assessed on the treadmill. In order to
nected to the catheter, to enable collection of blood. The subject maintain a steady speed a supervisor on a bicycle remained in

Kuipers H et al. Stage Duration in Incremental Running Tests ¼ Int J Sports Med 2003; 24: 486 ± 491
Table 1 Values (mean  SD) of maximal running velocity (Vmax), peak VÇO2, peak heart rate (PeakHR), peak blood lactate concentration (Peak-
La), the running speed at 4 mmol/l blood lactate (V4), and the running speed at breakpoint VE/V ÇO2 (Break VE/V ÇO2) in incremental
protocols with stage length of 1 min (protocol A), 3 min (protocol B), and 6 min (protocol C)

Protocol Vmax PeakVÇO2 PeakHR PeakLa V4 BreakVE/ VÇO2

(km/h) (l/min) (beats/min) (mmol/l) (km/h) (km/h)

A 18.3  1.9 4.48  1.13 183  6 14.0  1.8
B 17.1  1.6# 4.46  1.04 187  5 11.0  2.5 14.4  1.4 13.3  1.6
C 15.1  1.5## 4.41  1.01 189  5 10.8  2.6 12.9  1.5# 13.4  1.4

# p < 0.05 between C and B.

## p < 0.01 C compared with A.
Training & Testing

close proximity of the running athlete and clocked the split time
every 200 m, and gave feedback to the athletes for maintaining
the proper velocity. Immediately after completing the 5-km run,
a venous blood sample was taken for lactate measurement.

Respiratory variables and heart rate were measured continuous-

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ly, and displayed every 30 s on a portable computer that was
connected to the receiving unit of the K4 metabolic system.

The ventilatory threshold, based on VE/VÇO2 was determined

from the respiratory variables by the software provided with
the Cosmed K4 measuring system using linear regression, and
defined as the running speed at which the VE/VÇO2 started to Fig. 1 Example in one male subject of blood lactate concentration
depart from linear increase [25]. In addition a break point in the (mmol/l) as function of treadmill speed in two incremental exercise
linear increase of the ventilation rate was searched for by visual protocols with stages lasting 3 min (squares), and 6 min (circles).
inspection and with linear regression analysis.

488 From the venous catheter a 2 ml blood sample was drawn during employed. Differences between the protocols were analyzed
the final 30 s of every stage, except for protocol A (increments with a paired t-test. In case of univariate testing a Bonferroni cor-
every minute) in which no blood samples were taken, because rection was applied. Differences were considered statistically
of too short time available for blood sampling. From all samples significant at p < 0.05.
the first 0.5 ml of the sample was discarded because of dilution
with saline. After sampling the catheter was flushed with saline.
To obtain a blood sample the subject grasped the railing and Results
stepped next to the running belt. Blood sampling required 15 to
20 s during which the running speed for the next stage was The mean peak running speed during the incremental protocols
adjusted. Immediately after sampling the subject stepped back was inversely related to the duration of the stages (Table 1). The
on the running belt and continued running. In protocol D (15- highest mean peak running speed was attained in protocol A in
min stages) for assessing maxLASS, blood was sampled every which the load was increased by 1 km/h every minute (mean
5 min. The blood lactate concentration in whole blood was meas- 18.3  1.9 km/h), which was significantly different from the peak
ured immediately after sampling (EML-105, Radiometer, Copen- running velocities in the protocol with 3-min stages
hagen, Denmark). (17.1  1.6 km/h; p < 0.05), and with 6-min stages (15.1  1.5 km/
h; p < 0.01).
V4 was determined by straight line interpolation of the blood
lactate curve. Mean peak VÇO2 (Table 1) was slightly higher in the protocol with
1-min stages, compared with the protocol with 6-min stages,
Data handling and statistical analysis although the difference did not reach statistical significance.
The data obtained during the last 30 s of the various protocols
were used for analysis. To define a breakpoint in VE/VÇO2 and From Table 1 it can be seen that the mean peak heart rate was not
respiratory rate as function of running speed, these data were significantly different among the incremental protocols.
analysed with regression analysis.
The blood lactate responses were different between the 3- and 6-
The other data were analyzed with a SPSS software packet ana- min protocols (p < 0.025), i. e. in all subjects the curve obtained
lysed using a repeated measure ANOVA. Depending on the from the 3 min per stage protocol was shifted to the right com-
ªMauchly`s test of sphericityº an uni- or multi-variate test was pared with the 6-min protocol (Fig. 1). The mean peak blood

Kuipers H et al. Stage Duration in Incremental Running Tests ¼ Int J Sports Med 2003; 24: 486 ± 491

