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“Daddy, can you tell me a story”,

“okay baby, what kind of story do you
want?” “I want your love story
daddy”, “huh? do you want my love
story? why?”, “Nothing daddy, I just
want to hear your story”, “okay”.

So, one day I met a girl and she

became my childhood friend, I’ve
known her since we were kids, she
knew all my secrets. I had a crush on
her, not only because she's pretty and
smart but also the way she laughs at
everything and the way she sees life
and love. I could still remember the
first time we met. I was five years old
then. It was one windy afternoon
when I saw their family just moved
out to a neighboring state and
transfer because her father got
promoted. I’m in our garden and I


noticed a moving truck coming down

the street and so, I climbed up our
tree house. I watched it approaching
and noticed a family station wagon
following it. It stopped in front of the
house and came out a family. I was
about to glance away when came out
the loveliest girl I've ever seen.

She was four years old that time but

then even at an early age she has an
eye-catching beauty. She had a long
curly hair. She had fair complexion
and eyes which could make a man
lose his heart into them. I continued
to watch her when suddenly she
looked up and saw me watching
them from our tree house window. I
was about to duck when she smiled
and waved her hand. I waved back
and then watched in amazement as I


saw her running towards the tree

house. So, I went to the edge of the
ladder and said, "Would you like to
come up?" I ask, "May I?" she also
ask. And so I help her climb up and
when we reached the top she then
turned to me and said, "By the way,
my name is Allison, what's yours?"
she said/ask, "My name is Gabrielle
but then you can call me Gab." She
smiled and said, "Well I like your
name. Hey your tree house is neat!"
then I replied, "Thanks! Dad and I
made this. This used to be our hide
out. We used to goof around, play
ball and go biking together. He was
my best friend and I kind of miss him,
you know." She smiled and said "I'm
here now, we could do things you do
with your dad, and I could be your
new best friend too. I never had a boy
as a friend before so it could be

exciting to have one. I could learn

how to play ball and I have my
bicycle so we could go biking
together. Now how does that sound
to you?" I smiled and said, "Well that
sounds good enough." Then she held
her hand and said, "It's a deal then!"

So that's how it started. We became

best friends and it was kind of
strange at first for she was a girl and
there are things which I was little bit
hesitant to indulge her like catching
frogs, swimming in the lake and
climbing trees, but then she tried and
did everything just to please me.
There was even a time when she fell
off the bike trying to catch up with
me in a race we had and I was the
one who bandaged her scraped knee.
I could still remember the time when


she hit the window of our neighbor

when we were playing baseball and
it was I who talked to Mr. Gonzaga
and promised to pay for the damage,
which meant having to lose a week's
allowance. I remembered the time
when I fell off the tree when I tried to
rescue a little kitten because Alli was
near to tears when she saw the
helpless kitten trapped in a branch. I
even fought with the tough guy when
they teased Alli and made her cry, I
ended up having a black eye and a
bruised cheek. I remember Allie
crying as she placed an ice bag over
my black eye and later gave it a get-
well kiss. I did everything to please
her and gave everything her little
heart desires.


The lake was our favorite hang-out

area. We had our Saturday swim
routine. We would pack food and eat
them under the big oak tree. In that
tree there was a special branch in
which the two of us could sit together
and tell each other's dreams. She
dreams to be a Ballerina and she
knows my dream of becoming a
doctor. She never laughs at my
dream and pursuits even if they were
quite impossible. It made me like her
even more.

As years went by, I noticed that my

feelings towards her were slowly
changing. Somehow, I thought it was
just a simple crush case. But when I
started thinking about her at night,
dreaming of her and having the
feeling of wanting to be with her all


the time, I thought it was something

different, something that made me
feel strange, but then, it was
exhilarating feeling. It made me feel
so alive. Whenever our hands touch, I
could feel the tingling butterfly in my
stomach. When we were at the lake
having our Saturday swim routine
and as I carried her towards the
water edge, I had the feeling of not
wanting to let go. I just wanted that
moment to continue, hoping it would
never end. I then realized I was
slowly falling in love with my best

I tried to deny the feeling many times

for I was scared what would happen
if I'd ever try to tell her how I feel
about her. I was scared because she
might think that I'm taking


advantage of our friendship. I was

afraid of losing her so I just kept my
feeling hidden.

