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Electrical Engineering Department

EE 200– Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Laboratory Manual

Name: Jobert Soriano Date Performed: 08/29/22

Course: EE200D Date Submitted: 08/29/22
Section: CPE21S3 Instructor: Mr. Eric Ybanez

Experiment No. 4


1. Objective(s):

The activity aims to verify the characteristics of a parallel circuit.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. examine the characteristics of a parallel dc circuits.
2. apply Ohm’s law to parallel dc circuits.
3. use a multimeter to make measurements in a parallel dc circuit.
4. compare computed value to measured value.

3. Discussion:

Parallel circuits are circuits that provide two or more paths for current. Most of the light fixtures and wall
outlets in your home are connected in parallel circuits. Many of the circuits that cause your radios and
television sets to operate are parallel circuits.

The characteristics of parallel circuits are as follows:

1. Two or more paths are provided for current.

2. The voltage across each path or branch is the same.
3. The sum of the currents in each path or branch equals the total current.
4. The total resistance (RT) is computed with the following formula.

RT =
1 1 1 1
+ + +…+
R1 R2 R 3 Rn

4. Resources:

1 pc. Digital Multimeter

1 pc. DC power supply

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200– Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Laboratory Manual

3 pcs. carbon composition resistors (30 , 60 , 75 )

1 pc. Extension cord
8 pcs. alligator clips

5. Procedure:

1. Connect resistors R1, R2, and R3 in parallel as illustrated in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1 Resistors in Parallel

2. Measure and record the total resistance of the circuit, i.e., the total resistance measured across
the terminals A and B.

3. Connect Ea source voltage across the

R1parallel resistors as
R2 shown in Figure 7.2.
30ohm 60ohm 75ohm

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200– Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Laboratory Manual

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200– Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Laboratory Manual

Figure 7.2 Parallel Resistors Connected Across a 3-V Source

4. Measure the total current and the current through each resistor.

5. Measure and record the voltage drops across each resistor, as well as the source voltage.

6.Data and Results:

Calculated Value Measured Value % Difference

Total Resistance 0.0633 Ω 0.0633 Ω 0

Current in R1 0.1 mA 0.1 mA 0

Current in R2 0.05 mA 0.05 mA 0

Current in R3 0.04 mA 0.04 mA 0

Total Current 0.38 mA 0.38 mA 0

Voltage across R1 3V 3V 0

Voltage across R2 3V 3V 0

Voltage across R3 3V 3V 0

Total Voltage 9V 9V 0

7. Computations:

8. Conclusion:

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200– Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Laboratory Manual

9. Assessment:
1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
skills. skills skills.
Members are unable Members are able to Members are able to
to set-up the set-up the materials set-up the material with
materials. with supervision. minimum supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
process skills. process skills. process skills.
Members do not Members follow safety
Safety Members follow safety
follow safety precautions most of
Precautions precautions at all times.
precautions. the time.
II. Work Habits
Members do not finish Members finish on Members finish ahead of
Management /
on time with time with incomplete time with complete data
Conduct of
incomplete data. data. and time to revise data.
Members have
Members do not know
defined Members are on tasks
their tasks and have
responsibilities most and have defined
no defined
Cooperative and of the time. Group responsibilities at all
Teamwork conflicts are times. Group conflicts
Group conflicts have
cooperatively are cooperatively
to be settled by the
managed most of the managed at all times.
Neatness and Messy workplace Clean and orderly Clean and orderly

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200– Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Laboratory Manual

workplace with
workplace at all times
during and after the occasional mess
Orderliness during and after the
experiment. during and after the
Members require
Ability to do Members require Members do not need to
independent supervision by the be supervised by the
supervision by the
work teacher. teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score
(Total Score)
Rating= ×100
8. Reference(s):
“Understanding DC Circuits”, Dale R. Patrick/”Electric Circuit Fundamentals”, Thomas L. Floyd

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