The present study demonstrates that in a protocol in which the

running speed was increased by 1 km/h every min, the maximal
running speed is on the average 1.2 km/h higher compared to a
protocol in which the running speed was increased every 3 min,
and on the average 3.2 km/h higher compared with a protocol in
which the running speed was increased every 6 min. The higher
maximal running speed in a protocol with a short time per stage
can be explained by a greater contribution of anaerobic power at
the later load steps, due to the delayed lactate accumulation that
is associated with local muscle fatigue. Similar to cyclists where
maximal power output on a cycle ergometer can be used as a
Fig. 2 Example of blood lactate concentrations (mmol/l) in one fe-
male subject during the maxLASS test at V4 ± 0.5 km/h (11.0 km/h), parameter for endurance capacity [17, 22], also in runners the

Training & Testing

at V4 (11.5 km/h), and at V4 + 0.5 km/h (12.0 km/h). peak running velocity can be used as parameter of endurance
capacity. Therefore, when reporting maximal running speed in
an incremental protocol, the duration per stage has to be taken
lactate concentration in the protocol with 3-min stages was not into account.
different from the protocol with 6-min stages. Since the 4 mmol/l
intensity is often used as parameter for endurance capacity, the Although the mean peak oxygen uptake in the 6 min per stage
running speed at which the blood lactate concentration was protocol was slightly lower than the two other protocols, this dif-

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4 mmol/l (V4) was assessed in both protocols with 3- and 6-min ference was not statistically significant. This implies that for
stages. V4 was significantly higher in the 3 min per stage proto- measuring VÇO2max and peak heart rate in an incremental proto-
col (14.4  1.4 km/h) compared with the 6 min per stage protocol col on a treadmill the duration per stage is of less importance and
(12.9  1.5 km/h; p < 0.05). may vary from 1 to 6 min.

As can be seen from Table 1 the running velocity at which VE/VÇO2 The results of the present study show that when the duration per
departed from a linear increase was 14.0  1.8 km/h in the 1 min stage in incremental protocols is shorter than approximately
per stage protocol, 13.3  1.6 km/h in the 3 min per stage protocol, 6 min, blood lactate concentrations lag behind the corresponding
and 13.4  1.4 km/h in the 6 min per stage protocol (p > 0.05). running velocity. Thus for measuring blood lactate concentra-
Using linear regression as well as visual inspection no threshold tions belonging to a given exercise intensity, a duration of 5 ±
behaviour was found in respiratory rate during incremental exer- 6 min at a minimum per stage appears to be required. This is in
cise in any of the protocols with different stage duration. line with the findings of Foxdall et al. [11] who compared the 489
blood lactate response in incremental treadmill protocols with
The running speed of the 15-min protocol was based on the run- 4-, 6- and 8-min stages, and suggested that stages of at least
ning speed at 4 mmol/l blood lactate concentration (V4) in the 8 min are required for adequate lactate equilibrium between
6 min per stage protocol. The running speed at V4 in the incre- muscle and blood. This would also imply that incremental run-
mental 6-min protocol was 12.9  1.5 km/h, whereas the running ning exercise protocols for measuring blood lactate parameters
speed at which the maxLASS was reached in the 15 min per stage such as the 4 mmol/l intensity, load steps less than approximate-
protocol was 12.9  1.7 km/h (p > 0.05). The mean blood lactate ly 5 min yield non-steady state values for blood lactate. The exer-
concentration reached at maxLASS was 6.03  1.47 mmol/l (range cise intensity at which blood lactate concentration equals
between individuals 3.8 ± 7.2 mmol/l). All subjects completed the 4 mmol/l is often used as a parameter for endurance capacity
15 min at V4, and were able to start with a running speed of V4 [1, 7]. When looking at the incremental protocol with different
+ 0.5 km/h, however, 6 stopped prematurely because of fatigue. duration per stage at the running velocity at which blood lactate
Blood lactate concentrations at V4 + 0.5 km/h increased progres- concentration is 4 mmol/l (V4), we found that V4 was on the
sively (varying between individuals from 3.2 to 10.9 mmol/l). average 1.5 km/h lower in the protocol with 6 min per stage,
Only 2 subjects were able to finish the 15 min with difficulty, compared with the protocol with 3 min per stage. This probably
and blood lactate levels rose to 8.5 and 10.2 mmol/l in these two reflects the insufficient time for lactate equilibration between
subjects, respectively (Fig. 2). muscle and blood in the incremental protocol with 3-min stages.
This implies that also when using other lactate parameters (i. e. 1
The mean blood lactate concentration after the 5-km run on the or 2 mmol/l above resting levels), the time per stage has to be
outdoor track was 6.32  2.12 mmol/l and was not different from taken into account.
the mean blood lactate concentration at the maxLASS speed dur-
ing the 15-min protocol. All subjects experienced the speed at An important finding in the present study was that maximal lac-
maxLASS as strenuous, however, all indicated that this was be- tate steady state (maxLASS) speed can be estimated from the
low the competitive speed. running speed at V4 in the incremental running test with 6-min
stages, and be measured by a second incremental protocol with
15 min per stage on a separate day. The mean running speed at
V4 in the incremental protocol with 6-min stages was not differ-
ent from the mean velocity at maxLass. However, on an individ-