We’ve reached the age of fifteen and

I noticed that Alli grew lovelier each
day. How my heart aches wherever I
see boys glanced her way. I want to
punch their faces as I watch them
talking to her, giving compliments,
flowers and chocolates. There were
times when I watched her at a
distance with mixed feelings of anger
and hurt! It hurts so much to know
that there were so many things I
want to tell her, but then I could not
do so. There were so many presents
which I long to give her but then I
cannot, for she might see me only as
a friend. I was also scared of letting


her know how I feel about her as

much as losing her.

Then one day, I just heard from a

friend that she already had a
boyfriend. At first, I tried to convince
myself that it was just a rumor. Her
boyfriend was Liam, a popular senior
student, who was the campus
heartthrob. She, being the
cheerleader was close to the
basketball team, which is Liam was
the captain. When I saw them
walking together at the parking lot
that afternoon, I watched them, my
heart slowly breaking into pieces. I
saw her wave at me but I just
pretended not to see her for I was
scared that she might see in my eyes
the pain I'm feeling inside because of
seeing her with another guy. Those


days that followed where the saddest

days of my life. How my heart aches
when I see her walk past me with
him at her side. Every time we meet
in hallways and I see him around her,
there's a feeling inside me that
makes me want to grab her away
from him. How it hurts to see the girl
I long admire was now owned by
somebody else. That special smile I
long for her to cast on me was now
casted on him. As she passes by me,
she doesn't know that I whisper the
words "God, how I love her."

Then one faithful day, they broke up.

She came to me that evening, while
crying, not knowing what to do. They
had a big fight and it ended up with
their break up. Mixed feelings were
scaring me inside. I was happy


because she was free and maybe I

would have the chance of telling her
my true feelings for her but then I
was feeling so bad because she is
crying her heart out just for him. At
that time, I was not quite sure of
what I wanted to do.

So, we found ourselves doing what

we did in old days with our Saturday
swim routine, spending time in our
tree house. We still enjoyed doing
childish pranks for we still are both
young at heart. So many chances I
had for me to confess my feelings for
her but still I couldn't bring myself to
her, for I was scared of losing her
once again. I once lost her, now I
could not bear of losing her again by
telling her, "I love her". So, I just kept


my feelings even if it was bursting to

be expressed from my aching heart.

It was a week before our Seniors

Night, we were seated at the branch
of an oak tree drying ourselves after
our afternoon swim when she asks, "I
was wondering if you would like to
be my partner?" It just got out of my
wits for it was like a dream I never
thought would happen. It took me
awhile to answer her”, "I thought
there are so many boys who would
die for you to be their partner?" So,
she turned away and quietly said,
"Well I just thought I would like to
spend that night with my best
friend." Then she continued in a
whisper I could barely hear, "Don't
you want to die just like them to be
my partner Gab?" I was too stunned


to speak for it came close for me to

blurt my feelings for her. We… we're
silent for a while until I finally
whispered, "I would be happy to be
your partner Alli.” Then she smiled
and suddenly kissed my cheek that
makes me blush, I could hardly
contain the joy I felt that time. I saw
her turned red and bowed her head.
Suddenly she stood up and run
towards the water saying, "Last one
to reach the water treats to sundae
fudge!” I ran slowed up so that I
would lose which meant having to
have her with me for another three
hours or more.

Our Prom night came. I bought a

new tuxedo and poured almost the
entire bottle of perfume. I went to
fetch Allison. Alli's mother greeted


me and I went to sit in the living

room waiting for her to come down. I
was talking to her father when I
heard her say, "How do I look?" I look
up and saw her lovelier than ever in
a White maxi dress with her hair
flowing around her face. I stood up
and opened my mouth but found out
I could not find my voice. Then I got
her hand shakily fastened the
corsage around her wrist and
whispered, "To the loveliest girl in
the whole world." She then asked, "Is
that true?" I nodded and she smiled
and I smiled back then I turned to
open the door for her. When we
arrived at the venue, we hardly
recognized our classmates. The jeans
and T-shirts are gone. They were
replaced with tuxedos and gowns.
Then I held out her hand, bowed and
said, "Would you give me the honor

