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y Choose two different types of texts and

identify the sentences types used in these texts

y Compare and contrast the sentence types

used in these texts and discuss the effect of using different sentence types in each text

y Individually, rewrite the phonetic transcription of a given paragraph in orthograprhic form

How to Travel with a Small Child

When you travel with a small child, a properly packed diaper bag is the key element to a successful journey. The necessities of young children are many, and a pre-prepared satchel containing all of the required paraphernalia is of fundamental importance. When the diaper bag is not well stocked, the minutes before leaving the house are spent snatching diapers, seizing bottles and formula, searching for pacifiers and scouring the playroom for favorite toys in a haphazard attempt to collect all of the essentia ls. Certain fundamental apparatus must be contained in the diaper bag at all times. First, and perhaps the most obvious, are the diapers. Unfortunately, more than once, I have found myself locked in a bathroom stall at Kmart with three size 2 diapers and a wet and cranky baby who wears size 4. Since it is impossible to tape two of the size 2 diapers together to make a size 4 (I did learn some math in high school), it is essential to update the stash of diapers that remain in the diaper bag. Food is a third commodity that must be carried at all times. Because my son is still an infant, he is only able to eat baby food and to drink baby formula. Because this special food cannot be purchased at a fast food establishment, I must keep my supply current. The formula powder must be refrigerated after it is mixed with water, so I must carry two bottles. One of the bottles contains water and the other contains the formula powder. I must also reme mber to pack nipples for the bottle, washcloths to clean up after the meals, jars of food, spoons, and bowls. Into the diaper bag they go.

Vowel sounds
 Child  Bag  Spoon  Food  Wet  Key  Eat  Toys  Keep

consonant  That  Must

 Pack  Stash

ISL 11
y In group, surf the internet. y Select an article. Evaluate and present it in class

Artilcle : It's official: Smoking makes you stupid

Smoking is directly correlated with a lower IQ, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel and published in the journal Addiction. Researchers tested the IQs of more than 20,000 healthy men between the ages of 18 and 21 who were either serving in the Israeli military or who had recently completed their service. Twenty-eight percent of the men in the sample smoked, while 3 percent were former smokers and 68 percent had never smoked. The average IQ of thesmokerswas 94, compared with 101 among the non -smokers. Men who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes a day had an average IQof 90. Although a normal IQ falls between 84 and 116, the difference observed in the study is still considered significant. In twin pairs where one brother smoked and the other did not, the smoker consistently tested at a lower IQ. The study could not prove whether rsmoking caused a lower IQ or having a lower IQ predisposed people to smoke, but the researchers did rule out the possibility that low socioeconomic status produces both smoking and a lower IQ. "In the health profession, we've generally thought that smokers are most likely the kind of people to have grown up in difficult neighborhoods, or who've been given less education at good schools," said researcher Mark Weiser, also of Tel Hashomer Hospital. "But because our study include d subjects with diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, we've been able to rule out socioeconomics as a major factor." Weiser noted that people with lower IQs are also more likely to suffer from other forms of drugaddictionand to have health and weight problems.

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S oking is directly correlated it a lower I , according to a study conducted y researchers from el A i ni ersity in Israel and published in the journal Addiction.

wenty-eight percent of the men in the sample smoked, while percent were former smokers and percent had never smoked

Men who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes a day had an averageI of .

he study could not prove whether smoking caused a lower I or having a lower I predisposed people to smoke, but the researchers did rule out the possibility that low socioeconomic status produces both smoking and a lower I .

eiser noted that people with lower I s are also more likely to suffer from other forms of drugaddictionand to have health and weight problems.

ISL 13
y In group, surf the internet for samples of essays of different text types. Select at least 2 text and compare and contrast the organizational pattern of the text types

Essay 1 : A murder that raises some disturbing questions

It is difficult to ignore the similarities between the death of Anthony Walker, killed in a horrific attack in Liverpool on Friday, and the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993. Both men were 18 -year-old, black students. Both were set upon in vicious and unprovoked attacks. And both killings have raised profoundly troubling questions about the state of modern Britain. The investigation into the killing of Anthony Walker is ongoing, so we do not yet know the full circumstances of his death. But what we do know is terrible enough. He was sitting at a bus stop in Huyton at 11.30pm with his girlfriend and his cousin when a man in a hooded top approached and - police say - racially abused them. Without responding, th e three walked in the direction of another bus stop through a nearby park where they were attacked by a group of men. Walker was left on the ground, an axe embedded in his skull. He died early on Saturday in a specialist medical centre. The police have treated the case as a racially motivated attack. Walker was a promising student from a good home. He was not involved in any criminal activities. The appalling reality seems to be that this young man - like Stephen Lawrence before him - was killed, police believe, because of the colour of his skin. It is tempting to take the view that we have made little progress in the 12 years since Lawrence was stabbed to death at a bus stop in south -east London by a gang of white youths. But, despite the sickening nature o f this latest crime, there are signs that our society has learnt some of the lessons from the Lawrence murder. The most obvious area of improvement can be seen in the response of the police. The operation to hunt down those responsible is entirely professi onal. They were quick to make an appeal to the public for information. And yesterday they arrested a man. In short, there is no indication that they are not treating the case with the seriousness it so manifestly deserves.