Kuipers H et al. Stage Duration in Incremental Running Tests ¼ Int J Sports Med 2003; 24: 486 ± 491
ual basis the running speed at maxLASS could be in the range of employed the Dmax method, which always yields some kind of
plus or minus 1.0 km/h of V4. The mean blood lactate levels in threshold as long as the variable increases non-linearly, irrespec-
the 15-min protocol were significantly higher than the 4 mmol/l tive of a real threshold behaviour. The study of James et al. [12]
at V4 in the 6-minute protocol. A relevant finding is that the indicates that breathing frequency can be used as an indicator
speed at maxLass can be assessed just by doing an incremental of anaerobic threshold, defined as the disproportionate increase
protocol with 6-min stages. However, for assessing the highest in breathing frequency. However, in the present study no consis-
blood lactate levels at which a steady state can be maintained, tent disproportionate increase in breathing frequency could be
exercise of longer duration is required. This supports the finding found and indicates that respiratory rate is not a useful variable
that for attaining a true steady state in blood lactate concentra- to be used as threshold variable, or marker of exercise intensity
tion a duration of 6 min is still insufficient. The 15-min duration in runners.
at a given exercise intensity for assessing maximal lactate steady
state is shorter than used by other investigators who used 20 ± A question that is relevant for translating laboratory results into
30 min of continuous exercise [4,11,16]. Jones and Doust [16] sport practice is the relationship between laboratory tests and
proposed to adopt 30 min constant exercise for assessing max- running speeds in competition. A point that has received little
Training & Testing

LASS in running. However, their results suggest that when no emphasis in recent sport scientific literature is the observation
steady state is reached in approximately 10 min the exercise is that there is no such thing as one specific speed at which endur-
not at maxLASS. Jenkins and Quigley [13] also observed that ance performances are done. When the average speeds of world
blood lactate levels remained stable between 10 and 30 min of records at different distances in certain disciplines are compared
continuous exercise. The 15-min protocol was based on a pilot it appears that the average speed declines with increasing dis-
study conducted before the present investigation, in which in 5 tance. This indicates that there is not one single critical speed,
subjects the blood lactate response during 30 min exercise per but it decreases with increasing distance. This is supported by

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stage was studied. It was found that when no steady state (in- the results from the study of Jones and Doust [16] who studied
crease < 0.5 mmol/l) in blood lactate concentration was attained the relationship between 8 km running performance and lactate
between 10 and 15 min, no steady state was attained in 30 min. parameters, and Bentley et al. [5] who studied the relationship
Fluctuations in blood lactate concentrations beyond 20 ± 30 min between lactate variables and 20-min and 90-min time trials.
may be attributed to a shift in substrate utilization from carbo- Foster et al. [10] studied lactate levels during a simulated time
hydrate towards fat, inducing a different level of lactate steady trial over 5 km in cyclists, and observed that plasma lactate levels
state. The validity of 15-min duration for assessing maxLASS increased throughout the trial. From the present study it is
was supported by the outdoor 5-km run at the maxLASS velocity concluded that the running speed at 5 and 10 km are difficult to
that lasted 20 ± 25 min. The longer duration elicited the same predict from lactate variables obtained during running tests in
blood lactate concentration as the 15-min treadmill run in the the laboratory. Therefore, lactate threshold variables may be
laboratory. Therefore, maxLASS speed can be approximated by helpful for assessing endurance characteristics and training-in-
490 V4 obtained from an incremental protocol with 6-min stages, duced adaptations in athletes, however have limited value for
whereas the accurate assessment of lactate levels requires a pro- predicting endurance performances.
tocol consisting of 15-min stages. The mean maximal blood lac-
tate concentration at which a steady state could be maintained In conclusion, peak VÇO2 and peak heart rates can be obtained in
was 6.02 mmol/l (range 3.8 ± 7.2 mmol/l). The considerable range incremental protocols with increments varying from 1 to 6 min.
reflects the different response between individuals. When the relationship between blood lactate levels and running
velocity are required, the duration per stage should be at least
Ventilatory threshold is also used as parameter for endurance 6 min. An important finding is that the maxLASS running
capacity. In the present study ventilatory threshold was defined velocity can be estimated from running speed at 4 mmol/l (V4)
as the running velocity at which VE/VÇO2 started to increase non- in an incremental protocol with 6 min per stage. However, for
linearly [25]. The results of the present study show that the run- precise assessment and for corresponding blood lactate levels,
ning speed at which the non-linear increase in VE/VÇO2 started, stages of 15-min duration at V4 ± 0.5 km/h, at V4, and 0.5 km/h
was not different between stage durations of 1 to 6 min (Table 1), above V4 can be used.
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