of your first dance?" She laughed and

curtseyed. Then I led her to the dance
floor. It was like a dream coming
true, a moment of enchantment. I
was there dancing with the only girl
I’ve ever loved. She was smiling up to
me, as we were slowly moving in a
smooth gliding motion. I found
myself lost, as I stared down to her
sparkling eyes. The curls of her long
hair were like waves, enhancing her
beautiful face. There were so many
things I wanted to tell her that
moment. I wanted to tell that she
was the most beautiful girl that
night. I wanted to tell her that she
would always be the beacon of light
in my darkness, but what I wanted to
tell her the most, that I love her. I
drew up all my courage and bent to
whisper it in her ear but suddenly
the music stopped and the magic was

gone. I came close to telling her, but

still haven't done it.
We walked towards the table and
found ourselves surrounded by
friends. I asked her if she wanted a
drink, she nodded and so I went to
get one. It took me a long time to get
one and when I returned to our
table, she was gone. I asked her
friend, Esra, where she was, but she
told me that she doesn't know. So, I
went to search for her. As I was
searching for her, I reached the
garden. There I saw two silhouette
figures outlined by the moon's silvery
light. They were so close to each
other that I could never describe the
feeling I had when I recognized the
white maxi dress that Alli was
wearing that night. I just turned and
left the venue.


Since that night, I tried avoid her.

She tried talking to me many times
but I never gave her the chance to do
so. I was afraid to hear that she still
loves Liam and not me. I would
rather have left in ignorance of her
true feelings for me than to hear
from those dreaded words and feel
my hope crush and my heart break. I
didn't return her calls. I would not
see her if she comes into our house.
In the hallways, as she approaches, I
would go to another direction. It also
hurts to do those things but then I
thought that was the best way to
forget her. Those months were
tormenting but still I kept my pride.

The day of our graduation came. I

was planning to take up medicine at

a neighboring state and was to move

out the next day. As the program
ended, she approached me and
handed me a rose. As she stared at
me, there was something in her eyes I
couldn't describe. There was sadness
in them and when she smiled it
wasn't the same smile she had. I
wanted to hug her at that moment,
tell her that I love her but then she
turned and walked away from me.

So, I moved out the next day as I

planned. Luckily, I was accepted at
the university. I concentrated with
my studies but still I think of her at
night. I was always wondering if she
thinks of me too. I tried hard not to
think of her but still I could not stop
myself from loving her. Each
achievement I have was done for her.


I thought that if I will be successful

one day, I would be able to tell her
that I love her and by that time, I'm
worthy of having her.

It was a year after our graduation

when I decided to return home and
see her again. I thought a year is too
much for me not to see her and
during the past year I felt like a
person lost in the desert and only the
sight of her could quench the thirst I
have inside. As I got off the plane, I
went home directly, desperate to get
to her house, desperate to see her
and to hug her. Then I would tell her
that I missed her so much and that I
have loved her for a long time. This
time I am determined to let her know
my true feelings for her and I could
not contain anymore the love I have


for her. I reached their house. I saw

her elder sister and I approached
her. I smiled at her but I noticed she
didn't smile back. I was confused for
she used to be a cheerful lady just
like my dear Alli. I then asked, "Hi
Alliana! I guess you're surprised why
I'm here. Well, I just want to visit you
and I was also hoping to see Alli. I
kind of miss her you know. Mmm… by
the way have you seen her?" All I saw
was sadness in her eyes as she
replied quietly "Come follow me."

I was confused with the way she's

acting but still I followed her. As we
were walking, I was trying to indulge
her in a conversation but she just
answered my question briefly. Then I
realized that she was leading me to
the direction of the lake. It was still


the same as I left it, with the same

oak tree, Alli and I used to climb up. I
smiled upon remembering the kiss
Alli gave me when I agreed to be her
partner. It's been one of the happiest
days in my life and I realized that I
missed Alli more than I thought.
Then her sister stopped walking and
pointed to the tree. She then
whispered, "There's Alli."

