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Information Flow on Logístic

Edna Yissela Ariza, Luisa María García Chávez, José Miguel Niño Orduz

Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Seccional Alto Magdalena

NRC11700: Sistemas de Información Logísticos

Ing. German Ortiz Diaz

25 de febrero del 2023





Presentado para optar el título de: Administrador logístico






Girardot, Cundinamarca

25 de febrero del 2023

Table of Contents
Main Functions of Information...................................................................................4

What is an Information System...................................................................................4

Characteristics of the Information System..................................................................4

What is Information Flow...........................................................................................5

What does the flow of information have to do within the companies?.......................5

What information must be obtained for decision making?.........................................6

Logistic Information System.......................................................................................6

Logistic Information System Functions......................................................................6

Logistic Information System Information Solutions..................................................6

What is ERP................................................................................................................6

ERP Systems on Logistics..........................................................................................6

ERP Benefits...............................................................................................................6

Automatic Identification Technology.........................................................................7

Logistics activities in Suplain Change and the benefits of application.......................8


This document outlines the different concepts that a logistics manager should know

before entering the field of information flows, emphasizing the importance of the role of

information flow in logistics processes, as well as its characteristics, functions and the

integration of information technology, mentioning the concepts of flows, benefits,

revolutionary technologies and software.

Main Functions of Information

I think that to start with the exposition, I should explain that information is

important for the different logistic management to be applied daily, regardless of the work

environment to which it is applied.

Figure 1 Logistics

Source: bextox

What is an Information System

An information system is a set of agents, codes and processes that interact in

coordination with each other for a common purpose.

In computer science, information systems help to manage, collect, retrieve, process,

store and distribute information relevant to the fundamental processes and particularities of
each organization. The importance of an information system lies in the efficiency in the

correlation of a large amount of data entered through processes designed for each area with

the objective of producing valid information for subsequent decision making.

Figure 2 information system


Characteristics of the Information System

 Adequacy of information that depends on the method that we apply every

day. (Integrity)
Figure 3 Package

 The credibility of the information that affects the information channels,

whether it is the input, which is any resource needed, and output, which is

the quantity of goods or services produced, thus generating different

decisions to present to the recipients.

Figure 4 To do list


 Uselessness and importance.

What is Information Flow

The flow of information or communication within an organization refers to the

movement of rules and communication within an organization. There can be several

directions that have space in them, such as downward, upward, horizontal, diagonal, and


The information flows are the ones that make sure that the information that is given

is concrete and correct and can be shared among the workers.

Figure 5 Logistics


What does the flow of information have to do within the companies?

 Individual planning of logistical processes such as product demand, product

planning, material requirements, building trust with procurers.

 Coordination with the flow through the goods movement chain.

 Monitoring and control of logistical processes, be it sales, procurement, and

inventory maintenance.

 Controlled processes at the operational level, particularly with procurement,

transportation, and storage.

Figure 6 Information, money and material flows


What information must be obtained for decision making?

They require the acquisition of information obtained, collected, and processed in all

logistic system of the company, the logistic relations are related to other activities within

the scope of management, they require the acquisition of information obtained, collected,

and processed in all logistic system of information, the usefulness of such information is

determined by characteristics of timeliness, relevance, completeness, and reliability.

Figure 7 Material and Information Flow


Logistic Information System

They are digital programs that are implemented to facilitate decision making and

management of operations such as procurement, warehousing, order preparation or

transportation and shipment of goods.

Figure 8 LIS

Logistic Information System Functions

 Automates processes eliminates manual data entry operations. In turn, they

automate the generation of the necessary documentation for logistics

operations, eliminating the risk of errors in processes such as inventory

control or order preparation.

 Automated information flow: extracts information from operations to

coordinate both warehouse processes and the different levels of the supply

chain with each other. The most advanced programs analyze the logistics

activity to obtain real-time information on the performance of the facility.

 Enhance logistics planning: Information systems make it possible to

monitor a product's supply chain and collect data so that the manager has all

the information needed for logistics planning.