This is a far cry from the manner in which the police responded to the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993. The Macpherson report into that investigation was damning. It found that the police's unwillingness to follow up leads let those responsible for the murders evade justice. It put this failure down to a mixture of incompetence and "institutional racism". To their credit, the police have implemented many of the recommendations of the Macpherson report. And the former Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Paul Condon, accepted the nee d to root out racism from the force. But there are still problems. A worrying number of black men still die while in police custody. A BBC undercover documentary two years ago exposed some shocking examples of racism in the modern police force. This murder also raises worrying questions about wider society in Britain. How can we - a stable country that prides itself on its values of tolerance - continue to produce this hatred? And why is there even a hint from the police that the predominantly white Liverpo ol community where Walker lived might be loath to come forward with information about who might have committed this grotesque crime? We are entering a dangerous period with respect to race relations in this country. The threat from Islamic suicide bombers has prompted an upsurge of attacks on Muslims. Even the most unprejudiced of people have found themselves wary of their fellow passengers on trains and buses. As the reaction to the murder of Anthony Walker shows, these are unsettled times. It is vital tha t all Britons, of every ethnic background, maintain a sense of perspective and confront extremism whenever it appears with a united voice of condemnation.

Essay : Technology in sport Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for a practical purpose or purposes. The Game of golf has rapidly improved over the last 10 years and this is due to the Technological developments in the game and the improved fitness and training regimes. Over the last 10 years the golf clubs used by professionals and amateurs have rapidly improved this is due to the fact that the materials used to make the clubs have changed and they have also been able to enlarge the hitting area on the clubfaces. Here is how certain clubs have changed over the last 10 years: Woods: Nowadays there are vast ranges of woods on offer from very shallow faced woods right the way too deep -faced drivers. These clubs offer so much more forgiveness then the woods around 10 years ago, 10 years ago titanium was just being put on the market and w as very expensive to buy, metal headed drivers where most commonly used by professionals and amateurs. Woods today offer so much more, you can have offset woods to stop slicing the ball. They also have something called the The trampoline effect this is a clubface which has a thick elliptical area and thinner perimeter area generates the spring like effect for extra distance. Irons: Like woods there are a vast selection of irons to choose from, you can still have the old fashioned bladed club, but these ar e hardly used by amateurs only the very good single figured handicappers might use blades, nowadays nearly all manufacturers will make cavity back irons these irons offer a lot more forgiveness when struck badly, they have vastly improved since 10 years ag o cavity backs where still used then but they still where no way as good as what they are now, due to how rapidly technology has developed over 10 years. Balls: The golf ball is changing every year, In 1921, the R&A and USGA standardised the size and weight of the ball. Since then further constraints have been proposed which are detailed in the rules. Between 1931 and 1990, both organisations differed on the dimensions of the golf ball which meant that the game played on either side of the Atlantic was simi lar but different.

Today there is a rich variety of golf balls to suit the individual game and circumstance. Some offer control, some offer distance while others are suitable for practice only. Antique golf balls are avidly collected and are becoming inc reasingly valuable. A dimple patterned Guttie in good condition is worth about $US 500. Now companies are making balls with titanium cores for extra distance, they are forever changing the dimples on a ball, this effects the spin rate and the ball flight. They also make balls with covers that are a lot more durable. A 3 - piece golf ball is used mostly by lower handicappers and professionals e.g. Titleist Pro V1. The ball most used used by amateurs would be the 2 -piece golf ball, these offer more distance an d a lot more durability, you still get a bit of control from these balls but companies are still trying to improve the control of 2 -piece balls.

Shafts: Shaft properties, including flex, torque, kick -point (bend or flex point), shaft length and weight, play important roles in affecting the balance and feel of golf clubs as well as ball trajectory. Particularly, graphite shafts come with a wide range of specifications, and are acknowledged to be very beneficial for improving our game. Drivers with graphite shafts have enabled average golfers to hit more consistently and longer balls off the tee. While steel shafts for drivers in general weigh roughly 90-120 grams, graphite shafts are generally lighter. The shaft weight of 65 grams seems to be the most popular weight nowadays while it ranges mostly between 50 grams and 90 grams (ultra light graphite shafts are less than 40 grams). The torque of steel shafts is at around 3.0, while that of graphite shafts could be as low as 2.0 and up to 12.0. As to the kick -point, graphite shafts are more versatile, too. However, steel shafts are rather popular in the applications for irons, and today's steel shafts could be very sophisticated.

Material Design: Nowadays there are so many different types of materials used in the club making process, but 10 years ago people would never of thought they would be using tungsten titanium irons, or titanium headed drivers that hit the ball over 300 yards on average. You now can also get wedges that rust and are supposed to grip the ball to the clubface to produce more backspin.

Clothing and footwear: This has become a huge market for all golf club manufactures, waterproofs these days are so better then they were 10 years ago. They arent just plastic rain Macs anymore, you can have so many different types of clothing there are windproof tops, you can even have waterproof jackets with sleeves that zip off so it is a lot easier to swing. The market for this is so big now that companies sponsor world class golfers and then let them bring o ut their own range of clothing.

urder hat raises so e disturbing uesti ns

Essay : echnol gy in sport

It is difficult to ignore the si ilarities between the death f nthony alker, killed in a horrific attack in iverpool n riday, and the urder f Stephen awrence in

Technol gy is the applicati n f scientific knowledge f r a practical purpose r purposes.

It is vital that all Britons, f every ethnic background, aintain a sense f perspective and confront extre is whenever it appears with a united voice f conde nati n.

The a e f golf has rapidly i proved ver the years and this is due last to the Technol gical devel p ents in the ga e and the i proved fitness and training regi es

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