I looked at where she was pointing

and saw a newly dug tomb with the
name of the girl I ever loved. I could
not believe at what I saw and
desperately tried convincing myself
that this is all just a nightmare and I
would soon wake up. I stared at
Alliana in disbelief with her eyes
searching for explanations and she
slowly started saying, "It has been a


week and a half since she passed

away. She died on accident, on the
way to you but even though she was
in critical situation, she never
stopped thinking about you. It was
even your name she uttered before
she died. She asked us to bury her
here for she always regards this
place as a place of LOVE. She said
that this is where she had spent the
happiest days of her life, and that
was when she was with you. “By the
way, she also asked me to give you
this." She handed me the envelope
she was holding and then left.

I slowly opened the envelope and saw

that it contained a dried orchid from
the corsage I gave her for our prom.
Then I saw the letter. It was dated
last month. I opened it with shaking


hands and started reading........


“I know… by this time you read this

letter I'm gone. I just want to tell you
that I feel very lucky and thankful to
God that I had a friend like you. I
would also like you to know that I
had left something inside, something
I kept from you all these years. I love
you Gab, not in a friendly way but as
one who would feel like spending the
rest of my life with. I have always
loved you even from the start. I guess
it just bloomed each day that's why
the happiest days of my life was…
when you were by my side. You just
don't know how I dreamed of you at
night and wake up in the morning
and dream no more for you were
with me. When you were away, I

can't stop crying because I was

afraid to think that you are with
another girl. I just can't bear to see
you with another girl. I just want you
all to myself. I may sound selfish but
that's how I feel.

Each time, you held me close to you,

was like a dream coming true, for to
be close to you and feel your heart
beating next to mine was like heaven.
So many things I did so that you will
learn to love me but I NEVER saw a
hint. I did everything to please you
because I love you so much that I
even tried to fool myself that you're
in love with me too. So many nights
I've cried when I think of myself
unloved by you. Well, you might think
that what I'm saying are lies, but I
tell you, my heart speaks the truth


for I cannot bear telling a lie to the

one I love. I know you might be
thinking of Liam, but I just did that
to make you jealous, to make you see
me as a young woman, capable of
loving and not as the little girl you
used to play with. Sometimes I
imagined that you were jealous and
fooled myself that it was a sign that
you feel something for me too. When
Liam and I broke up and I came
crying, I just did that to know… how
you would react and with that I'll
know that you love me too. But I
failed, for you didn't give me any
clue. When our prom night came, you
just don't know how happy I was
when you handed me the corsage
and saying that I was the loveliest
girl in the whole world. While we
were dancing, I wanted so
desperately to hear you say that you

love me too but you NEVER did.

When Liam came and pleaded me to
give him a second chance, I was
scared that you might see us talking.
I didn't want you to get the wrong
impression so I told him we would
talk in the garden. There I explained
to him that it's you whom I really

What happened next was that I

found you missing and later learned
that you were searching for me, I just
concluded that you saw us together.
The next day, I tried to explain but
then you never gave me a chance to
do so. You continuously avoided me
and never knew how much pain I've
experienced that time. I felt the
world crushing on me. In our
Graduation Day, when I approached


you, I wanted to tell you… how much

I loved you but I decided that I just
couldn't do it. I could not bear to
hear that all you feel for me is just
brotherly hand of love. For I want
you to love me as a woman and not
as a girl or playmate. So, I just turn
away and left. Now that saying I
LOVE YOU might be too late, but still
I want you to know that I will always
love you and my heart has always
been and will be yours alone.

P.S.: Think of me sometimes ... and

always remember that loving you
was the best thing that ever
happened in my life.

I felt my tears falling as I folded the

letter. I wanted to shout out to let

her know that I love her, if not as

much, but more than she did for me. I
love her more than anything in this
world. I knelt touching the soil of her
grave and rain started to fall. I
continued crying softly and
whispered, "Oh God, let me have her

After a minutes, Alliana gave me

umbrella, and invited me to their
house, then leads me to a nursery
room, then she said " It’s Alli’s baby,
Liam forced her to do so”, my blood
rises because of anger as I heard
those f****** words from Alliana.
Then the baby suddenly cry, I
approached her and carry her to
make her stop, I looked at her face
and she got all what her mother has.


Five years passed by, Gabriella still

with me. We lived in States.

“Not all sunsets are painful,

sometimes it gives a precious

“And now you’re here with me

Gabriella, you will be the greatest
gift that I will treasure for the rest of
my life.” He whispered, as Gabriella
falls asleep.



The End


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