Figure 9 System Functions

Logistic Information System Information Solutions

Those are digital solutions in charge of extracting and processing various logistics

activities to facilitate conflict resolution, decision making, strategic planning and

management of the supply chain, either in its entirety or only in some of its stages

(procurement, storage, dispatch, distribution, transportation, etc.).

Figure 10 System Solutions


What is ERP

Enterprise Resource Planning is a software system that operates the business,

supporting automation and processes in finance, human resources, manufacturing, supply

chain, services, purchasing, among others.

It is also known as the central nervous system of a company, as it is the central

intelligence that provides the efficiency to run all day-to-day business operations, finance

requires an ERP to close the books fast. Sales needs an ERP to manage all customer orders.

(SAP, s.f.)

Figure 11 ERP


ERP Systems on Logistics

 Greater inventory optimization, by having all your products constantly in

mind, registered and with information about their status.

 Better distribution of all your shipments, products, and orders.

 More realistic, simple, and straightforward staff management. Greater

productivity in all your business processes.

 Greater competitiveness in the market.

 Better communication between all members of the company.

 Fast and effective decision making.

Figure 12 ERP on LOGISTIC


ERP Benefits

 Optimize management processes: this is a tool that allows creating

coherence and homogeneity in the information for efficiency and


 Improve the decision-making process having the information in a single

database and real-time availability speeds up response times.

 Data security: since it is centered in a single mother computer, which is

protected by an access.

 Modularity and scalability: being a management tool, it will never slow

down a process of growth or evolution of the company.

 Adaptation to real needs: through an audit the requirements and needs of

the company are defined, the ERP is configured and fully adapted to it.

 Greater control and traceability: any interaction will be recorded,

allowing a comprehensive monitoring.

 Automation of tasks: the realization of reports, communications or claims

can be optimized to reduce resources and focus on the most important ones.

(Quiles, 2018)



Automatic Identification Technology

The generic designation of the various technologies used for automatic


It is a process used to identify and collect data. Once the collection is completed, the

data is automatically stored in a computer system, where it is then sorted and, depending on

the software, aggregated.

Within this series of processes, we can identify different existing technologies

which stand out, which as:

 Barcodes
 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)

 Iris and facial recognition systems (biometrics).

 Optical Character Recognition (OCR).

 Magnetic strips

 Smart cards

 Voice recognition

All these technologies use AIDC in unique ways but are synthesized differently

depending on the intricacies of the processes. (masterlogistica, 2021)

Figure 14 AIT


Logistics activities in Suplain Change and the benefits of application.

There are three main phases that make up the supply chain:
1. Procurement: refers to how, where and when raw materials are procured

and supplied for the manufacture of products.

2. Production: involves the transformation of raw materials into finished


3. Distribution: this stage deals with the activities that make it possible for the

products to reach their destination. This is achieved through a network of

distributors, warehouses, physical stores, or online platforms (if the business

is an e-commerce).

Figure 15 Suplaing Change in Logistics


The importance or benefit of a good supply chain management are:

 Customer loyalty: thanks to efficiency in production processes, customer

service improvement in delivery time or purchase conditions.

 Better control: With the process defined, we can know in real time where

the product is in the chain. This allows greater control with external factors

such as suppliers.

 More profitability: All operating costs in the supply chain are reduced by


 Leadership: A good supply chain implementation leads to good results for

an organization. It will also make you stand out in the market as a leading


 Greater unity in the team: Each actor knows their roles, when to perform

them and the importance of working as a team.

(Estaun, 2023)


The different elements that make up the logistics information system include

procedures, people, information technology and the functions involved such as planning,

controlling, monitoring and controlling all the processes involved in logistics activities,

contributing to decision making, satisfying the growing demand of customers and, in the

same way, giving the company a competitive advantage.


Estaun, M. (5 de 01 de 2023). La Cadena de Gestión de Suministro (SCM): qué es y cuáles

son las ventajas que ofrece. Obtenido de IEBSSchool:


masterlogistica. (2021). ¿Qué es la identificación automática y captura de datos? Obtenido

de MasterLogistica:


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