Science Project

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Instituto Evangélico Bereshit.



Ariany Kassandra Mejía Carvajal.


Miss. Sindy Alvarado.




Project – Terrestrial Ecosystem.

Ask a Question.

1. Can an animal live inside?

A= Yes, for example an insect, it only needs sun, water, food and a
habitat to survive. The insect can live inside, but i don’t know how
much time will the insect survive inside.

2.How the plant is going to survive, if we don’t give it water



3.Can we do the project on a plastic bottle?


4.What will happen if we open the jar?


5.What will happen if we don’t give sun to it?

A= The plant will die.

Do Background Research.

1. Ecosystem.

I learned that an ecosystem is the place where living things live, and
nonliving too. These biotic and abiotic factors are linked together through
nutrient cycles and energy flows. Other thing that i learned is that there
are producers, consumers, and decomposers. The producers are the
organisms that can make their own food. Consumers are the ones that
eats producers. And last decomposers are like the dead organisms that
turn into a component of an ecosystem.

2.Energy Flow.

Of energy flow I learned that all living things which are biotic factors
need energy in order to survive. Some biotic factors g their energy from
the sun and other eat other biotic factors to get their energy. And
something that I learned too is that energy cannot be created or
3.Water Flow.

And last from water flow I learned how rain is formed or clouds too. When
the sun heats up the rivers and oceans, water becomes water vapour and
it rises up in the air, this is called evaporation. For example when we boil
water, as the water gets heated, we can see the water vapour rising up in
the air. Then when the water vapour reaches up in the sky, it turns into
small, tiny droplets of water, these water droplets along with various dust
and particle, come together to form clouds, this is condensation. And then
when the cloud becomes to heavy and it cannot hold any more water
inside, it kind of explodes to give out rain or snow, this is known as
precipitation. As it rains water gets collected in oceans, rivers, etc.
4.Ecosystem, Energy Flow and Water Flow.

Now, how this topics are going to help us for our project? Well they are
going to help us because, we need to understand how the plant is going to
grow inside the jar or bottle and what procedure we have to do so the
plant can grow inside the bottle, in fact we have to understand this topics
so that we can do our project correctly, and so that we can do our report
of the project.
Construct a Hypothesis.

I think that if I do the project correctly and take care of it, it’s going to
work and at the end of the project, I will have a beautiful ecosystem, but if
I do it wrong and take care of it wrong, the plant inside is going to die. So I
think that if I really take care of it, the project is going to be succesful. In
fact I think that the plant is going to survive, maybe for some weeks,
months or even better, some years! Because as i have saw the project
really works and the only thing that it needs to survive is sun. I think that
my project is going to be succesful, I hope so.

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