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<Wilson summary>

202100602 Ye Rin Moon

- Wilson summary -
The Study of Administration I

Part 1 of Public Administration argues that Wilson needs to study public administration in order to know if
government works effectively. And he explains the history of public administration. He explained the difficulties
of government action. Administration developed in Europe because the European authoritarian states required
an efficient method. It also explained why the administrations of the United States and the United Kingdom
were underdeveloped. The history of public administration is divided into three periods: antiquity, constitutional,
and democratic constitutional periods.

The Study of Administration II

Part 2 of Public Administration mainly deals with Wilson's opinions on public administration. Wilson argued
that administration is a part of business. He argued that a distinction should be made between politics and
administration. He also argues for the difference between constitution and administration. And he argues that it
should be a democratic administration. To accomplish the goals of administration, a democratic civil service is
necessary. A democratic civil service must be closely linked to popular thought.

The Study of Administration III

Part 3 of Public Administration deals with how best to develop public administration. Wilson argues that all
effective governments share strong structural similarities. Because the legitimate purpose or goal of
administration is effective government, it emphasizes the effectiveness of administration. He argues that public
administration can be compared. He argues that a separate comparison between politics and administration can
make a proper comparison. He argues that comparisons can be effectively pursued within one's own system by
extracting administration through foreign examples.

- comprehension questions –
1. Wilson disagrees with Niebuhr and holds with the concept of the rule of law that constitutional arrangements
set the boundaries for liberty, whereas administration merely works within those boundaries.

→ Did Wilson assert that administration is possible only within the freedoms limited by the Constitution?

2. Wilson feels that the science of administration can be borrowed.

→ Why did he say that he borrowed public administration rather than brought it?

- discussion for reading that would make a good essay question on an exam –
How can the administrative comparison method be effective?

: I think Wilson's argument here is effective. Wilson said he wasn't copying the entire foreign system. Effective
methods should be unbiased when compared first. And it is necessary to maintain its own system. To do this, it
is better to think separately between politics and administration. An effective comparison method is to extract
the essence of administration through the strengths of foreign cases and apply the essence to more effectively
pursue one's own goals, purposes, and values within one's system through self-politics. In this way, we can make
efficient comparative administration.
- new vocabulary I had to look up –
 paucity

 monarch

 fraud

 open revolt

 jurisdiction

 sovereignty

 unhampered

 meddlesomeness

 exceptionalism

 arbitrariness

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